Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 361: Sudden episode

Lu Yang could only smile and said, "I didn't say that, let alone think so."

This time, of course he was lying, because in his heart, that was what he thought.

Leng Hong'er was still the same, biting her lip and staring at him. In those cold eyes, two tears rolled down suddenly.

How could a woman like her cry?

Lu Yang was stunned again: "You, what are you doing?"

Leng Hong'er lowered her head and shed tears: "It's nothing, I just feel a little uncomfortable in my heart."

Lu Yang said: "Uncomfortable?"

In addition to a bitter smile, Lu Yang could only smile bitterly, beating others all over the floor, and still uncomfortable? What did the person who was beaten think and what to do?

Of course, Leng Hong'er couldn't hear what he was thinking, and said: "You came from a foreign city. You don't know the men here. They are all bastards. Seeing that I live here alone, I always think All kinds of strange tricks came to bully me."

When she shed tears, she looked like she had become petite and weak, her cold and ferocious appearance, completely lost.

She looked like she was just a very weak little girl who had been wronged.

She went on to say: "If I was bullied by them once, there would be no way to live here in the future, because others would never blame them, but would say that I recruited bees and butterflies, so I could only pretend to be cold and fierce. It looks like, but every time in the middle of the night, I am again and again incomparably."

She can't go on, and there is no need to go on.

In the dead of night, facing the black hole house, facing the cold bed, everyone knows what it feels like.

At this time, Lu Yang just felt that the petite and weak girl in front of him was not only not scary, but very pitiful.

Leng Hong'er wiped her tears lightly, seeming to reluctantly pretend to smile: "In fact, we don't know each other, and we have never seen each other before. I shouldn't have said such things in front of a stranger."

Lu Yang immediately said: "It doesn't matter, I also have a lot of things on my mind, and I often think about finding a stranger to tell him."

Leng Hong'er raised her head, looked at Lu Yang, and said, "Can you tell me?"

The tears on her face hadn't dried yet, and when she stood in front of Lu Yang, she looked even more petite and thin.

Even if Lu Yang wanted to leave, he couldn't leave.

Isn't an invitation with tears more difficult to refuse than an invitation with a smile?

The sauerkraut white meat and blood sausage hot pot is so steaming, and the bamboo leaf green is just right.

"This kind of wine was brought from outside before. I have never been worth drinking." Leng Hong'er said.

The tears on Leng Hong'er's face have been wiped away, and the table is being set up and the dishes are being arranged.

She looked like a happy and busy little sparrow.

"Every night, I have to drink a little bit of alcohol by myself. Actually, my alcohol volume is not good, but I can only fall asleep when I am drunk."

She confessed to Lu Yang again: "Actually, sometimes, even if I am drunk, I can’t fall asleep. Sometimes I will run out and sit on the glacier, waiting for dawn. Once, I saw one The bear, at least, I think it is a bear, because its body is covered with thick and hard black hair."

Her drink volume is indeed not very good. When two glasses of wine are drunk, her face turns red and coquettishly red.

Lu Yang looked at her, but he was sighing in his heart, such a lovely girl, sitting on the ice river by himself and watching the black bear.

Thinking of it, it was indeed a rather miserable thing.

However, this is only what she said, what will it be like?

Just when Lu Yang felt uncomfortable for her, her hand just placed in front of him.

So let it go, Lu Yang held her hand tightly.

Her hands are so petite and weak. And it's hot again, it doesn't look like the hand that throws the man out at all.

The room is so warm, like spring.

There were a few sticks of winter plum in the bottle on the table, with a faint fragrance.

The cold wind was whistling outside the window, as if trying to get in, but the windows and doors were tightly closed.

Her heart was beating, beating quite fast.

Lu Yang was also beating, also quite fast.

When Lu Yang hadn't understood what was going on, she fell softly into Lu Yang's arms.

Her petite and weak body is a fire.

But her lips were cold, cold, fragrant, soft, and sweet.

For a long time, Lu Yang didn't know exactly what happened and how it happened.

But, strictly speaking, he didn't know what happened. It was not that he was a gentleman, but what happened next.

Just when many things could happen, they suddenly heard rounds of applause.

"At this time, there will be someone applauding for you." A shrill voice rang.

The mastery made them all startled, but in fact, they did jump up.

And when they jumped up, they knocked the hot pot on the table to the ground.

"Who is applauding?"

It's a big bastard, a big **** in a red robe and a green hat.

Li Shentong stood at the door, but did not know when the door suddenly opened. Li Shentong stood at the door and watched them grinning.

"Such a wonderful show, don't stop the two of you. I haven't seen such a wonderful show for many years. You just need to show me a little longer, and I will treat you to sweets tomorrow."

Li Shentong smiled, but that smile made Lu Yang almost throw up.

There was no dirty word in these words, but it made Lu Yang feel that he had never heard such disgusting words in his life.

Lu Yang could hardly help but rush forward, really wanting to slap the half-truth lunatic. ..


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