Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 363: Feeling deceived

At that moment, Lu Yang suddenly saw a figure swept out from behind the room of Tianchang Restaurant, and his figure disappeared into the darkness in a flash.

That light exercise is already a top player in the world, not weaker than Lu Xiaofeng and Sikong.

In such a place, who would have such a clever light gong?

Lu Yang frowned and the door opened.

A pair of smiling eyes looked at Lu Yang from the crack of the open door, and smiled eagerly: "You finally remember to come back. I thought you also died on that woman's belly."

Steaming hot pot with just the right temperature and green bamboo leaves.

Chuchu smiled so sweetly: "I brought this wine specially."

Lu Yang almost couldn't help escaping again. The same wine, food and women already made him feel unbearable.

But what they said was exactly the same.

Lu Yang couldn't hear a word of what she was saying below.

Those are all the same general words, boring people.

Lu Yang jumped up suddenly: "Hurry up and ask someone to send it over, quickly."

Chu Chu was stunned and said, "Where did you send something?" She didn't understand what Lu Yang meant.

Lu Yang said: "Hurry up and let someone send the box to the Yingou Gambling Shop."

The house is seven or eight zhang, divided into seven or eight rooms by wooden boards.

In the largest room during that period, there was the largest bed with the thickest quilt.

Lu Yang was lying on the bed, covered with the quilt, but he felt terribly cold.

Everyone has a time of depression, and Lu Yang is the same.

Now, what he thinks most is Xue Bing's craftsmanship, Zhang Ling's gentleness, and the princess's arms.

They don't know that they miss themselves so much, but they are in such a ghost place, and they don't even know what they are doing.

At this time, he felt that he had messed up everything.

He really wanted to slap himself a few times, but he didn't dare, he was also afraid of pain.

Someone was carrying the box outside, and they were yawning and sneezing while carrying the box.

In the middle of the night, when I was sleeping soundly and dreaming, I was called out from the hot bed to carry the box.

Isn't this a painful thing?

Lu Yang turned over, trying to fall asleep, but couldn't.

In many cases, sleep is the same as a woman. The more you rush to ask her to come, she will not come or come too late.

Many things in life are like this.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise outside, and then a series of exclamations were heard.

Lu Yang suddenly jumped up and put on a coat. Before he could even wear his shoes, he rushed out barefoot.

Outside, a few big men carrying boxes stood there in a daze, staring at the box in a daze.

The box has fallen to the ground, the box has been scattered, and the contents of the box have rolled out.

The clothes in that box were neither gold nor silver, but bricks!

Like the big guys, Lu Yang was completely stunned!

This evening, he has been stunned for the sixth time.

This time, he was not only quite surprised, but also quite angry.

He also has a feeling of being deceived. He has always considered himself extremely clever. This feeling of being deceived is of course very uncomfortable.

But that Chu Chu didn't change his face at all, and said indifferently: "What are you doing standing there in a daze! The brick doesn't hurt after falling, so quickly put it back in the box and send it over."

Lu Yang said coldly: "Send it? Where do you send it?"

Chu Chu said: "Of course it was sent to the Yin Hook Gambling Shop."

Lu Yang sneered: "Do you want to trade bricks for other people's Rakshasa cards? Do you think they are all fools?"

Chu Chu said: "It is because that girl is not stupid at all, so I can just send this box over. If she knows the goods, she must have nothing to say when she sees these boxes."

Lu Yang said: "The same goes for other boxes, all bricks?"

Chu Chu said: "It's exactly the same brick, just."

Lu Yang asked: "Just what?"

Chu Chu smiled and said, "Although the box contains bricks, the box is made of gold. We take so much gold to go so far. It's always good to be careful."

Lu Yang was speechless. He suddenly realized that the only fool here was his own.

The shrewd people are tricked by the shrewd people.

The few remaining boxes were quickly removed by them, and Lu Yang still stood there with bare feet in a daze.

Chu Chu looked at him and smiled sweetly: "I know, you have been mad at me all the time."

Chu Chu knew that the underside of Lu Yang's robe was empty, she walked over, untied his robe, and pressed her face up.

Chu Chu hugged his waist and gently said in his ear: "Tonight, I will never make you angry, absolutely not."

Lu Yang lowered his head, looked at the ends of her hair, looked at it for a long time, and said, "What made you suddenly change your mind?"

Chu Chu said softly: "I always just do what I like to do. I didn't like to be with you before, now."

Lu Yang said: "Do you like it now?"

Chu Chu said: "Yes."

Lu Yang laughed, and suddenly picked her up, hugged her back to her own room.

Lu Yang threw her hard, threw her on the bed, turned around and left.

Although the bed was soft, the hard throw still made Chu Chu a little bit painful.

She gave a soft cry, jumped up again, stood on the bed with her hands on her hips, and shouted: "What do you mean?"

Lu Yang didn't look back. He didn't bother to look at her. He just said indifferently, "I don't mean anything else. I just want to tell you that many things are to be liked by both of you and both are happy. Now although you like and are happy But I’m not happy, I don’t like it anymore,"..


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