Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 640: Clues that gradually become clear

"Have you really seen it?" everyone was looking at Lu Yang and asked in unison.

Every one of them was so excited and so nervous.

Because they have seen hope, they have no hope anymore, there is no clue or purpose at all.

But the deadline has come, and they are all ready to lose their heads. Now that they heard the news from Lu Yang, how could they not get excited?

"Lu Yang is really Lu Yang." The old fox exclaimed.

But he didn't expect that Lu Yang had experienced so many sinister ordeals after seeing so many Buddha statues and wooden fish.

The first is to fall into the sea and almost die in the sea.

On that island, I have seen so many mysterious masters, and they regard themselves as enemies.

Then He Shangshu, Xiaojiu, and Master Jiu all regarded themselves as thorny.

Especially that Xiao Jiu showed amazing martial arts.

But all of this was passed away, and the danger was turned into a breeze.

And in that secret, I saw so many wooden fish, but the wooden fish was full of jewelry.

And there is the "Hercules Condor" Ge Tong who lives in the Buddha statue.

All of these flashed into Lu Yang's mind one by one.

Lu Yang suddenly remembered the very strange fish he saw when he was shot down in Hailu.

——It is wooden fish.

At that time, Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng were sitting on a Buddha statue, letting it drift aimlessly.

At that time, the boat was full of Buddha statues and wooden fish, if these had nothing to do with the old fox.

It's not just Lu Yang who doesn't believe it, but no one will believe it.

So when Lu Yang said to the old fox, "You took those things away."

Not only the old fox was dumbfounded, but the men in black, military attachés, and Hawkeye Old Qi were even more surprised.

They suddenly stepped forward and surrounded the old fox.

The old fox tried hard to laugh, to ease the atmosphere, but he couldn't even squeeze a wry smile.

Lu Yang continued: "But you don't know the inner story."

Lu Yang's words are still very prestigious, so the old fox knew that his crisis had passed.

The old fox let out a long breath and wiped the cold sweat from his face.

Hawkeye Old Seven asked the old fox, "Where are those things now?"

Lu Yang replied in place of the old fox: "He may only know a little bit, but I have seen it completely."

The military officer asked, "Where is that?"

Lu Yang said: "Do you believe me?"

Hawkeye Old Seven said: "As soon as these things happened, we thought of it right away. Only you can solve this case. We have come to you specifically. Think about it, how could you not trust you? The most important thing is. The reason is that even the emperor values ​​you."

Lu Yang nodded and said, "Well, you should go back now and reply to the Prince of Taiping. In fifteen days, Lu Yang will definitely retrieve the robbed jewelry and people for you."

The military officer and Yingyan Old Seven said, "Can we go with you?" Lu Yang said: "No."

Hawkeye Old Seven asked: "Why not?"

Lu Yang said, "Because it is too dangerous and terrible."

Lu Yang wouldn't let them take risks, especially such a dangerous thing, he would definitely solve it himself.

Yingyan Old Qi knew Lu Yang's temper, so he didn't speak anymore.

Lu Xiaofeng smiled: "But how can I be missing?"

Lv Yang nodded: "Everyone is the best of the world, how can we let you lose the limelight?"

Lu Xiaofeng laughed loudly.

Lu Yang said: "Now we only need a big boat, with the help of the old fox."

The old fox felt so happy, so excited.

Even the eagle eye old seven and the military attache could not participate, but his old fox took part. Isn't that an extremely lucky thing?

But the excitement of the old fox did not last long this time.

Because as soon as the boat reached the place where it encountered the storm last time, Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng jumped into the boat by themselves.

They just rowed away alone with a bottle of water and a small bag of dry food.

But this time they did not encounter a storm, but Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng decided to just drift with the waves on the boat.

Lu Yang remembered that when he was on that island, he said that it was because of this warm current that talents from those things would reach that island.

Therefore, Lu Yang kept poking his hands into the water, trying whether the water was cold or warm.

Lu Xiaofeng saw her head, but didn't understand, "Brother Lu, what are you doing?"

Lu Yang said, "I'm trying the warm and cold sea water."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Will that be of any use?"

Lu Yang said, "Because I still remember one sentence."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "What are you talking about?"

Lu Yang said, "The little old man said that there is a warm current flowing to that island, so as long as something happens here, then we can know where it is drifting as long as we find the warm current."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Oh, then I will help you too."

The two of them tried a total of three hundred times, but the sea water was still cold and not warm.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng are a little anxious, can they really drift back to the island with the warm current?

Especially Lu Yang, he already regretted it, regretting that he insisted on not letting Sharman follow.

Now if Nashaman is by her side, no matter what the current is, she will always be familiar with those paths.

The most important thing is that if you have her company, the life on the sea must be beautiful.

Looking at the sea, it is also like a fairyland, with a loving person in my heart, the mood is bright, and the weather is also brilliant.

He really expected Sharman to be around now.

The sun was still so bright and brilliant, the sea water was as blue as a jewel, the ocean waves were rippling slightly, and occasionally there was a silver light.

If Sharman was by his side, watching this beautiful scene, wouldn't it be the most wonderful thing in the world? ..


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