Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 483: Hands on

The little old man said: "What kind of relationship is that?"

The little old woman said: "Because you frown, do you look like a person?"

The little old man said: "Who?"

"Lu Xiaofeng." The little old woman said.

"Am I really like Lu Xiaofeng?" the little old man asked.

"Yes, just a gray-headed Lu Xiaofeng." The little old woman said.

The little old man smiled triumphantly, and he felt triumphant: "As long as he is like Lu Xiaofeng, it doesn't matter what he is ashamed.

He suddenly sighed again: "It's a pity."

The little old woman said: "Unfortunately, Lu Xiaofeng is dead."

The little old man said: "This is only one of them."

"What about the second?" the little old woman asked.

"It's a pity that now we have serious business to do, otherwise, I would ask you to have a good meal and drink." The little old man said.

The little old woman asked: "Why?"

The little old man said, "Because no one has ever said that I am like Lu Xiaofeng's."

"What's so good about being like Lu Xiaofeng? Some people call Lu Xiaofeng Lu Xiaoji, Lu Xiaoji." The little old woman said, "Moreover, Lu Xiaofeng is dead. What good is it to say you are like a dead person?"

The little old man stopped talking, but walked to the cell in silence.

However, he was held back by the little old woman.

"What do you want to do?" the little old man asked.

"What do you want to do?" the little old woman asked back.

"Aren't we going to save people? Lu Xiaofeng is already dead, so I can't add another Ximen Chuuxue who is dead." The little old man said.

"I suddenly felt that there was one thing that was more important than saving Ximen Chuuxue. After this task was done, it would not be too late to save Ximen Chuuxue." The little old woman said.

"So what is it that is more important than saving Simon Fuxue?" The little old man asked in a puzzled way.

The little old woman didn't answer his words, but made a mysterious smile.

It was late at night, and in the middle of the night without the moon, the darkness between heaven and earth was so dark, like in a coffin.

If the banquet starts at the beginning of the night, then late night is the end of the banquet.

Therefore, at the banquet in the Sha Dahu Hall, it is time to end.

The banquet held by the Sha Dahu was of course used to entertain the VIPs of the Central Plains Escort.

And when the banquet of Sha Dahu was over, those who had to leave were of course the escorts of the Central Plains Escort.

When the guards stood up, Sha Dahu suddenly raised his glass and said, "There is one thing, I am very sorry."

Baili Changqing said, "What's the matter?"

Sha Dahu said: "I'm sorry, the humble house is too small."

Baili Changqing said: "Too young? Too young is also related to Brother Sha's apology?"

"Of course there is a relationship." Sha Dahu drank the wine in the glass in one sip, and said: "Because the humble house is too small, it can only entertain the three people from the **** board."

Before Baili Changqing had time to express his opinion, the lady proprietor of the grocery store said first: "It doesn't matter, I can serve two distinguished guests."

Gong Susu also rushed and said, "As for these two sisters, just live with me."

The owner of the coffin shop also rushed to say: "If you are brave enough, and are not afraid to sleep in the coffin, I can also entertain people there."

Of course, Baili Changqing is only for gratitude. Moreover, Jin Peng also said that it is absolutely safe and sound.

As a result, the members of the Central Plains Escort were assigned.

In fact, Liu should have said that the Central Plains Escorts were so scattered.

Although it was late at night when there was no moon, the dart cart in front of Sha Dahu could still vaguely identify its location.

Not only the dart cart can be seen vaguely, but also the person guarding the dart cart can be vaguely seen.

Among them, a guard suddenly stared at the flowers not far away.

He seemed to see a figure and passed by in a flash.

He didn't say anything, because he thought he was dazzled, and people who drank too much were usually dazzled.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the speed of the shadow is too fast.

However, even if he wanted to hum, he couldn't hum anymore.

Because a very small golden needle flew out of the flowers where the figure disappeared.

The golden needle, of course, flew towards the guard's throat.

And that golden needle was so fast, and it was unexpected.

Therefore, the guard, except for his eyes widened and his right hand struggling to draw a knife, he could not even make a sound.

The golden needle has been nailed to his throat.

Before the other guard could react, another knife had already cut his throat.

And the attack of the third person was to use a rope to firmly entrap the throat of the third guard.

The third guard's throat was tightened, and he wanted to scream but couldn't make a sound.

But the night is still so silent.

Although it was late at night, Gong Susu's residence was as bright as day.

In the middle of the night, the lights in the house usually give people traveling away a warm and intimacy.

At the very least, the two female guards of the Central Plains Escort had this feeling.

Therefore, as soon as they stepped into the main hall of Gong Susu, they felt very comfortable.

People who feel very comfortable often want to express their feelings.

Gong Susu was still smiling so noble, quietly listening to the guest's praise to the host and the host's residence.

After their words fell, Gong Susu said: "It's rare to meet two such beautiful girls, young and big escorts. It's really lucky to be able to meet them. How about a drink? "

In such a comfortable and warm environment, would you reject the master's passion?

The answer is of course no.

Under such circumstances, people are the easiest to relax their vigilance. ..


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