Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 625: It's unexpected

If there was no one now, Lu Yang would definitely hold her in a few circles and peck her lip.

It is a pity that he cannot do this.

The honest monk suddenly asked Xiaoyu: "Why don't you let him go with the bitch?"

Xiaoyu said, "Because I'm afraid that Girl Man will be jealous!"

Sharman had also got out of the box, and when she heard Xiaoyu's words, she smiled: "If he must accompany you, I would also be jealous."

Lu Yang grabbed the bowl in the hands of the honest monk and said, "You are jealous, I drink beef soup!"

He didn't care about so many people in front of him, and he didn't care about Lu Xiaofeng's staring eyes. The taste of the beef broth is really delicious.

Lu Yang sighed after taking a few sips, "It turns out that it's not just beef soup in this world that can make such beef soup."

Xiaoyu said, "Who else will do it besides her?"

Lu Yang said, "Of course it's yours."

Lu Xiaofeng said with a bitter face: "Xiaoyu, do you still have it? After smelling that smell, I think I can swallow a cow in front of me now."

Xiaoyu sighed and said, "I hope I will, but in fact I can only eat!"

Lu Yang asked: "Don't you make this beef soup?"

Xiaoyu said: "I can not only eat, but also steal it. I stole this bowl of beef soup from the kitchen!"

Lu Yang asked, "Someone in the kitchen can make this beef soup?"

Xiaoyu said: "Only one person can do it!"

Lu Yang asked: "Who?"

Xiaoyu said: "Of course it's beef soup!"

Under such circumstances, no one wants to hear this name, and Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng suddenly closed their mouths.

Xiaoyu's eyes turned and said, "Actually, you should have wanted it. Of course she got on the boat this time!"

Lu Yang asked, "Then why did she go on this boat of course?"

Xiaoyu said: "Because I secretly hid a small boat, she thought you must have gone by boat, otherwise how could they not find it?"

This is a very simple matter. The boat is gone and the people are gone. Of course, that's what I think.

Xiaoyu sighed again: "Because I can't find you, the Nine Young Masters and the Palace Master have had terrible tempers in the past two days. Fortunately, they can't even dream of who did these things?"

Lu Yang asked, "Who did it?"

Xiaoyu smiled and pointed her right finger to her nose.

Lu Yang said in surprise: "Is it you?"

Xiaoyu said: "Who else can do this thing besides me?"

Lu Yang said, "Of course you sent Sharman and Lu Xiaofeng here?"

Xiaoyu said: "It's so silly to ask, of course it's me!"

Lu Le asked, "You are the one who hangs up the honest monk?"

Xiaoyu said: "It was me who put him down!"

Lu Yang looked at Xiaoyu as if he had seen a big monster. It was like Xiaoyu had suddenly grown a few horns.

Xiaoyu said: "Don't you believe that I can do so many things?"

Lu Yang nodded, he certainly wouldn't believe this.

Lu Xiaofeng said disdainfully: "I don't believe it. How can you do these things with a little girl like you."

Xiaoyu smiled and said, "Even you don't think I can do these things, so of course Young Master Nine and the Palace Master don't believe it."

Lu Yang sighed and said, "That's why they never thought it would be you."

Xiaoyu said, "Even if they dream, they can't even think of it."

Lu Yang sighed again, only to feel that "people are not to be seen, and the sea is not to be measured." That sentence was really good.

At this time, there was a disharmonious sound of "grumbling" in the cabin.

Everyone was taken aback, but they took a look at it. It turned out that it was the belly of the honest monk who was screaming.

Xiao Wang laughed and looked at the honest monk's belly chuckles.

The honest monk said in red: "What's so funny about this. The monk is also a human being. People will growl when they are hungry!"

Xiaoyu smiled and said: "But I think the monk's belly call is very nice!"

Lu Yang laughed and said, "Indeed, it is fun to hear such a nice sound at this time."

The honest monk said bitterly: "It's a pity that the monk doesn't like listening at all!"

Xiaoyu asked, "What does the monk like to listen to?"

The honest monk said: "The monk doesn't like listening, but just likes watching!"

Xiaoyu said, "What are you looking at?"

The honest monk said: "Look at steamed buns, pickled vegetables, and dried radishes. As long as they can be eaten, monks like to watch them!"

Xiaoyu said: "The beef soup is not good-looking?"

The honest monk said: "Buddha bless, monks don't eat meat!"

Xiaoyu said: "Then the monk can only be hungry and listen to the monk's own belly groaning!"

Lu Yang laughed, and Lu Xiaofeng smiled even more to cover his stomach.

Xiaoyu turned around and asked Shaman again: "Do you not eat beef soup with Girl Man?"

Sharman said: "Don't eat!"

Xiaoyu asked, "Isn't Girl Man hungry?"

Sharman said: "You are not hungry, even if you are hungry, don't eat!"

Xiaoyu laughed again and said, "It turns out that Girl Man is really jealous. It turns out that you can eat well when you are jealous, and you won't be hungry!"

The honest monk suddenly grabbed Lu Yang's beef soup and said, "She won't eat it, I will eat it!"

There was still a small half bowl of beef soup left in that bowl, and Lu Yang planned to leave it to Sharman, but was preempted by the honest monk.

Lu Xiaofeng sighed and said, "When did the monk start eating beef soup?"

The honest monk said: "When the monk is going crazy with hunger."

The honest monk ate big mouthfuls, and sighed only when there were a few mouthfuls left in the bowl: "The meat and wine have passed through the intestines, and the Buddha's heart is left. The monk has some beef soup. It doesn't really matter!"

Xiaoyu clapped her hands and laughed: "It turns out that it's not just the monk's belly growling that sounds good. It turns out that the monk eats beef soup the most.

good-looking. "..


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