Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 388: Gambler

The hall was so luxuriously furnished, full of warmth and joy.

The aroma of the wine is still mixed with the scent of rouge, the knocking of silver coins, and those shouts.

The excitement of winning and the sigh of losing, mixed together, seemed so messy.

But Lu Yang felt that there was almost no music in this world that could compare with this sound.

Lu Yang likes to listen to this kind of voice, just like most people in this world, he also likes luxury and enjoyment in some ways.

Especially now.

It is also a joy to be able to get back here after such a long period of hard work.

In Lu Yang's heart, it seemed that a lost child returned to his warm home, as if he was in the arms of his mother.

It is a happy thing to be able to come back intact this time.

He had just taken a hot bath and changed into a new suit.

The fake beard on the chin, the fake wrinkles at the corners of the eyes, and the white powder on the hair were all washed away.

He is no longer Jia Leshan, but Lu Yang's.

It seemed that Lu Yang was radiant and full of energy.

He himself was very satisfied with himself.

In that hall, several women secretly looked at Lu Yang from the corner of their eyes.

Although they are not young anymore, Lu Yangqu still showed a touching smile at them.

They laughed happily, as long as it is something that can make others happy, and he is absolutely happy to do it if he doesn't manipulate himself.

Looking at Lu Yang's smile, even Fang Yufei was very happy.

Fang Yufei smiled and said, "It seems that you like this place very much."

Lu Yang said, "It seems that there are more and more people who like this place."

Fang Yufei said: "The business in this place is indeed good, but that may be because everyone is relatively leisure now, and the weather is so cold, so you can just hide in the house to gamble and drink?"

Lu Yang laughed: "Are there many women who come here specifically to see you?"

Fang Yufei laughed. He was indeed a pretty good-looking man, his appearance was also beautiful, and his figure was well maintained.

Although sometimes it seems a little pretentious, it is often the favorite of middle-aged women who are pampered.

Lu Yang lowered his voice and said, "I think you must have caught a lot of women here."

Fang Yufei didn't deny it, just smiled and said, "How many people are there who often go to the casino to gamble?"

Lu Yang said: "And the person who runs the casino? Will it also be..."

Lu Yang said, suddenly his voice stopped because he saw a man with a sharp knife in his hand!

The man rushed from behind Fang Yufei and stabbed Fang Yufei's left waist with a single knife.

Fang Yufei didn't see it, because he didn't have a pair of eyes behind him.

When Lu Yang saw it, it was too late. He didn't expect this to happen. The man's knife is no more than a few inches away from Fang Yufei's waist.

Who knows, at this moment, Fang Yufei's waist suddenly twisted, and a backhand grabbed the man's wrist holding the knife.

With a "boom", the sharp knife fell, and the man with the knife yelled.

However, he only sweared a word, but his mouth seemed to be gagged.

Two big guys suddenly appeared in the man's skill, one on each side, and immediately kicked him out.

Fang Yufei still didn't change his face, and said with a smile: "This place often has such things."

Lu Yang said, "Do you know, why did he kill you?"

Fang Yufei said indifferently: "Anyway, it's not because I was drunk, but because I was in a hurry."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Maybe it's just very angry."

Fang Yufei said: "Why?"

Lu Yang said, "Because you wore a green hat for him."

Fang Yufei laughed.

The situation looked like he thought it was a very honorable and respectable thing to put on a green hat.

No matter who it is, there is no need to feel guilty about such a thing. Fang Yufei was still smiling.

Lu Yang looked at him as if he had seen this person for the first time.

What happened just now happened very suddenly, and it ended very suddenly, and it was over in the blink of an eye.

But it still caused a little commotion in the casino, especially the gaming tables near them.

Some people have left their gambling positions and are talking about something.

There was only one person sitting there motionless, still staring at his two cards of Gow.

It seems that in Pai Gow, he either won a lot or lost a lot.

The man was wearing a mink hat and a large leather robe, and he still had a big beard.

It looked like that, it was obviously a ginseng picker who came back from outside the pass.

The purse in that waist was filled with hard-earned money for half a year, but it was prepared to be delivered overnight.

Fang Yufei lowered his voice and said, "It seems that you really want to win his vote in the past."

Lu Yang laughed: "The money won will be very happy to spend. With such a good opportunity, how could I miss it?

Fang Yufei said: "However, my brother-in-law has been waiting there for a long time, and the three old monsters are said to have arrived long ago."

Lu Yang said: "They can wait for a while, but the money on such a person can't wait. It's possible to run into someone else's pocket at any time."

Fang Yufei laughed: "There is reason and reason."

Lu Yang said: "So, you'd better go in first to inform them, and say that I will come later."

Lu Yang didn't wait for Fang Yufei's approval, so he went to the nine table.

Lu Yang walked to the bearded participant, smiled and said, "In addition to betting on the dealer's bet, are we two also betting on the lottery?"..


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