Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 484: Eight coffins

Gong Susu clapped his palms vigorously, so the side dish was lightly brewed, and it was placed on the table.

It was an old woman who served food and wine.

It is a pity that if you observe carefully, you will find that the pace of the old woman is very vigorous, and she doesn't look like an old man at all.

And if you can lift up that old woman's skirt in this way, you will definitely find that old woman's feet are as smooth and tender as a girl.

Those things, of course, would not be noticed by those two female dartists.

Not only did they fail to notice this, but they were not even wary of it.

They toasted as soon as Gong Susu toasted.

The old woman reacted quickly and immediately filled the glass for them.

The second cup, the third cup.

At the fourth cup, the old woman suddenly raised the hip flask in her hand and slammed it against the female dartist on her left.

The female **** was attacked suddenly, her face changed a lot, and she wanted to raise her right hand to resist.

Unfortunately, when she first started, she couldn't raise her right hand anymore.

Her face is really ugly.

But she didn't know that the face of the companion sitting next to her would definitely be much uglier than her.

Because, her companion's head had been smashed out of blood by the old woman's hip flask.

But her companion wanted to help her stop the enemy, but they didn't have any strength.

They felt that all of their limbs were numb, and they couldn't move half of their bodies.

The only thing they are normal is their hearing.

When they fell, they heard Gong Susu's cold and proud laugh.

The lights in Gong Susu's residence suddenly went out.

The night seemed darker and more gloomy.

The gloomy is not only the night, but also the coffin, and Zhao Xiazi's laughter.

It's just that, except for himself, I am afraid that no one knows what is meant by his laughter.

"Do you dare to sleep?" Zhao Blindman said in such a gloomy tone, it sounded shuddering.

The two escorts didn't feel this.

"Of course I dare, we are all old rivers and lakes, we are used to walking in the rivers and lakes, even slept next to the grave, what coffins are we afraid of? Right?" A guardian touched his companion's waist and said.

His companion immediately answered: "Of course it is right. The most important thing is that the coffin is still new. The old one is still some people afraid to sleep."

Zhao Blindman said: "It is because it is new, so I asked the two of you, dare you fall asleep."

"Why?" the guard asked.

"Because the new coffin is used to pretend that someone who has just died." Zhao Xiazi smiled gloomily, unspeakably harsh.

The guard said: "Don't be joking."

Zhao blind said: "Do you think I'm joking?"

The guard said: "Aren't you kidding me?"

"He isn't." A voice suddenly emerged from a coffin.

There is a sound in the coffin? The two guards couldn't help being taken aback.

Just when they were so frightened, a person flew out of the coffin.

Zhao Blind's hands also turned into claws, grasping the dartist in front of him.

With two "bangs", the lives of the two escorts were over, and they didn't even have time to scream.

As soon as the blind Zhao stretched out his hand, he held one on one side and pushed hard.

The corpses of the two escorts flew up and landed in the two new coffins.

A smile appeared on Zhao Blind’s face. He said to the human who flew out of the coffin: "Little beggar, how about it, not bad."

The little cry said: "Of course not bad, such a role is also worthy of a bodyguard?"

Zhao Xiazi said, "What do you think they deserve?"

"That's it." Xiao Biaohua pointed his finger at the two new coffins and said: "Only suitable for sleeping in coffins."

Zhao blind said: "You didn't say anything, I think, not just these two, all of them are only fit to sleep in my coffin."

He looked at Little Beggar and smiled: "Little Beggar, how many empty coffins are there?"

The little cry said: "It doesn't seem to be much."

Zhao Xiazi smiled and said, "Of course not many, only six are left."

"Six, how come there are so many?" asked the little beggar.

Zhao Xiazi said, "There are two in the grocery store, and there are two in Lao Sha..."

"How come there are only two in Lao Sha, isn't it three?" Xiao Beggar yelled.

"Three?" Zhao gave him a blank glance: "Do you want to kill our boss together?"

"How dare I?" The little crying said: "There are only four, so who else would the two be?"

Zhao Xiazi laughed: "Why did you forget Ximen Chuuxue and beef soup in the prison?"

The little cry said: "How could I forget? Who can forget Ximen Chuuxue?"

Yes, who can forget Ximen Chuuxue? No one's. No one can forget, as long as it is someone who has seen him once.

At the very least, the little old man will never forget.

After doing the thing the little old woman said.

The little old man hurriedly urged the little old woman: "Now, should we go to Ximen to blow the snow?"

The little old woman said: "Of course, of course I have to save it now, it's just time."

The little old man said: "Why is the time now?"

The little old woman said: "Because the people in Huangshi Town are now doing their best to deal with the people in the Central Plains Escort, and they think that Ximen Chuuxue is the turtle in their urn and it is impossible to run away, so no one will guard them. In prison, we will rescue them as if they were no one."

The little old man asked: "Will the people in the Central Plains Escort be killed by them?"

The little old woman said: "It should be."

The little old man asked: "Then why don't you want to save them?"

The little old woman asked back: "Do you have any way to save them?"

The little old man was speechless. ..


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