Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 577: Drunk Lying Liuyun Seven Killers

Lu Yang said: "Brother He’s drunk lying Liuyun seven killers have long been passed on in the rivers and lakes, but the rivers and lakes all know the legend, and Lu wants to see a few tricks."

Now that this situation has come, Lu Yang doesn't need to endure it in secret, it's time to stand up, otherwise, they will always despise themselves.

Especially at the beach at the time, Yue Yang and others said that he was nothing remarkable.

When the little old man saw himself, he also downplayed it, and seemed to be despised.

Since it has already broken out, it must go out to the end, show off their cards, and force them to take a shot to see what they are going to do.

Na He Shangshu sighed and said: "You are the most powerful master I have ever seen, except for the Nine Young Masters, so I must try it, my drunk lying Liuyun seven killers with a few tricks, In the hands of Daxia Lu, it can be regarded as something."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Then you can give it a try."

He Shangshu said: "Okay." With a good call, then He Shangshu shot!

The Seven Killers of Drunken Lying Clouds are indeed Dujianghu's stunt!

I saw that the shot was like a finger shadow in the sky, and the finger shadows were as sharp as a blade.

The battle spread, so everyone present already felt the weak pressure.

Even Lu Xiaofeng, the honest monk, Situ Gang and others had their complexions changed suddenly, as if they had seen terrible things.

Lu Yang opened his eyes wide.

He has already seen, the most famous of the world, the Ruyi orchid finger, the bone-changing palm, the fire cloud palm, and the thirteen styles of Tiancan.

Now that I saw the new Drunken Lying Liuyun Seven Killers, it was really exciting today.

Lu Yang couldn't help being full of energy.

He looked at He Shangshu, feeling extremely excited.

Indeed, that He Shangshu is really a martial arts genius, that drunk lying Liuyun seven killer, every move can be transformed into eight forms.

Then every move and every style is done in one go, and there is no muddle-headedness at all.

The gap between each style and the style, the space between each move and the move, is so short that if it is not an ordinary person, it will definitely be forced by the sky of offensive, but it is even and irresistible.

This was also the Flying Swallow, who was killed by a killer move if he couldn't make it.

Lu Yang didn't make a move, so he was forced to retreat again and again.

But Na Mu sneered and said, "I thought Lu Yang had three heads and six arms. It turned out that it was just the same."

The beef soup also looked at the confrontation between Lu Yang and He Shangshu blankly.

The mustache smiled darkly: "It seems that Lu Yang is going to suffer under He Shangshu's hands today."

Lu Xiaofeng said disapprovingly, "Oh, is it?"

The Huoyun palm fat dealer said: "Is it not? It seems that Lu Yang has no power to fight back."

Lu Xiaofeng smiled indifferently: "Oh, do you think what you see is the real situation?"

Mu half said: "Isn't it? Until now, we have only seen that Lu Yang was forced to fight back by He Shangshu, and has been avoiding him." Lu Xiaofeng said: "Now, how many tricks and styles have been made by He Shangshu?"

Lu Yang dealt with that He Shangshu's attack wholeheartedly. From time to time, he embarrassedly interspersed with that He Shangshu's attack.

He Shangshu clearly watched that his attack was about to hit Lu Yang, but he didn't expect it to be so close.

Just that little bit, Lu Yang slipped past the edge of his attack.

No one made a sound, they all watched the attack in that scene.

Lu Xiaofeng nodded and smiled.

Mu Ban said unconvinced: "What did you see?"

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Do you know how many moves He Shangshu has attacked?"

They all shook their heads, who can see clearly? That He Shangshu's attack was so fast and so fierce.

Lu Xiaofeng said, "If, I guess it is correct, then He Shangshu has already used six strokes and 48 styles."

That Mu half exclaimed: "In other words, he has only the last eight forms?"

Lu Xiaofeng nodded and said, "It seems this is indeed the case."

Mu Ban dared not speak any more, he could no longer use shock to describe the feeling in his heart.

None of them had seen that He Shangshu completely used the Seven Killers of Drunken Lying Liuyun, because, up to now, no opponent had performed three moves under his hand.

However, the mustache shook his head and said, "Nevertheless, Lu Yang has no power to fight back. I think it will be Lu Yang's death when He Shangshu's last move is hit."

Lu Xiaofeng smiled and said, "Do you think it is really like that?"

Half of Mu had already slowed down and said, "Isn't it?"

Lu Xiaofeng said indifferently, "When He Shangshu made the last move, that was when he was defeated."

Mu Ban asked: "Why?"

The honest monk put his hands together and said: "Lv donor is really amazing, you only see the surface but not the inside."

The mustache asked: "What's in it?"

The honest monk said: "Although He Shangshu seems to be attacking fiercely, but his moves have not changed, which has made it very difficult. However, the donor Lu is so relaxed that he has not fight back, but seems to be watching."

Mu Ban said in surprise, "Look?"

Lu Xiaofeng said: "Yes, every time Big Brother Lu sees a novel martial arts, he will definitely be excited, and he must see what happens before he will give up."

Mu Ban sighed and said, "It seems that the world can be compared with the Nine Young Masters, probably only his."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Oh, I see, your so-called Young Master Nine may not necessarily be Brother Lu's opponent."

Mu Ban sneered and said, "How can the martial arts of the Nine Young Masters be recognized by mediocre people like you?"

The honest monk said: "The Nine Young Masters are indeed the biggest enemy the monk has ever seen in his life."

Even the honest monk said the same, so it seems that Young Master Nine is definitely not an ordinary person. ..


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