Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 387: Accidental attack

Hearing the Rakshasa card, Aunt Dingxiang's eyes glowed again.

Seeing Lu Yang stretched his hand into the skirt of his clothes and took out the white jade medal, tears burst into Aunt Dingxiang's eyes.

Knowing her mood, Lu Yang sighed inwardly.

For this jade medal, she did not hesitate to destroy her home, her life, her happiness, and even herself became disabled.

That piece of jade is a priceless treasure, but isn't that happiness even more incalculable?

Is it worth it? Is she already regretting now, and there is no room for regret?

Lu Yang also sighed: "If this jade medal is mine, I will definitely give it to you, but now..."

Aunt Ding Xiang interrupted Lu Yang: "I know what you mean, you don't need to explain it to me, now even if you really send her to me, there is no more peace.

Lu Yang didn't know how to reply.

Aunt Dingxiang's tears flowed down again, and slowly said: "Now, I can just look at it and touch it, and I am already satisfied."

Lu Yang also understood her feelings, and immediately passed the jade medal over, but Aunt Ding Xiang's expression became even more painful.

She had lost her hand. Although the jade medal that she had sacrificed everything in exchange for was in front of her, she couldn't reach out and take it.

Isn't this kind of pain even more painful and unacceptable?

But she can only accept this fate.

Lu Yang grinned reluctantly and sighed, "Is it OK if I put it on your body? In this case, at least you can see it clearly."

Aunt Dingxiang nodded and watched Lu Yang put the jade medal on her chest.

In her tearful eyes, there was suddenly a look that no one could understand, and she didn't know what it was.

Perhaps it is incredibly complicated, with gratitude, gratitude, sadness, or more.

The sun was so shining and the windows shone in, making everything look so warm.

The luster of the jade brand is soft and beautiful, and even warm, which makes people feel very comfortable in the heart.

Aunt Dingxiang lowered her head and kissed gently with her lips, as if kissing a baby.

"Thank you, thank you."

She kept talking over and over again, using the two broken wrists to pinch the jade card to her face.

Lu Yang couldn't bear to look at her. He still remembered that her hands were originally slender and soft.

Her nails are always dyed with a touch of rose juice.

Her hand looked like a rose in full bloom.

However, the rose has been ruthlessly plucked off, leaving only a bare branch left.

The rose is broken and can regenerate in the next year, but what about her hand? Can it be regenerated?

Lu Yang stood up and turned around.

Suddenly he heard a "poof", something broke through the window and flew out. Immediately afterwards, I heard another stab, and another thing pierced the window and flew over.

Lu Yang turned his head immediately, but saw that the jade card that Aunt Ding Xiang held between her two broken wrists had disappeared.

Aunt Dingxiang's heart was filled with blood flowing out like spring water.

Aunt Dingxiang's blushing cheeks suddenly became extremely pale again, and the corners of her eyes and mouth were braked.

It looked like she was crying and she seemed to be smiling.

Such a smile, even if it looks like a smile, is a helpless, sad and painful smile.

This kind of laughter is much sadder than crying.

Aunt Ding Xiang looked at Lu Yang, but her shiny eyes turned dead gray, and her life was only a breath.

She struggled and reluctantly said: "You... why didn't you chase it out?"

Lu Yang just shook his head, his face was full of sympathy and pity, but he didn't mean any surprise or anger.

Aunt Ding Xiang did this, as if he had expected it a long time ago.

After a long time, Lu Yang said sadly: "Are you deceived by that person again?"

Aunt Dingxiang’s voice became so faint: "I lied to you, you lied to me, human life is meant to be destined, I lied to you, you lied to me, are you right, right... "

Aunt Dingxiang spoke very lightly, lightly, and slowly, but there was no more sadness and pain in those words.

At the moment before she died, she suddenly realized a philosophy that was both complicated and simple, and both subtle and simple.

She seemed to understand the original meaning of life before she died, but there was no way to dig deeply.

Her life ended like this.

Why does a person always have to wait until the last moment of his life to understand something that he should have understood long ago?

On such a night, on such a winter night.

The long alley was still so dark, there was no one in that alley, only a lone lamp.

The broken white lantern was almost dead gray.

The lantern hung diagonally on the narrow door, followed by a shiny silver hook, which looked like a fisherman's hook.

The silver hook was still swaying in the cold wind, and the sound of the wind seemed to be sighing. I don't know how many people were caught by this silver hook for a lifetime.

Fang Yufei walked into the brilliantly illuminated Silver Hook Gambling House from the dark and humid cold fog.

He took off his white cloak, revealing his extremely elegant clothes.

This time of day is when he feels most happy, especially today.

Because today, Lu Yang has returned, and Lu Yang has always been his favorite and most respected friend.

And Lu Yang was even more happy, because he had already returned, from the extremely cold Lahasu.

This way, I don't know how many dangers I have experienced, so many familiar people have already fallen.

Finally came back safely, except for some more injuries, nothing seems to have changed. ..


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