Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 641: Clues to clarify

Lu Yang is full of beauty when he thinks of Sharman.

It seems that he really fell in love with Sharman and the enchanting woman.

Lu Yang laughed. At this time, the old fox's boat should already be on the way back.

Sharman is also on the old fox's boat, will he think of himself just like himself?

Is she telling Xiaoyu about her feelings, or is she joking with the honest monk?

Thinking of the honest monk, Lu Yang suddenly sat up.

Lu Xiaofeng said in surprise, "Brother Lu, what's the matter?"

Lu Yang smiled bitterly: "I suddenly remembered many things."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "What's the matter?"

Lu Yang didn't respond to him, and Lu Xiaofeng knew that he was thinking and didn't disturb him, just let him look into the distance quietly.

Suddenly, a small gray dot appeared in front.

Lu Yang felt his heart beating, and Lu Xiaofeng's heart was beating. Is that the island they visited?

Lu Xiaofeng already exclaimed excitedly: "That's the island!"

Lu Yang also smiled, did not speak, and was not as excited as Lu Xiaofeng was.

But in fact, his heart is also very happy.

It was night, and the sky was full of stars, and the stars were so shiny.

The stars are shining, shining with everything between heaven and earth, and it looks so beautiful.

And watching the stars on the beach, isn’t that a very happy thing?

Now if Sharman is by his side to watch the stars together, it is definitely the happiest thing in the world.

But Lu Yang didn't feel very sorry, because he must think clearly about some things.

If there is a blank in that mind, it will definitely not be a pleasant thing.

Among those things, there are Yue Yang, the little old man, Gong Jiu, beef soup, and the mysterious masters on the island.

There are also 35 million taels of gold, nearly 30 million taels of jewels, and 103 martial arts masters who stumbled.

What are those people trying to do?

Suddenly, Lu Yang's face became quite ugly.

Lu Xiaofeng couldn't help asking, "Brother Lu, what are you thinking about?"

Lu Yang sighed for a long time, and suddenly asked, "Lu Xiaofeng, what do you think can be done with 35 million taels of silver and gold, similar jewels, plus one hundred and three martial arts masters?"

Lu Xiaofeng finally understood what Lu Yang was thinking.

Indeed, with so much wealth and so many manpower, many things can be done.

Lu Yang added: "And if those treasures and manpower fall into one person's hands."

Lu Xiaofeng's heart sank to the bottom: "Are you suspicious of the Taiping Palace?"

Lu Yang shook his head: "No one can jump to a conclusion without the slightest evidence, but I can be sure of one thing."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "What's the matter?"

Lu Yang said: "That means they will definitely be inextricably linked."

Lu Xiaofeng nodded: "Old Fox and Yingyan Laoqi don't have to lie."

Lu Yang sighed and said: "From this series of events, this person must have a terrifying conspiracy, an absolute planning genius, and he must have been prepared and arranged very early."

Lu Xiaofeng nodded and said, "Yes, just relying on their speed and precision, there is no room for people to react, and you can see that their refined style is definitely well-trained."

Lu Yang said: "So, the opponent we met this time is definitely something we have never seen before. Maybe..."

Lu Yang did not continue, but Lu Xiaofeng already understood what he wanted to say.

With so much wealth and manpower, strength is enough to subvert a dynasty! And the throne was originally coveted by many people.

With so much wealth and such a big robbery, only people like the little old man can plan such a seamless world.

And what about the one hundred and three missing people? They must all be on this island, and they have all lost the ability to move.

Can a person who can only drink one spoonful of beef soup a day live well?

Why did the beef soup treat them that way?

Why didn't she kill them? What do you want to keep them for?

What is in the little old man's head?

Let them live there so prolonged, what is their purpose?

If they really want those people to work for them, is it effective? What is the purpose?

And Yue Yang, should be just a small role of negative **** jewels, it will definitely not play any role.

In this robbery, he should not be a vital figure.

As for the important person, Lu Yang is absolutely certain that there are only two people.

Those two people were obviously from the old man and Gong Jiu.

The little old man must be the mastermind. With his talents, it is absolutely simple to do such a thing.

And that Gong Jiu is definitely the executor.

With so many masters on that pickaxe, it is definitely a simple matter to rob so much gold and jewelry.

The most critical question is not here. Who killed Cheng?

Lu Yang suddenly recalled a passage from the little old man:

There is only one way to kill.

After killing, not only can you completely retreat, but also absolutely leave no traces. Therefore, although there are many tools to kill, there is absolutely only one correct method.

This requires not only great skill, but also extremely precise planning, great wisdom and patience.

Could it be that the little old man killed Cui Cheng?

Absolutely impossible, with so many masters, of course the little old man doesn't need to do it himself, as long as he orders it, someone can do it.

Could it be that Gong Jiu killed Cui Cheng?

Lu Yang is now quite sure that Gong Jiu must have killed Cui Cheng, except for him, no one in the world can do this.

But how did he do it in a strange way? ..


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