Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 362: punishment

This is really a lunatic, really disgusting, I really want to tear his mouth in half.

But Lu Yang did not rush forward because Leng Hong'er had already rushed past him.

The petite and weak girl suddenly became a fierce she-wolf, and her shots were so vicious and vicious.

Of course, Lu Yang knew that she was good at martial arts, but he did not expect that her shots would be so swift and fierce.

In the hands of 72 Lu Xiaoqin Nao, there is also a tricky trick.

No matter where she caught Li Shentong, two voices would definitely be heard.

The sound must be the sound of broken bones, with a scream like a pig.

But Li Shentong didn't let her touch even the corner of his clothes.

His painting may be quite poor and his clothes are quite funny, but his martial arts is not vague.

Even Lu Yang had to admit that no matter where his martial arts went, he would definitely be a first-class expert.

Why would such a person hide behind his sister like an idiot?

Why would he prefer to be led and run around instead of going to the world by himself?

Could it be that his sister is much better than him?

When Lu Yang watched, he just happened to see Li Shentong's hand moving away from where he shouldn't be.

Then I saw Leng Hong'er rushing out and rushing to the door. Suddenly, her weak cries sounded outside the door.

Lu Yang was least looking to bully a woman, and least willing to see a woman crying.

Lu Yang was determined to give the man in front of him a good lesson, and it seemed that he still dared to make trouble again.

Then Li Shentong smiled and waved his hands and smiled: "You can't come here, I know I can't beat you, because I know who you are."

Lu Yang's face sank and said, "Do you know who I am?"

Then Li Shentong smiled and said: "You can hide from others, but you can't hide from me. No matter how you dress up, it's useless. I also know that you are the most famous Lu Yang in the world."

Lu Yang's footsteps stopped, completely stunned.

It only took him a moment to come here, and only saw five people, but all of them surprised him.

The people in this place seem to be quite difficult.

If he wanted to completely retreat and take the Rakshasa card back, it seemed that it would definitely not be an easy task.

Li Shentong smiled more happily, and said: "However, don't worry, I will never expose this secret, because we are originally people on the same line. I have waited for you to come here. It’s been a long time."

Lu Yang felt even more strange: "Do you know I will be here?"

Li Shentong said: "Blue Beard said that he will find you. I have always believed what he said."

Lu Yang finally understood, he remembered what Blue Beard said.

"Even if you can't find it, someone will take you there. Once you get there, someone will contact you."

Lu Yang smiled bitterly. Li Shentong also smiled: "You must have never thought that I will betray my sister and be a spy for Blue Beard."

Lu Yang said coldly: "But I don't feel too weird, what else can someone like you fail to do?"

Li Shentong sighed unexpectedly: "After you see my precious sister, you will know why I have to do such a thing."

Lu Yang said: "Then how can I find her?"

Li Shentong said: "There is only one way."

Lu Yang asked: "What kind of method?"

Li Shentong said: "Hurry up and send the boxes you brought over."

Lu Yang asked: "You don't know where she is hiding?"

Li Shentong said: "Yes, I don't know, no one knows."

Li Shentong smiled bitterly again: "Except for the white silver and the yellow gold, she is definitely not recognized by the six relatives."

Lu Yang looked at Li Shentong, stared at him for a long time, and suddenly asked: "Do you want to be beaten?"

Li Shentong certainly didn't want to, no one would.

Lu Yang said: "Then, you should eat all these things on the ground as soon as possible. If you let me find that you have one piece left, I will make you regret it for the rest of your life."

The hot pot was knocked over on the ground, sauerkraut, white meat, blood sausage, poured all over the floor, in such a cold weather, quickly formed a layer of white oil.

Li Shentong knelt down, of course he knew that what Lu Yang said was not a lie.

Anyone who is disturbed when hugging and kissing a woman, others will always find some trouble.

But now Li Shentong is just like that.

When Li Shentong picked up the first piece, Lu Yang walked out slowly, and as soon as he walked out the door, Lu Yang heard him vomiting violently.

The night is so deep, the glorious lights are gone, and the small town so glorious during the day is shrouded in cold and darkness.

A cold wind blew over the ice river, and in the distance, there seemed to be a pack of wolves calling out.

The cry was so desolate and terrible, it made people feel cold to hear.

Where did Leng Hong'er go? Isn't he sitting on the ice river again, waiting to see the black bear pass by?

In her mind, what does that black bear represent? Is it the most primitive emotion of mankind?

Lu Yang felt a little uncomfortable, uncomfortable for her.

In the bottom of his heart, Leng Hong'er still looks weak.

The light in the Tianchang restaurant was still on, and the light shone from the crack of the door, and there was still a burst of hot aroma in it.

The fragrance is so familiar.

However, Lu Yang frowned. Because the fragrance is so familiar.

The one waiting for him in that door is the sauerkraut white meat and blood sausage hot pot, and the same weird girl.

At this moment, he really wanted to run to the ice river to see the black bear walked by. That would definitely feel much better. ..


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