Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 289: Prelude

Where is Ximen Chuuxue? Is he already gone?

Of course he is gone.

In the room, only this lone lamp accompanied them.

The door was also hidden, Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng actually forgot to knock on the door, their hearts were so heavy.

When did Ximen Chuuxue leave? Lu Yang wanted to ask, but he didn't ask, he didn't dare to ask, and couldn't bear to ask.

There are three empty glasses and a jug of wine on the table.

Lu Xiaofeng poured himself a glass and Lu Yang also poured a glass, drank it slowly, poured another glass, and drank it quickly.

Sun Xiuqing said suddenly: "He is gone."

Lu Yang said: "I know."

Sun Xiuqing said: "He said that he must go earlier, go out of the city first, and then come in through the city gate, so that others think he has never been in the capital."

Lu Yang said: "I understand."

Ximen Chuuxue had already considered everything thoroughly, and he was determined to die.

Indeed, people like him can't afford to lose anymore. If they lose, they lose their lives.

But his biggest sigh now is that he can't accompany Sun Xiuqing and the unborn child.

He must leave them a quiet space.

Sun Xiuqing said: "He hopes that you will also go there, because he has no other friends."

Lu Yang was speechless, and Sun Xiuqing didn't say anything.

She turned her head and stared at the night outside the window.

The night is getting thicker, a full moon slowly rises, and the evening breeze is gradually full of coolness.

I don't know how long it took, Sun Xiuqing sighed softly: "Today's sunset is particularly beautiful, much more beautiful than usual, but it will soon be out of sight."

She closed her eyes and the tears had fallen.

Ouyang Qing, Xue Bing and Zhang Ling just put their hands on hers, but they didn't know what to say.

Sun Xiuqing slowly continued: "Why are beautiful things so short? Why don't they stay in the world for a while?"

Is she asking Heaven or Lu Yang and Xiaofeng?

They really can't answer, no one can answer this question at all.

Lu Yang drank another glass of wine, smiled reluctantly and said, "We will definitely bring him back."

Lu Yang walked out, and Lu Xiaofeng followed behind.

Ouyang Qing suddenly took Lu Xiaofeng's hand, and Lu Xiaofeng turned around, but saw Ouyang Qing's eyes.

There seemed to be some tears in her eyes.

Even a nerd can already see her care and affection.

Of course Lu Xiaofeng could see it, but he couldn't believe that the current Ouyang love was that of the cold Ouyang love.

Why has she become so tender and full of affection?

Only then did Lu Xiaofeng feel that he knew too little about women.

Fortunately, he knew that if a woman hated a man, she would never look at him in this way.

Let alone holding his hand.

Her hands are cold, but very hard.

Because it is now that Ouyang Qing can fully understand how painful and sad it would be for a woman to lose her beloved man.

They stared like this.

Xue Bing and Zhang Ling just held Lu Yang's hand: "Be careful." They couldn't say anything, they were deeply worried.

For a long time, Ouyang Qing said softly: "You will be back too."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "I will definitely be back."

Ouyang Qing said: "Sure?"

Lu Xiaofeng said: "Definitely."

Ouyang Qing lowered her head and slowly let go of her hand: "I'm waiting for you."

I'm waiting for you, how gentle and beautiful these three words are. Any man who listens to it will surely be like drinking ten kilograms of old music, drunk and can't tell the south, east, west, northwest.

They are not drunk, but the kind of affection that is stronger than wine.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng were walking on the way to the Forbidden City, and their ribbons were wearing like this.

On the road, I met a lot of people from the rivers and lakes.

There is Du Tongxuan, Bu Ju.

Actually, when they saw the ribbon on Lu Yang's body, they didn't say anything about it, but Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng were extremely puzzled.

The contest should begin immediately. They should be as anxious as a monkey, jumping up and down.

However, their expressions are so calm.

The full moon has risen.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng have approached the Forbidden City.

They must rush into the Forbidden City as soon as possible. They can't be late.

The Hall of Supreme Harmony is in the Gate of Supreme Harmony. The Jinshui Yudai River outside the Gate of Supreme Harmony looks like a Jinshui Yudai River under the moonlight.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng crossed Tianjie under the moonlight, entered Donghua Gate, Longzong Gate, and turned into Meridian Gate.

Finally arrived at the forbidden land in the forbidden land, the city in the city.

On the road in that city, patrolmen guarded, one post at three steps and one guard at five steps.

Without such ribbons, it would be quite difficult for anyone who wants to break in.

Even if you can get here, don't even think about getting over Lei Chi.

Although there was no one to look around in that place, there must be master guards from Ouchi lurking everywhere in the darkness.

Today is an extraordinary day. The capital is not easily accessible, especially this forbidden city.

Ouchi is a Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, some are specially hired martial arts masters, and some are young heroes with great ambitions.

Some are for the Jiang Yang thieves who are temporarily hiding here to avoid enemies and avoid the limelight.

However, no matter who it is, they dare not underestimate their strength.

Under the moonlight, I saw a man sitting cross-legged under the Yudai Bridge under the Yudai River, and his light head was glowing.

"Honesty monk." Lu Yang rushed forward and said with a smile, "The monk is here at the right time."

The honest monk was gnawing on a steamed bun, and when he saw Lu Yang, he hurriedly hid the steamed bun and answered vaguely.

It seemed that he hoped that Lu Yang didn't see the bun in his hand.

Lu Yang laughed: "Seeing the thing in your hand, I remembered another thing."..


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