Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 397: challenge

Although Fang Yufei laughed, it was even more difficult to see what was hiding in his smile.

Lu Yang said: "I do often do wrong things, but in many cases, I will choose the right one."

Fang Yufei said: "But this time you are absolutely wrong, and you are very wrong.

Lu Yang said, "Really?"

Fang Yufei said: "You can't beat me, as long as you take action, you will definitely die."

Lu Yang also laughed.

Fang Yufei said: "Your martial arts, I know very well, your sharp finger is the best in the world, there is no sword that you can't hold, but it is absolutely useless to me, I have the means to deal with you ."

Lu Yang smiled and listened, but did not speak or refute him.

Fang Yufei turned around, and when he turned around, there was a pair of shiny silver gloves on his hand.

The glove had not only tiger-claw-like hooks, but also spike-like barbs.

Fang Yufei said: "I knew that there would be such a day, you are so shrewd, and sooner or later, I will fall into your hands."

Lu Yang smiled slightly: "You are really cautious, and even this has already been considered."

The three friends of Suihan changed their expressions drastically. They could see that Fang Yufei had already worked a lot to deal with Lu Yang.

Fang Yufei said: "This is the one who has been specially trained to deal with you. If your finger touches it a little, it takes less than three steps, you have to go to **** with Blue Beard and Fang Yuxiang."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Can I touch it?"

Fang Yufei smiled: "No."

Lu Yang's smile seemed to freeze.

Fang Yufei went on to say: "It is already your habit to use your fingers to clamp other people's weapons. That habit will definitely not be changed all at once, especially when you encounter dangerous moves. I can guarantee that you will definitely encounter risks. trick."

Lu Yang looked at his silver gloves and sighed like a wry smile: "In that way, I seem to have to die."

Fang Yufei said, "You already have to die."

Lu Yang smiled, "I think Blue Beard and Fang Yuxiang, Aunt Dingxiang, must be happy to wait for you below. As for me, for the time being, I still think that the world is very beautiful. I haven’t had enough, and my women, I haven’t had enough to accompany them."

Fang Yufei smiled: "It looks beautiful when I think of it, but unfortunately, the ending will not be as beautiful as imagined."

Fang Yufei's voice and attitude were full of incomparable confidence.

In the decisive battle of the master, self-confidence was originally a more terrifying weapon.

But now Fang Yufei's confidence is even more terrifying with Lin's silver gloves.

Lu Yang's face was still so relaxed, still smiling.

Fang Yufei had already shot.

The silver light flashed, and Lu Yang's eyes flashed, and the eyes of Sui Han's three friends flashed.

Fang Yufei's moves were so weird that they almost completely sealed Lu Yang's moves, leaving him unable to attack.

The room was not wide originally. Lu Yang has almost no retreat.

Is there anyone in this world who will never be defeated? The answer is no, absolutely no.

Lu Yang is also a person, not a god. Today, he is going to lose here?

The three friends of Suihan looked at Lu Yang intently. Since Lu Yang came out of the world, he has never heard of his defeat.

Gu Song stood in the corner with his hands on his back and looked at everything in the game. Suddenly he asked, "Do you think he will definitely lose?"

Withered bamboo pondered for a while, but it was difficult to judge: "What do you mean?"

Lone Song said: "I think he will definitely lose."

Ku Zhu sighed and said, "Unexpectedly, Lu Yang will have a day of being defeated, and he will still die in the hands of the rising figure Fei Tian Yuhu."

Gu Song said: "You made a mistake, I'm not talking about Lu Yang."

Withered Bamboo was quite surprised and said, "Not Lu Yang?"

Lone Song said: "Fang Yufei is the one who will lose."

Han Mei said: "But now Fang Yufei has the upper hand."

Lone Song said: "Being preemptive and not having the upper hand does not mean the final result. For a master, it may be just a waste of real power to gain the upper hand. When a master fights, the victory or defeat is often the final blow. ."

Withered bamboo said: "But now Lu Yang seems to have no way to shoot."

Gu Song said: "It's not that he has no way to make a move, but he is unwilling to make a move."

Withered bamboo said: "Why?"

Lone Song said: "He is waiting."

Withered bamboo said: "Wait for the last chance, make the final blow, that is the last moment to decide the victory or defeat."

"No, you are wrong." A familiar voice sounded.

The three Suihan friends looked back in surprise. Who suddenly appeared next to them, but they didn't know?

However, they are also comforting themselves. They are watching the battle in that game with full concentration, and there is no time to take care of other situations.

When they looked back at the person who appeared suddenly, they found that the figure was so familiar.

His most familiar beard is like two eyebrows, always with a confident and lovely smile.

However, Han Mei said in surprise, "Lu Xiaofeng?"

Lu Xiaofeng didn't look at him, but stared at the court, looking at Lu Yang's body.

Lone Song said: "What did I say wrong?"

Lu Xiaofeng said indifferently: "You all underestimated Brother Lu, he is not waiting for the opportunity to make the final blow."

Lone Song asked: "What is going on?"

Lu Xiaofeng said, "He is watching."

Gusong's face changed a little: "What is he looking at?"

Lu Xiaofeng turned his head and looked at Lone Song and said: "If I mean, he is watching Fang Yufei's moves, because this is a move he has never seen before. Therefore, he is curious and wants to see the uniqueness. I learned it. If Fang Yufei's moves are not exhausted, Brother Lu can't do it, do you believe it?"

The three friends of Suihan looked at each other, but their faces were extremely frightened. The faces of the three people have completely changed! ..


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