Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 317: Gentle trap

He was originally a curious person, what he liked was the excitement of sudden mysterious adventure, how could he let it go?

So, without thinking about it now, he immediately said: "I promised you."

He stared at Leng Ruoshuang's thin light shirt like cicada wings, and smiled: "You'd better use a piece of cloth to cover my eyes. Sometimes, my eyes will see through."

What is darkness?

What would it be like for a person to be in the endless darkness day and night, year, month, month?

Lu Yang suddenly thought of Huamanlou. He felt that people like Huamanlou were actually very happy.

Although the heavens gave him such cruel torture, he did not blame the heavens and others, but had a kind of compassion and fraternity towards all things in the world.

How many people will be able to do this? That is really not an easy task.

Lu Yang sighed. Although his eyes were blindfolded for only a moment, he already found it hard to bear.

The carriage seemed to have passed a night market, which was very prosperous, and then passed a stream of water, which sounded like sound.

He heard human voices like running water again, which seemed very lively.

Now the car stopped, Leng Ruoshuang took his hand and said softly: "You follow me slowly, I promise, this place will never disappoint you."

Her hands are so delicate and soft, making people feel so comfortable, making people feel like a heartbeat.

They seemed to be walking down, and in the sound of the wind, there were worms and cicadas. Obviously, they had walked through a wilderness again.

Then, Lu Yang heard a knock on the door.

Someone came to open the door.

After entering the door, it seemed to be a tunnel. The tunnel was not long, and it came to an end in a while.

As soon as I walked in, I could faintly hear shouts and the sound of dice falling into the bowl.

There was also the sound of silver beating, and more of the laughter of men and women.

Leng Ruoshuang said softly: "Here."

Lu Yang sighed in relief: "Thank God, it's finally here."

There was a knock on the door again, and after opening the door, the various sounds inside sounded more clearly.

Leng Ruoshuang took his hand and walked in, and said softly, "You wait here first, and I will find my master here to meet you."

Leng Ruoshuang released Lu Yang's hand, and the intoxicating fragrance immediately left him.

Suddenly there was a bang, someone slammed the door shut, and all the sounds in the room disappeared.

The voices of people, laughter, and money knocking that he was listening to, suddenly disappeared miraculously.

The day and the earth seemed to become deadly silent, and Lu Yang seemed to have suddenly fallen from the red dust into the grave.

What is going on?

"Girl Leng, Ruoshuang Leng." Lu Yang couldn't help calling.

However, no one responded. So many people in that house, are they all gagged?

Lu Yang finally couldn't help pulling away the cloth covering his eyes, and then felt that his whole body was as cold and stiff as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

There is no one in the house, not even one. What about those people just now? Where did you go? What about those voices?

If they walked clean at that moment, how could it be possible? It is absolutely impossible.

How could the impossible happen like this?

Lu Yang smiled bitterly. Sure enough, women are a disaster, and in front of women, they feel a lot slower.

The room is not big, there is only one bed and one table, on the table are exquisite wine and dishes, but the wine and dishes are like no one has moved.

Lu Yang shuddered. With such a small room, it is impossible for so many people to be there at the same time.

So what happened to so many voices and so many people just now?

In fact, everyone can tell that there was no one in this room just now, there was no one.

But Lu Yang clearly heard the voices of many people, the laughter and roar of many people.

Especially those silver coins beating, those dice beating.

If he doesn't believe his eyes, he can't believe his ears.

However, his ears are as good as flowers, and they have never been wrong.

Really in front of that cold Ruoshuang, will become so dull?

What is going on?

If there are all kinds of sounds out of thin air in a room without people, it is absolutely impossible.

This kind of absolutely impossible thing happened again, and it happened again for Lu Yang.

Is this a haunted house?

Did God let him encounter few strange things? He also encountered a ghost.

Lu Yang laughed suddenly. Since he couldn't figure out something, he definitely didn't need to think about it anymore.

He couldn't get out.

There are no windows in the room at all, and the walls and doors on all sides are actually iron plates several inches thick!

Lu Yang laughed again, and when he encountered helpless things, he always faced with a smile.

He always felt that this was one of his limited good habits.

No matter what you face, laughter is always good.

Laughing is not only pleasant, but also relaxing.

But now, how could he get it easy?

On the table, there are four dishes to go with wine.

One dish is pine nut chicken rice, one is fried crab with sauce, one is cold goose palm, and the other is dry steamed fire.

The four dishes were not only exquisitely prepared, but also Lu Yang liked to eat everything.

It seems that the person who laid this trap seemed to know Lu Yang's usual living habits very well.

The wine is an old Jiangnan daughter red, the mud seal on the wine jar is still there, and a note is pressed under the wine jar:

"Persuade you to drink a glass of wine, here is an old friend to stay here." ..


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