Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 639: Shocking news

Lu Yang's complexion improved: "You stand up."

Yingyan Old Qi said, "Thank you, the owner." He stood up and stood beside the old fox.

Lu Yang said with a sullen face: "The jokes you made are too much. If it weren't for my Lu Yang's calmness, I'm afraid I would have died by your sword."

Yingyan Old Qi smiled and said, "But we all know that if Zhuangzhu Lu and Daxia Lu are not calm, they will not be famous in the world without unique skills, but they still don't fully believe it, so there is no way. Find me to do such a thing, but also look forward to Zhuangzhu Lu and Daxia Lu Haihan."

Lu Yang said: "Why should they believe our Kung Fu?"

Lu Xiaofeng smiled bitterly, "It seems that we still don't think we have caused enough trouble and intend to make us more involved."

Hawkeye Old Seven said: "Because they want you to do me a favor."

Lu Yang sighed and said, "Does it mean that help is needed like this?"

Hawkeye Old Seven said: "Because that thing was not only bizarre and terrifying, but also mysterious, and it was full of crises."

Lu Yang said, "What happened?"

Could it be that what happened in the ten days since they left? "

Hawkeye Old Seven said: "Because this matter is not only weird, but also mysterious and full of crisis.

Lu Yang said: "Really?"

Eagle Eye Old Seven said: "Because this matter not only involves 35 million taels of gold."

Lu Yang said: "I have known this for a long time. This is also the most troublesome thing for me now."

Eagle Eye Old Seven said: "But at the same time you may not know one thing."

Lu Yang said: "What's the matter?"

Eagle Eye Old Qidao: "That is, within a few days, dozens of escorts and silver houses were robbed, and the number was nearly 30 million in gold, and there were 103 savvy and capable players in the martial arts. All disappeared overnight."

Lu Yang asked, "How long has this incident happened?"

Yingyan Old Seven said: "It's only about ten days from now."

At that time, it was somewhat consistent with Gong Jiu's whereabouts.

Lu Yang asked: "Then what do you have now? What are the results of the investigation?"

Eagle Eye Old Seven said: "There is no result."

Lu Yang said, "Is it true that nothing suspicious has been found?"

Yingyan Old Qidao: "There is only one suspicious place, and that is the day before the accident. A group of carpenters arrived here and brought a few carts of wood. They said they were used for Buddha statues and wooden fish."

Suddenly, Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng looked at each other and said, "Buddha statue and wooden fish?"

Eagle Eye Old Seven said: "Yes."

It seems that these things are getting more and more weird, and they are really unsettled.

The 35 million taels of gold not only hasn't been seen yet, but now such a big thing has happened again.

It seems that this time someone definitely planned to lay hands, and the goal was extremely precise.

Lu Yang asked, "Then why didn't you continue to investigate?"

Yingyan Old Qidao: "We checked, that group of carpenters left that night, and when we investigated, we found that they were all carpenters from Taiping Palace, and there was nothing suspicious."

Lu Yang said: "Really?"

Lu Xiaofeng also calmed his face, so that the four eyebrows seemed to be crowded together.

Lu Yang's face was gleaming, cloudy and uncertain, this was their expression when they thought about it.

Lu Yang looked at the people in black and the military attache again: "Are they all responsible for handling these cases?"

Eagle Eye Old Seven said: "Yes, so many major events have happened one after another. If we can't find out the news, then we have only one way, including me."

Lu Yang said: "What way?"

The old fox said: "A dead end."

Lu Yang asked: "What kind of relationship does this matter have to do with you?"

The old fox sighed and said, "I had nothing to do with me, but now there are two more people in my fox den."

Lu Yang asked: "Who is there?"

The old fox said: "There are more you and Lu Xiaofeng."

Lu Yang said: "We?"

The old fox said: "I once sneaked back like a person, but they found it. Because I didn't die, they thought that you must be fine, so we are here waiting for you."

Lu Yang said, "It seems that you are finally waiting."

But wait, is that useful?

June 15 is the deadline for the Taiping Prince to give Yingyan Laoqi and those who handle the case, but today it is sixty-four.

There is only one day left, for them, it is equivalent to giving them a reminder.

Eagle Eye Old Seven said: "Although the gold case has been handed over to the emperor, the Taiping Prince cannot intervene, but we can't hide this batch of jewelry and martial arts masters. If we really can't find a clue. To solve this case, then we people can only thank the world with death."

So Hawkeye Seventh, as well as those black-clothed men and military officers, are all desperately waiting for death.

Now that they saw Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng, they were extremely excited, seemingly full of hope.

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Will the Taiping King's son be a very accommodating person?"

Lu Yang said, "I think so. Although I don't have much dealings with him, I still know a little bit. He is definitely not the kind of cold-hearted and insensitive person."

Hawkeye Old Seven said: "Absolutely."

Lu Yang said: "Then it will be easier."

Yingyan Laoqi didn't understand what he meant.

Lu Yang said: "Then you go and tell him that someone has seen one of the 103 missing persons, and has seen the robbed jewellery with their own eyes."

Everyone's eyes were on Lu Yang's face, including Lu Xiaofeng, who was not fully aware of Lu Yang's experience on the island. ..


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