Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 407: Beggar

Xiao Beggar seemed so happy: "What kind of money-making method?"

Lu Yang threw him a ray of silver, a full dozen.

Seeing Yinzi, the little beggar's face almost burst into laughter, and the people in front of him seemed to be his parents.

Because he saw Xue Bing and Ouyang Qing also got off the car, his eyes never left them.

Xiao Biaohua excitedly placed the silver in his mouth and took a bite. After confirming that it was true, he hurriedly stuffed it into his pocket, but half of it came out from the seam of the pocket.

He pressed the bottom of his pocket tightly with one hand, and said with an open eyebrow: "You are my parents and mothers. What do you want me to do, just ask."

Lu Yang also felt a little sad, and Xue Bing and Ouyang Qing looked away.

Lu Yang didn't feel any contempt for him, and he didn't even think of giving him a slap, but there was a special kind of sadness in his heart.

If it is not for survival, why should he bend his knees? More importantly, he is still a child.

In this world, isn't there a lot of face-saving people, and the principle of survival is exactly the same as this little beggar.

This small town is really poor. Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng have traveled many places, but they never saw a place more desolate and poor than this.

They really couldn't understand that Liu Chengfeng would come to such a place. Here, he really suffered.

They couldn't even understand what would happen in such a place, it was worth noting that Liu Chengfeng had come to this place not far away.

Most importantly, that incident made Liu Chengfeng feel extremely dangerous and terrible.

A nameless and desolate town, a world-renowned swordsman, these two things are simply difficult to connect together.

And the most strange thing is that Liu Chengfeng really seems to have a mysterious and extremely strange relationship with this place.

What is even more strange is that Liu Chengfeng really seems to have disappeared from this world, leaving no sound.

Therefore, Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng must find out what is the relationship between this small town and Liu Chengfeng?

It's a pity that after entering the town for so long, I still only saw such a pitiful, but somewhat lovely beggar.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng have been to many, many places. It can be said that they have traveled all over the world.

There used to be large and small cities, villages and small towns, at least of all kinds.

But no matter where you go, even if there is no inn, no clothing store, no dim sum shop, no mule and horse shop, no food shop, there will always be a grocery store at least.

Grocery store is where people supply the most basic life needs, and they are indispensable in people's lives.

I have seen so many grocery stores, and there must be all kinds of strange ones.

Some grocery stores can even bring people some special offers.

but. They have never seen such a strange grocery store like this one.

The grocery store is of course in this small town, and it is not easy to find. The name of the grocery store is called "Big Eye". Of course, the little beggar brought them.

With ten taels of silver, he ran faster than anything, and the carriage seemed to be unable to catch up with him.

There was only a piece of wood that was stained like a tombstone by wind, sand and lampblack at the entrance of the shop as a signboard. Only a big eye was carved on the signboard.

This broken piece of wood and that big eye are the signs of this grocery store.

"Big eyes, big eyes grocery store." Lu Yang looked at the sign, shaking his head and sighing, "The name of this store is really strange."

Isn't the small town strange? How about the people in the small town? Isn't Liu Chengfeng more strange?

"I'm not surprised at all." Little Beggar said: "The owner of this grocery store is called Wang Dayan, so of course the name of the store can be called Dayan."

Lu Yang listened to Xiao Beghua's words, but still didn't understand the meaning of his words.

In fact, people who have not seen Wang Dayan can not fully understand this sentence.

There are indeed few people who can see a good person like Wang Dayan.

Every day at dusk, there are particularly many people in Wang Dayan's shop.

Because this is indeed a grocery store, it not only sells all kinds of daily necessities, but also sells stewed vegetables and wine.

Outside the store, use a straw mat to form a pergola, with three square wooden tables and seven or eight long benches.

Everyone can sit down, take half a duck head, a piece of dried tofu, and come to a bowl of old sprinkles.

In this way, the days that were not easy to live are gone by in a daze, and it seems that they are having a particularly happy life.

This should be the only entertainment venue in this small town.

Wang Dayan is like a most attentive coward, always smiling and going through those people, sending them what they ordered at any time.

Moreover, regardless of whether Wang Dayan yelled or even called his nickname, he was not angry.

They are not only his regular customers, but also his old friends.

However, people who saw him at first sight were not frightened, and probably not many.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng were nothing, but Xue Bing and Ouyang Qing were so frightened that Huarong was pale, and the expressions of fright were undisguised on their faces.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng were still able to laugh and greeted him.

Originally, they are walking on the rivers and lakes, what kind of weird people have not seen it?

That Wang's big eyes are tall, big, thick and fat, and his back is almost comparable to a camel.

What is particularly scary is that his left eye is no different from ordinary people, but the right eye is like an egg hanging outside the eye socket.

Later, in private, Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng talked about Wang Dayan.

Lu Xiaofeng asked Lu Yang: "How did you feel when you first saw Wang Dayan?"..


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