Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 406: Hurry to Huangshi Town

But I heard that there is gold here, that's different.

Gold attracts everyone here like a magnet, making people think it is extremely cute.

Gold is everyone's dream, but the endless yellow sand is like a nightmare.

The dream of gold is gone, and the gold seeker is gone.

Between coming and going, the town gradually sank, and it is now desolate, and few strangers come here anymore.

Residents in the small town have only a few houses left with nowhere else to go, and they are ready to die here.

If it means seeing a stranger from afar, they should feel particularly excited.

When Lu Yang and his party came here, their attitude towards their carriage was like this.

When the carriage entered this small town, it did not see such enthusiasm and excitement.

The first thing they saw was a poor street and a deadly poor person.

In fact, this person can't be regarded as a person, just a child.

The child was dressed in torn clothes that were no longer considered clothes, and sat under the eaves of a house on the corner of the street in a posture that was too lazy.

In fact, he can't be regarded as sitting there, he is shrinking there. Shrunk there like a little caterpillar.

It looked more like a little turtle shrouded in its shell.

It seems that he has no money, no relatives, no friends and no future.

He had nothing, only a piece of torn clothes and a whole body of lice.

It seemed that he was scared.

He was afraid of everything, so he only shrank, shrank into a ball, shrank in his own shell.

He used this to escape the poverty and hunger he feared most.

Because he was just a child, he didn't know the things he was afraid of, and he couldn't avoid it no matter how he avoided it.

But when he saw the carriage, his eyes suddenly lit up.

His bright eyes are actually very cute big eyes.

When he saw Lu Xiaofeng and the carriage following Lu Xiaofeng, it was almost like a **** saw a green bean.

Fortunately, Lu Xiaofeng is neither a mung bean.

The carriage stopped, and Lu Xiaofeng walked up to him, just wanting to ask him one thing.

A man came to a strange place and planned to stay in this place for a while. What do you think the first thing he wants to ask?

The first thing he wanted to ask was, of course, where was the inn in this place? Solve their most basic accommodation problems first.

"Inn?" The kid wrinkled his nose with a smile: "You want to ask where the inn is? It's so poor that even rabbits can't come to shit, so poor that Cangsheng and mice are about to starve to death. Is there an inn?"

Lu Xiaofeng asked, "Is there not even an inn here?"

The child said, "Not even half of the house.

Lu Xiaofeng asked, "So, what should people passing by here do when they want to eat and stay in the evening?"

"Don't do much." The child said, "Because no one wants to pass by here. No one wants to walk on this road even if they walk dozens of miles."

Lu Xiaofeng stared at this dirty-looking and nasty little beggar for a long time before couldn't help but say: "Is this place really so poor?"

The child sighed and said, "Not only is it poor, but it's almost killing everyone. Not only will I die of poverty, even if other people haven't died of poverty, at least they are already half dead."

"But you don't seem to be dead yet." Lu Xiaofeng said.

"That's just that I still have a little ability to survive." The boy said.

"What's the skill?" Lu Xiaofeng asked.

"I'm a little beggar, I'm a little fan. Although people like me are poor, they can live no matter where they are." The kid said

Lu Xiaofeng smiled: "I remember you just said that the people in this place seem to be dying of poverty. Where can there be any money leftovers to help you?"

Little Beggar smiled too.

"Young master, it looks like you are really a young master. Of course you don't understand the little beggar." The little beggar said.

"Oh?" Lu Yang said.

"A little beggar like me, in such a poor place that is almost killed by others to cook adult broth, I can still survive, of course I have another side job." The boy said.

"The sideline?" Lu Xiaofeng asked, "What kind of sideline?"

"It's a lot of knowledge to talk about this kind of thing." The little beghua suddenly straightened his chest and sat up: "In this respect, I can really be regarded as an expert."

Lu Xiaofeng seemed to be more and more interested in this little beggar.

Xiaohuahua said: "To tell you the truth, I have more than one kind of sideline. It's a pity that among my 70 or 80 kinds of sideline, only two can really make money."

"Which two kinds?" Lu Xiaofeng asked

"The first one, the most profitable thing is to run into someone like you who are taken from other places." He pointed to Lu Xiaofeng and said, "If you take money from someone like you, you won't make money and you won't make money, and if you make money, you won't make money."

He looked at the carriage again: "Looking at your situation, it's definitely not an ordinary rich person."

Lu Xiaofeng smiled bitterly: "What you said is really right, I am about to admire you a little bit now."

He asked the little beggar again: "But what would you do if you didn't get someone like me?"

"That only depends on my second sideline." Little Beggar said: "My second sideline is stealing. I steal when I have the opportunity. I steal money when I see it. If my parents don't recognize it, I can steal as much as I can, and so on."

This is the ability of this little beggar to survive.

Seeing Lu Xiaofeng's appearance, Xiao Beghua sighed again: "In this kind of place, you can't help but be cruel, or you won't be able to live. Of course I will be cruel when I meet someone like you. It’s a stroke of a stroke, and then many basic problems can be solved."

Lu Xiaofeng smiled bitterly.

Lu Yang suddenly got out of the car and stopped in front of Xiao Beggar: "You are right, but if you can solve some of our problems, I think you will earn more.". .


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