Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 576: Shocked four

They were all stunned, as if they couldn't believe everything in front of them, where did Lu Yang emerge from? He is terrible.

This is what everyone thinks.

Suddenly Na Mu half attacked again!

But it was the same again. His abduction was firmly in Lu Yang's hand, and he couldn't pierce it anymore.

The scene was so quiet, no one dared to say anything.

Seeing Lu Yanghe's performance, everyone was shocked, and they didn't know how to react.

At this moment, the other party also moved.

It turned out that just when Situ attacked Mu halfway, another man in black also moved.

The man in black rushed towards the man lying drunk at the head of Jiuqu Bridge.

That trick was the trick Feiyan coming and coming, that light work, ingenious body and posture, and such a graceful posture.

It turned out that the black man actually belonged to the black swallow Luo Fei, the owner of the first village of Twelve Link Wu.

Luo Fei is famous for his light work, and he is a rare killer in the martial arts.

Luo Fei's performance caused Lu Yang to sigh and seek death by himself, then he had no choice.

He wasn't familiar with Luo Fei at first, but the eagle-eyed Old Seven was familiar.

However, Luo Fei found the person who was drunk and lying on the bridge, but he was wrong, and I am afraid that there is no good result.

Now Lu Yang wanted to save Situ Gang again, and half confronted Namu, beside him was a master of Ruyi Lanhuashou.

He really has no distractions.

And that Lu Xiaofeng didn't seem to want to make a move, that guy really didn't know what he was thinking about.

It seems that Luo Fei is more ill-fortuned.

However, Luo Fei didn't think so. What he saw was the man under the railing at the head of the Jiuqu Bridge, drunk.

The purple gold crown on the man's head was almost about to fall to the ground, and saliva dripped from the corner of his mouth.

The situation looked like a dead person.

Luo Fei couldn't help but grinned. Of course, the dead were easier to deal with than others, and he had already spotted him.

When I heard that beef soup talked about finding someone to die instead, I had already chosen the target.

Looking at the situation, Lu Xiaofeng did not understand the situation in the field, but was worried about the drunk man.

After all, I had just drunk together just now, and it would be a shame if I died in a drunken dream.

But what he didn't expect was that the situation was so fast!

Just heard a scream, and then there was another "pump", and a person fell into the pool.

The person's body floated in the lake, exposing between the lotus leaves like a petal.

It was not the drunk man, but Luo Fei who shot.

However, He Shangshu turned over and seemed to be asleep again. This time, the purple gold crown on his head finally fell off.

The moustache who had been watching the battle walked over and respectfully put on the purple and gold crown for him. Mustache said: "Drunk lying Liuyun seven killers, only the leader can get the true biography, He Shangshu, good work!"

Lu Xiaofeng sighed and said, "Seven kills, isn't that terrible."

The beef soup smiled and said, "You want to try?"

She looked at the honest monk and said, "Monk, why don't you give it a try?"

Lu Yang said: "Okay, one person has already died, enough is enough, I think it can be over."

The beef soup laughed and said, "Who said that?"

Lu Yang said: "Don't you want to let them go?"

The beef soup laughed, but his waist trembled and said: "You saved the person I wanted to kill, but it was so easy. Do you think the princess grew up vegetarian?"

Lu Yang originally wanted to say, "You grew up eating beef." But he opened his mouth and didn't say anything.

Lu Yang just pointed his finger, and suddenly the half-wood refined steel crutches were cut into several pieces.

Half of Mu's face was as gray as death, so pale: "You."

Lu Yang said, "Although the weapons are good and the heart is not right, how can they succeed in the world?"

Mu Ban said in horror: "You mean, my swordsmanship is not good?"

Lu Yang said: "Your swordsmanship is already amazing, I have never seen such a powerful sword move."

Who doesn't like to hear such words? Hearing such words, everyone will be happy and proud.

However, in the ears of that Mu, it was much more uncomfortable than that of scolding him.

Across the rivers and lakes, anyone who has seen his swordsmanship, who is not terrified, who can resist?

However, in Lu Yang's hands, it was like a joke, and it was easily broken, and he was actually smiling.

That is a great swordsmanship, and when the words that are great are said, they are almost the same as that.

Beef soup smiled: "Mu half, you go down first, you are not his opponent."

Na Mu Banxin reluctantly walked away and stood beside the beef soup.

The little old man sighed and said, "Lv Yang is indeed Lu Yang. Not only did he break the Ruyi orchid finger, but he also took over the thirteenth form of the Tiancan. Who are you?"

Lu Yang said: "A simple person."

The little old man said: "How simple is it?"

Lu Yang said: "It's so simple, I haven't even seen so many masters here." Lu Yang sighed.

The little old man actually smiled: "There are no masters here, but you, where did the teacher go, until now, I haven't seen your martial arts approach."

Lu Yang said indifferently: "It's just a small amount of random effort. It's not worth mentioning. Compared with everyone here, it's a far cry."

Na He Shangshu had already approached, looking at Lu Yang, there was no drunkenness in his eyes.

The goblin is so shining, he is really a master.

He hides everything about himself so deeply.

Lu Yang arched his hands and said, "Brother He is also a good kung fu, if it weren't for your drunk lying Liuyun seven killer, you really haven't seen your martial arts."

Na He Shangshu looked at Lu Yang and said, "I just don't know, my mere drunk lying Liuyun seven killers can do a few tricks under your hand."..


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