Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 325: Rakshasa Jade

Blue Beard didn't worry, just looked at Lu Yang.

Lu Yang smiled bitterly: "Actually, I am not afraid of being scared to death, but of being angry to death."

But he still opened the painting, and there were actually four women painted on that screen!

Among the four women, there are three young women, they are picking flowers, and some are flying butterflies.

There is also a woman, older and more serious-looking lady, sitting upright in the flower shed.

The expression on the woman's face seemed to be watching them.

Blue Beard said: "They were originally my wife's."

Lu Yang looked at the woman in the painting, then looked at Fang Yuxiang, and sighed, "It turns out that you are not losing money by doing art in this business."

Blue Beard said: "My brother-in-law is not afraid of the heavens and the earth. The only thing he is afraid of is his sister. Of course he dare not paint his sister ugly, but he painted others ugly. Yes, just look at who these pictures are, even if you find them, you may not be able to recognize them."

Lu Yang stared at Blue Beard and said, "Why should I go looking for them?

Blue Beard said: "Because I want you to find them."

Lu Yang frowned and said, "You don't want to find your woman, but let me find it. Do you want to push me the woman you don't want?"

Blue Beard said: "Because I want you to get something back from them."

Lu Yang said: "What is it that makes you so troublesome, can't you just go directly to them to come back?"

Blue Beard said: "It's Rakshasa brand."

Lu Yang's expression changed a little, and he frowned.

He hasn't seen the Rakshasa card, but few people in the Jianghu people don't know the Rakshasa card. Of course he does.

The Luosha card is a jade card, a thousand-year-old ancient jade, which is said to be almost comparable to the Heshibi that the King of Qin did not use Yanyun Eighteen City to exchange for.

That jade spleen is not very big, but on the front are carved seventy-two demon and twenty-six earth evil.

There are also Buddhist scriptures on the reverse side of the Raksha card. From beginning to end, it is said that there are more than a thousand characters.

Blue Beard said: "That jade card is not only invaluable in itself, it is a treasure, it is also a treasure of the demon cult of the West. The disciples of the demon cult all over the world, as long as they see this jade plaque, it is like seeing the master visitor in person. General."

Lu Yang said: "This is what everyone in the martial arts world knows."

Blue Beard said: "Of course you know."

Lu Yang said: "However, I don't know how did that jade medal get into your hands?"

Blue Beard said: "A man lost it, so he bet it to me. He bet 500,000 taels, but he lost everything overnight."

Lu Yang smiled: "This person is really not an ordinary loser."

Blue Beard said: "In the past thirteen years, the person who has lost the most in the silver hook gambling house is him."

Lu Yang said: "At that time, you didn't know who he was?"

Blue Beard said: "At that time, I only knew his surname was Yu, Yu Tianbao, but I never dreamed that he would be the son of Simon Demon Cult Jade Raksha."

What kind of person is Simon Jade Raksha? Is it a man or a woman? Is it beautiful or ugly? no one knows.

No one has seen him in his true colors.

However, everyone believes that the most terrifying and mysterious person in the martial arts in recent years is undoubtedly him!

Not only is his life experience quite mysterious, but his martial arts is also quite mysterious.

The most important thing is that he also founded an extremely terrifying and mysterious Western Demon Cult.

This Western Demon Cult, let the martial arts people mention it, shuddering.

Lu Yang said: "Did he come alone at the time?"

Blue Beard said: "Yes, not only is it here alone, but it also looks like it's the first time in Central Plains."

Young people have been living outside the country for a long time, how many people do not want to come out to see and see the colorful world? Especially the beauty of Central Plains.

Lu Yang sighed and said, "Perhaps it was because he was here for the first time that he fell all at once."

Blue Beard said: "After I recognized his origin, I didn't dare to accept his jade medal, but he must have me accept it."

Lu Yang said: "Then he must be anxious to want those five hundred thousand taels of silver as a gambling book. It seems that he has become addicted to gambling."

Blue Beard said: "Actually, he wasn't in a hurry to turn around because he could afford to lose."

Lu Yang said: "People who like to gamble just like to gamble. There is no other reason. For them, winning or losing is irrelevant. However, if there is no gambling book, there is no way to gamble. Many people just want to gamble. Ben, even the wife can be taken out."

Blue Beard said: "However, the wife can not redeem it, but his jade medal must be redeemed."

Lu Yang nodded slightly.

Blue Beard continued: "When I accepted his jade medal, I was terrified. I don't know where to hide the jade medal."

Lu Yang nodded: "Of course you will see such an important thing. After all, if something goes wrong, you can't get rid of it."

Blue Beard said, "Yes, for this reason, I barely closed my eyes for a few days and nights."

Lu Yang asked: "Where do you hide the jade card?"

Blue Beard said: "Originally, I was hiding in a very secret cash drawer under my bed."

Lu Yang said: "What about now?"

Blue Beard sighed and said, "Now, it's gone."

Lu Yang said, "Do you know who took the jade medal?"

Blue Beard said: "Outside the iron cabinet, there are three iron doors, only two people can open them."

Lu Yang said, "Who else is there besides you?"

Blue Beard said: "Li Xia!"

Lu Yang said: "Is that the lady-like woman sitting in the flower shed watching the painting?"

Blue Beard sneered and said: "She has been married to me for ten years, and I have never seen her holding a book."

Lu Yang sighed and said, "Perhaps, now I have guessed a little why she would steal the jade medal..."..


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