Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 396: Jealous and crazy woman

Now, Fang Yuxiang was staring at Fang Yufei bitterly.

In the past, when Fang Yuxiang looked at Fang Yufei, her eyes were always full of sweetness, and her face was always full of smiles.

But now, her face was as cold as frost.

Her eyes were full of pain, jealousy, and spite.

It was an almost crazy look.

Fang Yuxiang paused and said, "You forgot, give him an asshole!"

The light dimmed, the wick was already old, and the lamp oil was about to burn out.

The room suddenly became so silent, like a grave.

Fang Yufei still stood there motionless, but now, there was no expression on his face.

But I don't know why, his extremely beautiful face has become so eerie and terrifying.

His expression, even Fang Yuxiang did not dare to look at him more.

Fang Yuxiang turned and looked at Lu Yang: "I know, you said, you must give it to him."

Lu Yang said, "I said."

Fang Yuxiang said: "Sure?"

Lu Yang said: "Definitely!"

Fang Yuxiang laughed suddenly, her smile looked so crazy that even the tears were already laughing.

It seemed that she had never seen such a funny thing before.

She wiped her tears with the silk scarf: "I would rather let my eyes be blind, and see nothing from now on, and I don't want to see you with that stinky woman!"

Fang Yuxiang exclaimed heartbreakingly, but blood came out from the corner of her mouth, and then she wiped her mouth with a silk scarf.

She said like crazy: "In fact, you should have known it a long time ago. You have been using me, but I did not expect that you really like that kind of woman."

Fang Yuxiang began to cough: "You have been hiding from me, just afraid that I will leak your secrets, and once this incident is over, I will be dead, because I already know you too much. Secrets, and people who know too many secrets will not live long."

Fang Yuxiang smiled sadly, she still wanted to say, but her throat seemed to be held tightly by a pair of invisible hands.

Fang Yuxiang's beautiful face suddenly began to become distorted, and blood flowed down her cheeks.

The blood was not red, it was jet black. When she fell, it fell on the blue beard.

Fang Yufei just watched Fang Yuxiang fall, but he didn't move, and there was no partial expression on his face.

Lu Yang couldn't help but sighed and said, "There are many things, I didn't want to say them at first, but."

Fang Yufei interrupted him: "But you already doubted me."

Lu Yang nodded and said, "You are the real Flying Jade Tiger, Blue Beard, you are just a puppet used by you."

Fang Yufei said: "Besides, you already knew that she is not my sister."

Lu Yang said, "Chu Chu, Jingjing, and Aunt Xiang, they are all people who grew up together, but they never mentioned that she had an older brother."

Fang Yufei sighed: "You are really careful."

Lu Yang said: "When the Flying Jade Tiger appeared, you were always nearby, but Blue Beard never left this place."

Fang Yufei did not deny this.

Lu Yang said calmly: "You know that the Rakshasa card is in Blue Beard's hand, so let Chen Jingjing tell Li Xia to steal it, then use Fang Yuxiang as a bait to get me to the bait, then use Li Xia to attract Jia Leshan, and finally let Blue Beard Become your surrogate, their property, and their efforts, in the end, all of them are in your bag."

Fang Yufei said calmly: "You know, I have always spent a lot of money, I have to raise a lot of women, and women often spend money, especially those beautiful and smart women."

Lu Yang nodded, "But, in your eyes, those so-called smart and beautiful women are nothing but..."

Fang Yufei said, "It's just a bunch of invisible bitches."

Lu Yang sighed: "However, you can make so many women willing to die for you. You are really capable of it, but unfortunately..."

Fang Yufei said again: "Unfortunately, in the end, I was cut into the hands of a woman."

Lu Yang said, "It's not Fang Yuxiang that really hurt you."

Fang Yufei said, "Who else would there be if she wasn't?"

Lu Yang said: "Chen Jingjing."

Fang Yufei said: "She?"

Lu Yang said: "Only she alone can harm you, because you have only been sincere to her. If it were not for her, how could you expose so many flaws?"

Fang Yufei closed his mouth. Although his face was still expressionless, he could see that he was reluctantly controlling himself in his heart.

Lu Yang said: "Just because you still have a little sincere feelings, I also hope to give you a chance."

Fang Yufei said: "What opportunity?"

Lu Yang said, "Originally, to deal with people like you, we should try our best to get rid of them so that you have no chance to survive."

Fang Yufei did not make a statement.

Lu Yang said: "Now, I will give you a chance so that you can fight fairly."

Fang Yufei said: "Me and you?"

Lu Yang said: "That's right, I am one to one to you, no one else."

Fang Yufei said: "Then what if I defeat you?"

Lu Yang said, "If you can defeat me, then I will die and you will live."

Fang Yufei looked at Suihan's three friends.

Gu Song said coldly: "If you beat him, he will die and you will go."

Fang Yufei said: "A word is definite?"

Lu Yang said: "I will never go back."

Fang Yufei laughed suddenly: "I know why you did this."

Lu Yang said: "Really?"

Fang Yufei said: "Because, what you want most now is to kill my life with your own hands."

Lu Yang did not deny this, nor did he speak.

Fang Yufei smiled, "You are wrong this time."


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