Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 318: Was arbitrated

Of course, the old man means a friend, and only a friend can understand him in this way.

But Lu Yang couldn't think of anyone among his old friends who wanted to fix him like this.

Next to the note, there are two very beautiful lines:

"Remain for three days and take a short break,

Three days later, I should come again. "

Although there is no name left below, it can be seen that the iceberg-like coldness is left.

She seemed sure that Lu Yang would be fooled by her.

They counted so accurately, set up such a trap, is it just to keep Lu Yang here for three days?

Lu Yang didn't believe it, but he was not a god, so he couldn't guess what their purpose was.

Of course you don't have to think about things you can't think of. Lu Yang is also so curious about this matter.

Curiosity killed the cat, no matter what, let's go with the flow first, Lu Yang didn't bother to think so much.

If he really stayed for three days, he would absolutely not believe it, there would be other purposes.

Now Lu Yang didn't want to think about it anymore. He sat down, picked up the chopsticks, and first picked a fat and thin dry steamed water cube and put it in his mouth.

The chopsticks are silver, and there is no poison in that dish.

Of course, from the fact that they knew Lu Yang so well, it seemed that it would not be easy to poison him.

It seems that they are not malicious.

Lu Yang held the jar of wine and slapped the mud seal with a palm.

There was a "wave" sound, and a light smoke sprayed out of the mud seal.

With another "bang", the wine jar fell to the ground and shattered to pieces.

This time, Lu Yang really made a mistake. Looking at the wine on the ground, thinking about it, but couldn't laugh because he passed out.

The fog has all disappeared, and the sky is full of stars.

In the wind, there were a few cicadas singing from time to time, and the soil was already wet with dew.

Lu Yang's clothes were also soaked.

When he woke up, he happened to see that the dark sky in the east had turned into a hopeful white like a fish belly.

When he woke up, everything was recovering, just when the vitality had just begun.

When he stood up, he saw some greens appearing in the gloomy distant mountains.

The wind blew softly towards the face, carrying the fragrance of wood from the distant mountains.

In the mountains, bursts of smoke rose.

Nearby, the farmhouse can not be seen.

If this is where his constellation got off, what about a house made of iron plates?

If this is not where he was last night, then how could he come here?

Those who worked so hard to set up such a trap and let him be fooled is to let him sleep in this wilderness all night?

Lu Yang didn't believe this, but he couldn't think of what their purpose space was like.

Therefore, Lu Yang took off his wet clothes, put it on his shoulders, and started walking back in strides.

He can only smile wryly now, without expecting that he overturned a boat in the gutter of a woman.

It is true that confidantes are often troublesome, but he seems to have no resistance to women at all.

As soon as he saw a woman, his alertness seemed to be much lower. Lu Yang sighed.

If one day is really in the hands of a woman, it is really worthless.

He walked into the city.

He lives in the Wufu Inn in the city. Now he just wants to go back and take a hot bath.

After the spirit recovers, have a good meal and sleep.

After everything is okay, come to think about these problems.

The meat buns at Wufu Inn are really great. The chicken noodle soup is also very fragrant, and the sheets on the bed are all new, which seems to have just been shipped from the tailor shop.

Seeing the golden signboard of the Wufu Inn from a distance, Lu Yang immediately forgot all the unpleasant things.

Because seeing Wufu Inn, all pleasant things are already waiting for him there.

Unexpectedly, waiting there is not a good thing.

Just as Lu Yang walked in, he heard an angry shout. Thirteen people had already surrounded him.

Immediately afterwards, he heard another "clap" and an iron chain was tied straight around his neck.

A very thick and heavy iron chain, and the technique of covering people's necks is also quite skilled, very skillful, so that ordinary people cannot escape.

However, that is just ordinary people, Lu Yang is Lu Yang.

Lu Yang just stretched out **** and clamped it. The iron chain was clamped into two.

The clipped half of the iron chain "ding" fell on the ground.

The man with half of the iron chain staggered back a few steps.

His face was blue with fright, and his hand pointing at Lu Yang was constantly shaking: "You, you dare to resist arrest."

"Resist arrest?" Lu Yang said in surprise.

Lu Yang looked at the red tasseled cap on the man's head, frowned and asked, "Are you from the Yamen?"

The man nodded, and someone next to him was roaring: "This is Fuya Yang's head catcher. If you dare to resist arrest, it is a counter-conviction!"

Lu Yang asked: "You came to arrest me? Why? What crime did I commit?"

Yang Tautou sneered: "There is no room for sand in your eyes, and you don't talk secretly in front of real people. There are all human and material evidence. What else do you want to pretend?"

Lu Yang said in astonishment, "Where is the evidence and where is the material evidence?"

Behind the counter, there were seven or eight people sitting in such gorgeous clothes, but their faces were ugly.

Seeing Lu Yang, their angry faces appeared one by one, and they shouted one after another.

"it's him."

"Last night, this thief with four eyebrows insulted my wife and took away my things."

"My heirloom was also stolen by him."

Lu Yang was stunned. He didn't react at all, he didn't even know what happened.

Yang Catou screamed: "You did eight major cases overnight, and these people are witnesses."..


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