Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 290: On the Yudai Bridge

The honest monk smiled bitterly and asked, "What do you think of again?"

Lu Yang said: "I suddenly remembered that I haven't had dinner yet."

The honest monk rolled his eyes and looked at Lu Yang and said, "Are you trying to beat the monk's steamed buns again?"

Lu Yang stared at him and said, "When did I lie to you? Wouldn't it be possible for you to lose a few ribbons for a steamed bun?"

The honest monk's eyes rolled a few times, and he suddenly laughed and said: "The monk never tells a lie, there are still three and a half buns on the monk, do you want to change it?"

Lu Yang said, "Of course."

The honest monk asked: "What do you want to change?"

Lu Yang said, "I have all my belongings now. I will give you whatever you want."

The honest monk looked at Lu Yang up and down several times, smiling bitterly: "It seems that your possessions are not necessarily more than the monks."

Lu Yang smiled: "At least, I have two more beards and thousands of hairs than the monk."

The honest monk said: "You don't want your hair and beard monk. It's useless if the monk asks for it. As long as you promise one thing, the monk will give you half of the steamed buns."

Lu Yang asked: "What's the matter?"

The honest monk said: "As long as you pretend to not know the monk the next time you see the monk, the world will be peaceful."

Lu Yang laughed, patted him on the shoulder, and sat down beside him.

Lu Xiaofeng was standing behind Lu Yang.

When sitting down beside the honest monk, Lu Yang was still smiling.

The honest monk said: "Don't you agree?"

Lu Yang said: "No."

The honest monk asked: "You don't want to eat steamed buns?"

Lu Yang said: "Yes."

The honest monk said: "Then why don't you agree?"

Lu Yang said, "Because I already have a steamed bun."

The honest monk was stunned: "Where did your steamed buns come from?"

Lu Yang said, "I came from Sikong Picking the Stars."

The honest monk was stunned again: "Sikong picks the stars?"

Lu Yang smiled: "If I hadn't learned a few hands from him, how could I have touched the monk's steamed buns? So of course, the steamed buns came from him."

The honest monk was speechless, he had already discovered that he had one less anger.

The steamed bun was in Lu Yanghe's hands, as if it were a trick, it suddenly changed.

The honest monk sighed and murmured: "This person is hard to learn, but he wants to learn to be a thief."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "At least, the thief will not go hungry."

Lu Yang stuffed half a steamed bun first, then asked, "What is the monk waiting here?"

The honest monk said with a straight face: "Waiting for the emperor to fall asleep."

Lu Yang said: "We can't go in yet?"

The honest monk said: "Then when shall we wait here?"

The honest monk said: "When the time comes, you will know." Lu Yang stood up and looked around: "Have Ximen Chuuxue and Ye Gucheng come?"

The honest monk said: "I don't know."

Lu Yang asked: "What about the other people?"

The honest monk said: "I don't know."

Lu Yang asked: "Could it be that you haven't seen it alone?"

The honest monk said: "I saw only one and a half people."

Lu Yang asked in surprise: "A half person?"

The honest monk said: "One is Yin Xian, who asked me to wait here."

"What about the other half? Whose is it?" Lu Yang asked.

The honest monk said: "It's you, at most you are only half a person."

Lu Yang laughed, but Lu Xiaofeng remained silent and did not know the expression on his face.

However, it can be seen that his face is full of worry. There, I am afraid that there is more worry about Ximen Chuuxue.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in the darkness, that figure was like flying, and it was that Nei family's authentic "eight steps to drive the cicada" light skill.

The man made several ups and downs before he arrived.

The green cloth and socks, with white hair, belonged to the famous wooden Taoist in martial arts.

Lu Yang smiled: "The monk is really honest and didn't eat anything from the Taoist priest."

The honest monk said: "The monk only swallows steamed buns, but steamed buns are often stolen."

Taoist Mu glanced at Lu Yang, frowning deliberately and said: "Who is so unpromising that even monks can steal steamed buns?"

Lu Yang said: "As long as there is a chance, I will steal things from Taoists."

Taoist Mu smiled and said, "At least, this person is still honest, and he actually confessed himself."

At this moment, another figure appeared in the darkness.

Lu Yang just took a look, frowned and said, "Who did you give to another piece of satin?"

The honest monk said: "This person is not Yan Renying."

Taoist Mu immediately said: "This person is not Yan Renying."

The honest monk said: "It's definitely not Tang Tianzong, let alone Sima Ziyi."

The person's body is strange, his sleeves are fluttering, it seems that he came in by the wind, but he himself is reluctant to use any strength.

Yan Renying, Tang Tianzong, and Sima Ziyi definitely did not have such a high level of lightness.

In fact, there are only three or five people in the arena, including Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng.

The honest monk asked: "Who is this person?"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "This person is not a human, not even half a person, he is completely a monkey spirit."

Before he finished speaking, the figure in the dark suddenly rushed over like an arrow.

He was dressed in style, hunting and thinking, as if he was about to hit Lu Yang with his head.

Just when he rushed to the front of Lu Yang, he suddenly flipped two somersaults and fell gently.

His head was gray and gray, and it seemed that this action had already taken him a lot of effort, he was bent over and coughed nonstop.

Lu Yang said with a stern face, "You haven't noticed yet, who owns this monkey spirit?"..


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