Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 319: Strange old man

Another officer wearing a red cherry hat pointed to the baggage behind the counter and said: "These are found from your room. These are physical evidence."

Lu Yang laughed: "If I really stole other people’s things, would I have deliberately let them see them as witnesses? Wouldn’t I put these things upright in the room waiting for others to search? Is it from someone who looks so dumb?"

Yang Tautou sneered: "Listen to the tone of your words, could it be that someone ventured to grab so many things and then gave it to you? Could it be that he is your relative."

It seemed that he didn't know Lu Yang, but he was an upright head catcher.

Lu Yang was speechless, anyone, at this time, also had nothing to say.

He didn't speak, but another person said coldly: "Killing people, stealing things, insulting women, these are not important things, as long as we don't care about this matter, then we can still get away with it."

The speaker was sitting in a far corner. There was a square table and a jug of wine on that table.

On the table are three elderly people wearing dark green embroidered robes and white jade and gold crowns.

They were sitting there gloomily, two people were drinking tea and one was drinking wine.

And the person who talks is the one who drinks, and the drinker always talks more than ordinary people.

Lu Yang smiled again: "It doesn't matter if you kill people, grab goods, or insult women? Then what kind of things are important?"

The old man who was drinking rolled his eyes, his gaze was full of energy, he stared at Lu Yang coldly and said: "No matter what you do, it doesn't matter, but you should never provoke us. From his body."

Lu Yang asked: "Where is your sacredness?"

The old man in green robe said: "Don't you know?"

Lu Yang said: "I don't know."

The green-robed old man took a glass of wine and took a sip slowly.

Suddenly, he stretched out his nails that were as dry as black claws and still had four or five inches long nails, which were dark green nails.

Lu Yang didn't seem to see it.

The old man in green robe asked: "You still don't know it now?"

Lu Yang said: "I don't know."

The green-robed old man sneered and slowly stood up.

At this time, everyone was looking at him, and then he could see his appearance clearly.

Everyone saw that there was a face on his chest, which looked like a stunning girl.

The face is clear and beautiful, with a nice face, and a bit sultry.

After he stood up completely, everyone could see that the monster embroidered on his clothes was a monster with a human head, snake body, bird claws and pupa wings!

Although everyone doesn't know the origin of the monster, although the monster was embroidered on the clothes, when you see it, you will feel an indescribable chill rise in your heart!

The faint-hearted could not help shivering when seeing its eyes.

Lu Yang didn't seem to see it.

The old man in the green robe said: "What about now? Have you already met?"

Lu Yang said: "Still don't know?"

The dry and thin face of the green-robed old man had also turned dark green, and he suddenly reached out and stuck it on the table.

He heard a sound of "grab", and all his five bird-claw nails were inserted into the table.

When he raised his hand, the two- to three-inch thick wooden table top had five more holes.

As soon as he heard the sound of "clap", half of the iron chain in Yang Takutou's hand fell on the ground, Yang Takutou had already weakened his hands and feet with fear.

Suddenly there was an unspeakable smell in the room, but three head-catchers ran away, and their crotches were obviously soaked.

At this time, Lu Yang could no longer pretend to be invisible.

Lu Yang sighed, "It's really good work."

The green-robed old man sneered: "You can also see that this is a good skill?"

Lu Yang smiled and nodded.

He had seen the sorrow of these three weird old men a long time ago. Although his face was still smiling, he actually had some seriousness.

These three old people are not ordinary people.

The old man in green robe suddenly turned up and chanted: "For a few days and ten days, the gods and ghosts are afraid to enter my door, but they are obedient!"

Lu Yang finally sighed and said, "Now, I finally understand who you are."

The old man in the green robe just sneered.

Lu Yang smiled bitterly: "Although I already know who you are, I still don't know, where I have offended you."

The old man in green robe stared at Lu Yang and waved his hand suddenly.

There was a weird sound of bamboo blowing in the back yard.

The sound was like a grieving woman crying, and it was like a cry of a ghost.

Then everyone saw four big men with naked torso and needles pierced in their chests coming in.

Although there were so many pointed needles inserted, no drop of blood came out, and there was no pain on their faces.

They came in carrying a large wooden board, which must be covered with dark green chrysanthemums.

Each of the big guys had straight eyes, as if they were intoxicated, with a swollen, terrible, secretive smile on their faces.

When the four big men came out, the old people who had been drinking tea also stood up.

The three of them walked up to the wooden planks full of dark green chrysanthemums and saluted together.

They said at the same time: "Nine heavens and ten earths, all gods and demons, all come to protect and ride together, and climb to bliss!"

Lu Yang couldn't help it, walked over and picked up a dark green chrysanthemum from the wooden board.

Suddenly, his hands became cold, and just as he wanted to pick up the chrysanthemum, he saw an eye under the chrysanthemum.

The eye was staring straight at him, the eye was more white and less black, and the eyeballs burst out completely.

There was indescribable panic and fear in those eyes.

However, he could no longer say the panic and fearful words.

Lu Yang stepped back several steps before letting out a long breath: "Who is this person?"..


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