Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 326: Not good

Blue Beard said: "You mean?"

Lu Yang said: "She has been married to you for more than ten years, but you just divorced her casually!"

Blue Beard said: "I gave them fifty thousand taels of silver each!"

Lu Yang said coldly: "For fifty thousand taels of silver, you can buy a woman's youth for more than ten years. This business is really done."

Blue Beard sighed: "I also know that they will not be satisfied, so just."

Lu Yang said: "Just stole the jade card to vent your anger!"

Blue Beard smiled bitterly: "However, she has done a little too much. She clearly knows that if I don't hand over the jade medal, the people under the Western Demon Sect will definitely make trouble for me and ask me for it. Fateful!"

Lu Yang said: "Love is deep, hate is deep, if it is not love, how could you marry you for more than ten years, but you easily sent her with fifty thousand taels of silver, of course she hates it, maybe she wants Your life is dead."

Blue Beard said: "But I don't want her life, I just want to get the jade medal back! Because without that jade medal, my life would be impossible to keep."

He sighed deeply and continued: "I am not a cruel person and I do not resent her."

Lu Yang said: "With your power, you should already know her whereabouts."

Blue Beard said: "She has already left the customs. She originally intended to go north, but she didn't know why, but she stopped near Lahasu on the Songhua River, as if she was planning to spend the winter there."

Lu Yang said, "It's already October. You really want me to go thousands of miles away to find a woman who is not my woman in a ghost place that is so cold that it can freeze people's noses?"

Blue Beard said: "You can find a piece of sheepskin to hide your nose."

Lu Yang stopped talking, but actually didn't know what to say.

Blue Beard said: "If you have any thoughts, you can talk about it and discuss them together."

Lu Yang pondered for a moment: "I only have a word."

Blue Beard said: "Is there only one sentence?"

Lu Yang said: "This sentence has only two words."

Blue Beard said: "Which two words?"

Lu Yang said: "Goodbye."

After saying these two words, Lu Yang immediately stood up and left.

Blue Beard smiled, but didn't even hold him back: "Are you really going to leave? Don't give it or send it."

Even if he wanted to send it, it was too late. Lu Yang flew out like a bird with a bow.

The two big men outside the door stood still like wooden men.

I heard Fang Yufei sigh in the room: "It's a pity to leave without drinking such good wine."

Fang Yuxiang sneered and said: "Some people are born with bones. Toasting and not eating, they prefer to drink fine wine. Especially mean men."

Lu Yang can only assume that he has not heard.

This time, it really caused enough trouble. He had to take a good rest and recuperate, and he would never take care of other people's idle affairs.

Most importantly, Ouyang Qing is still recuperating in the capital, while giving birth with Ximen Chuuxue's newlywed wife. More importantly, Lu Xiaofeng's stinky boy is likely to be there.

He promised Ximen Chuuxue and Mrs. Ximen that when the snow was open, he would definitely accompany them to eat mutton.

Although they are in the same capital, the two families are far apart, and they rarely communicate with each other.

Moreover, since he settled down, Lu Yang likes to walk around alone and his whereabouts are uncertain.

Even his wives didn't know where he went, and it was even harder to get together.

Thinking of Ximen Chuuxue and Sun Xiuqing, Lu Yang couldn't help but feel warm.

At the eighteenth level, Lu Yang stepped up a few steps.

Even though the secret door above was closed again, he was sure to be able to open it.

"Silver hook gambling house, iceberg beauties, hollow iron cages made of iron, Western Jade Raksha."

These things, piled up to a loud noise, really like a nightmare.

He is determined to treat these things as a nightmare.

However, these things are definitely not a dream.

Lu Yang just pushed open the secret door, and he saw the noise outside, the noise was quite loud.

I heard someone outside with a smile on his face and said, "Your old man wants to drink and want to gamble. It's all in my account."

The other person said coldly: "Count you? What are you? What qualifications do you have to speak here?"

The voice of the man was so harsh, that situation seemed to be arrogant, as if he was going to curse when he spoke.

Lu Yang sighed. He didn't even need to look at him to know who that person was.

But he still couldn't help but want to take a look, he used a finger to poke the picture outside the door a little bit.

From the gap, I saw the old man in green robe with monster embroidered on his clothes.

He stood at the door with his hands on his back, his eyes gleaming, and he kept looking around.

Behind him, the person who spoke with him with a smile was the official Yang catching head.

Looking to the side, two other old men in green robes also came, and their faces were so cold.

Their eyes are ordinary, terribly bright, and anyone with a little eye can see that their inner strength is unfathomable.

Where would these three old monsters emerge from this time?

Lu Yang sighed, opened the door, and somersault turned down the stone steps.

The two big wooden men saw Lu Yang turning back, but they looked at him with a little smile in their eyes.

This time, Lu Yang didn't seem to see them in general, as if he had returned to his own home, and walked in swaggeringly.

Lu Yang walked into the room and shouted loudly: "Hurry up and get ready to prepare wine, toast not to eat, people who like to eat fine wine are here."

The wine is ready long ago, and the people in that room seem to be right a long time ago, and he will be back soon afterwards.

Sure enough, he is someone who knows him well. ..


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