Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 656: Ximen Fuxue's pressure

Lu Yang smiled bitterly: "Unfortunately, I got all involved, and it was with this person outside."

Ximen Chuuxue said: "Gong Jiu?"

Lu Yang said: "Yes."

Lu Yang sighed and said: "Until now, I have no idea what he wants to do, what kind of conspiracy he has, how much his conspiracy has been carried out, and who he is targeting."

Ximen Chuuxue said: "So, the trouble you caused this time is really not small."

Lu Yang nodded and said, "Yes. That's why I came to you. If you can't kill him, that's the best, because he is the key figure in the conspiracy."

Ximen Chuuxue said indifferently: "But, he is dead, won't all the conspiracies end?"

Lu Yang sighed and said, "It would be great if it ended so simply."

Ximen Chuuxue said: "Why?"

Lu Yang said, "With so much wealth, so many people, and so much effort, do you think only one Gongjiu can complete it?"

Ximen Chuuxue thought, silent.

Lu Yang sighed: "So, I don't have to avoid him like this, I can only escape, and I can't get rid of him, so I have to find you."

Ximen Chuuxue nodded and said: "I know how to deal with him, but you should explain the ins and outs of this matter completely, maybe I will be more sure."

When Lu Yang had finished talking about the ins and outs of the matter, the wine on the table had been decayed, and the vegetables had been cleared. Sun Xiuqing had added wine and vegetables several times, but they had eaten them all.

They have not been drinking and chatting together for a long time. This is the first time they have come.

Ximen Chuuxue said: "Now I know, you'd better have a good night's sleep. In order to hurry and escape his pursuit."

Lu Yang said, "Can I say two words."

Ximen Chuuxue said: "No."

Lu Yang said: "Why?"

Ximen Chuuxue said, "Because I know what those two words you want to say are."

Lu Yang said: "You already know?"

Ximen Chuuxue said: "Yes, I know." He said after a sip of wine, "I would rather you keep those two words firmly in your heart."

Lu Yang said, "Well, I will put the word ‘thanks a lot’ to the bottom of my heart. Friends don’t need to say thank you." Lu Yang smiled and drank the wine slowly.

Ximen Chuuxue said: "In my heart, you will always be the big brother."

It was early morning, and in that early morning, there was a faint mist, and the world was hazy.

In this early morning, in the slight morning breeze, smell the fragrance of flowers, and admire the early morning flowers in the faint fog.

There are things that make people feel more comfortable than this.

It is a pity that there are not many people who get up early, and many of them prefer to sleep more in this morning.

Lu Yang got up very early. When he got up, there was silence in Wanmei Villa.

Ximen Chuuxue may not have gotten up yet, or he may be taking care of the newborn child.

Lu Yang thought of Xue Bing and the others again. He hadn't gone back to see them for a long time, and they would definitely miss him very much.

I don't know if they are involved.

All this really made Lu Yang feel a little depressed. Since entering the island, he has felt that the little old man and Gong Jiu have been led by the nose.

Lu Yang thought a lot, and was not in the mood to look at the fog and flowers.

Gong Jiu knows how to enjoy, but his enjoyment has nothing to do with enjoying elegance.

He would rather sleep for a while to nurture his energy, rather than enjoy the coolness and hazy beauty of the mist.

The beef soup is for women, and women tend to like romance, they like to watch the sunset and sunrise.

It is a pity that she is following Gong Jiu.

For a man who likes to sleep until dawn, the woman next to him has no choice but to sleep with him until dawn.

Therefore, there is only one person who can only quietly enjoy the beautiful morning.

He was still white as snow. In the misty white fog, Ximen Chuuxue stood beside the flower like a stone statue.

He had just arrived, but it made people feel that he had been standing there for a long, long time.

Lu Yang didn't bother him either, just looked at him from a distance, maybe he was thinking about something.

The fog has gradually dissipated, and the sun has glowed blazingly.

The first bird has begun to sing, as sweet as music.

The air was filled with the fragrance of birds and flowers, which made people feel extremely comfortable.

Ximen Chuuxue was no longer standing in front, beside the carriage, beside Gongjiu's carriage.

Gong Jiuben was resting in the car, and suddenly, a murderous aura spread from outside the car.

Gong Jiu sat up suddenly, opened the curtain, and saw Ximen Chuuxue.

Ximen Chuuxue stood there coldly, looking at Gong Jiu, with murderous expression in his eyes.

Then, the palace saw Lu Yang.

Lu Yang looked at Gong Jiu with a smile, waved his hand, and gradually moved away.

Lu Yang walked very slowly as if showing off intentionally, but it didn't take long before Lu Yang's figure gradually disappeared.

Gong Jiuyi pulled the reins of the horse, but the horse did not move.

Gong Jiu saw the cold light at four o'clock, and all the horses pulling the cart had fallen down.

Ximen Chuuxue took the sword into its sheath, and the sword was as fast as lightning.

Gong Jiu saw such a fast sword for the first time, and Lu Yang's figure had completely disappeared.

Ximen Chuuxue's eyes fixed on Gong Jiu, and Gong Jiu also stared at Ximen Chuuxue.

Gong Jiu said: "Why are you killing my horse?"

Ximen Chuuxue said, "Because I don't want to catch up with my friend."

Gong Jiu said: "Then I must chase it?"

Ximen Chuuxue Chuuxue said: "Then your people will end up just like your horses."

Gong Jiu sneered: "Do you have this confidence? Don't forget, you are not necessarily the only swordsman in the world."..


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