Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 626: poor

Hearing that the honest monk had eaten the beef soup, Lu Yang laughed and said, "It seems that it really doesn't matter!"

The honest monk suddenly jumped up and said: "It's related, it's so related!"

Lu Yang asked, "What kind of relationship?"

The honest monk said: "Of course it is very relevant, a terribly big relationship, the monk is now..."

Suddenly, the honest monk's body fell, foaming from the corners of his mouth.

Obviously, the bowl of beef soup was drugged.

Lu Yang also began to feel a little dizzy, and said in amazement: "The soup was drugged in that bowl!"

Xiaoyu's face changed drastically, "Who put the medicine in the beef broth?"

Lu Yang said, "I'm just planning to ask you."

Lu Yang wanted to hold Xiaoyu's neck in the past, but he felt a little soft and weak.

Xiaoyu also screamed in surprise: "That was not what I did, it really wasn't me. I didn't do such a thing."

Seeing Lu Yang looking so fierce as to eat people, Xiaoyu was so frightened that his calves became weak and wanted to escape.

But Sharman jumped in front of her and sneered: "Who else would you have? You brought that bowl of beef soup."

Xiaoyu didn't know, and was too scared to speak.

A person came in outside the door and answered Xiaoyu: "It's not her, it's me."

Only one person here can make this beef soup, and of course only one person can add medicine to that bowl of beef soup.

Of course it is the beef soup itself.

The beef soup made by beef soup is fragrant and thick, beautiful and delicious, just as good-looking, as fragrant and as charming as her people.

Especially today, especially at this moment.

Now she seems to have been carefully dressed, wearing bright clothes, but very well-fitting.

The rouge on her face is just right, neither light nor thick, just right to match her.

It was only now that Lu Yang realized that beef soup is really good at dressing up.

Her dress is completely in line with her temperament, making people feel so pleasing to the eye.

She can dress up like this, who will she dress up for?

Although Lu Yang drank a lot of soup, his head was a little dizzy and his eyes were a little flowery, as if he was drunk.

But his skill was profound, and he began to slowly gather a little bit of true power, gradually forcing those medicines.

He has already noticed that it is just a very strong drug. Looking at the rivers and lakes, I am afraid that there is no drug that can match this.

That's why Lu Yang was oversight and restrained for a while, but he didn't care about it. He was confident and would soon recover.

Lu Yang laughed suddenly and said, "I know, you don't think about what you do to me."

Beef soup said: "Oh, isn't it?" Lu Yang said: "I came here to show me, why would you do anything to me?"

The beef soup is still stern, his face is icy, and coldly said: "Of course I won't do anything to you, but I will let you eat **** with the bitch."

It seems that she has been here a long time ago, maybe she came here with Xiaoyu.

But looking at Xiaoyu's performance and expression, it didn't look like they were together.

Xiaoyu looked terribly scared now, as if she was about to faint.

She looked like she was about to slip out.

The beef soup didn't seem to see her in general, and ignored her movements.

Originally, this boat was already traveling above the sea. Where could it slip to?

Xiaoyu seemed to have thought of this, and just turned around and stopped. Instead of slipping out, she slammed the door shut.

Beef soup saw Xiaoyu's performance, turned around, stared at Xiaoyu, and yelled: "Smelly girl, what do you want to do?"

Xiaoyu said, "Actually, I don't want to do anything. I just want you to have soup with the monk."

There are still a few bites left in the bowl of beef soup, which is enough to fascinate people.

Xiaoyu said: "Look, this bowl of beef soup is so good that it is stewed. If you don't drink it up, it would be a shame, and you made it yourself. If you don't taste it yourself, it is really bad for you. of."

The face of beef broth changed drastically. If it was because of the heavy makeup on her face, it might not be obvious.

It's a pity that she just put on her makeup lightly today, just so lightly that people can see the change in her face.

Sharman's face was still so blue, and there was no change. She had been staring at the beef soup, her eyes like a knife.

Although Xiaoyu was also smiling, but that smile was not good-looking, and the blade was hidden in the smile.

Both of them know beef soup so well, it can be said that no one in this world knows beef soup better than them.

Of course, the heart of beef soup is the clearest.

The beef soup stared at Xiaoyu and said, "Dare you do this?"

Xiaoyu: "What can I not dare?"

Xiaoyu smiled and said: "I can see that you are terribly scared now, because you originally thought that we would all be afraid of you, so you were so arrogant, and now that we are not afraid of you, So you are scared yourself."

Xiaoyu's words seem to be very complicated, but in fact they are very simple things. I am not afraid of you but you are afraid of me. If you are not afraid of me, I am afraid of you.

This is often the case between people.

Sharman drew a very thin and long steel wire from the edge of his clothes and held it in his hand.

The steel wire was so long and tough that it was shining.

Her fingers are as long as jade, but they are so powerful.

The steel wire was like a sword in her hand, and the sharp end of the steel wire was the tip of the sword. She seemed to have become a sword dancing woman.

Sharman's fingers moved tightly, and the sword style began to change. The colors were so brilliant and the light was so dazzling.

Seeing that steel wire, absolutely no one would simply regard it as a steel wire. ..


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