Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 657: Extremely worried

Ximen Chuuxue Road said coldly: "Ximen Chuuxue is the most confident person in the rivers and lakes, except for Brother Lu, if you don't believe it, you can give it a try."

Gong Jiu said, "You mean that brat."

Ximen Chuuxue said coldly: "If you dare to say a word, I will immediately make you splash five steps with blood."

Gong Jiudao: "I don't think he is great at all. If it is against me, I have the confidence to take him down within a hundred moves."

Ximen Chuuxue sneered: "It's up to you? If you can take a trick from him, then you will be considered capable."

Gong Jiu said: "Oh?"

Ximen Chuuxue said: "How many tricks do you think you can resist me?"

Gong Jiu looked at Ximen Chuuxue, pondered for a moment and said, "At least fifty moves."

Ximen Chuuxue said: "Then how many tricks do you think I can resist you?"

Gong Jiudao: "At least fifty moves."

Ximen Chuuxue sneered: "But, I can't resist Lu Yang's move."

Gong Jiu's face changed drastically and became terrifying.

The beef soup also felt cold on the hands and feet. They knew that Ximen Chuuxue would never tell lies.

Ximen Chuuxue didn't need to tell lies.

Everyone in the rivers and lakes knows that Ximen Chuuxue has been famous for a long time, and he is very arrogant throughout his life. He admires a person so much.

This is rare in the world, but no one dares to doubt it, because Ximen Chuuxue is Ximen Chuuxue.

There is no one who dare not believe the words of Ximen Chuuxue, because Ximen Chuuxue's words represent the truth.

Ximen Chuuxue looked at Gong Jiu again: "Would you like to try it?"

Gong Jiu didn't answer his words, but was shivered by Ximen Chuuxue Rin's killing pressure.

After Lu Yang walked out for a while, the morning mist had completely dissipated, the bright sunlight was shining on the sky and the earth, and the birds' voices were so bright and crisp.

The morning breeze blew on him, so comfortable and so restful.

Even looking at the weeds on the side of the road is very beautiful.

In this world, the most pleasant thing is friends.

Family affection and friendship are always the most comfortable things.

Lu Yang, Lu Xiaofeng, Ximen Chuuxue, and Lu Xiaofeng will always be best friends.

Although the relationship was a little indifferent, as long as it was a matter of three people, the other two would definitely take action.

That feeling can never be replaced. ,

Sometimes Ximen Chuuxue looked unkind and forced Lu Xiaofeng to shave off that beard.

But what does that matter? Isn’t it more energetic and cute to shave your beard?

That was just a joke between Ximen Chuuxue and Lu Xiaofeng.

Although Lu Yang once asked Lu Xiaofeng to dig so many earthworms, what does it matter? It is not an insult to a friend.

It's a joke, and it's more of a friendship between friends.

Everything that happens between friends is always beautiful.

Therefore, Lu Yang felt Ximen blowing snow very much.

Although Ximen Chuuxue respected him very much, between his friends and his master, Lu Yang always regarded him as his best friend. and Lu Xiaofeng, Sikong picking up the stars, are all best friends.

Lu Yang was very grateful to Ximen Chuuxue. This time, Gong Jiu could never catch up with him.

Lu Yang stopped, breathing deeply the fresh and cool air in the mountains in the morning, and his mood became more relaxed.

Gong Jiu is indeed terrible, terrifying even more terrifying than the officials of the Taiping Prince.

If it is an official post, Lu Yang has many ways to deal with it.

Gong Jiu is different, unless you kill him, he will definitely not obey.

And Gong Jiu's wisdom and martial arts are shocking to the heavens, completely different from the so-called first-rate masters.

But can Ximen Chuuxue be able to withstand Gong Jiu?

Will Ximen Chuuxue be able to deal with Gong Jiu completely? Lu Yang had already seen Gong Jiu's horror.

He had also seen Ximen Chuuxue's sword.

Lu Yang was about to continue walking, but he stopped after walking a few steps.

What if Ximen Chuuxue is not Gong Jiu's opponent?

What if Ximen Chuuxue is seriously injured? What if the beef soup is also shot against Ximen Chuuxue?

Lu Yang suddenly felt very upset in his heart.

The more he thought about it, the more disturbed he became.

If Ximen Chuuxue had something wrong, wouldn't he be a sinner?

Besides, there are Sun Xiuqing and the baby waiting to be fed.

What will it be like?

Lu Yang did not dare to imagine, nor could he imagine. Why do you want to leave, why not make a decision after seeing Ximen Chuuxue deal with Gongjiu?

Why did Gongjiu take Gongjiu to Ximen Chuuxue Mountain Village so hastily?

Lu Yang only felt that his hands and feet were a little cold.

Friends have to sacrifice, that is also for the sacrifice of both friends, how could it be that Ximen Chuuxue alone faced danger alone.

Thinking about it, Lu Yang became more and more uneasy. His people were like an arrow, flying out and walking back.

The arrow is so fast, because the mood is so eager.

When Lu Yang hurried back to the door of Wanmei Villa, it was noon. The sun was shining at noon and there was no wind.

Among the flowers, there are butterflies flying, but outside the flowers are flies.

It was a big blue-headed fly that flew up and buzzed.

And such flies often only appear in dirty places.

After seeing the flies, Lu Yang smelled a strong smell of blood.

However, the door of the villa was empty. There were no horses, no carriages, and no people.

Lu Yang flew into the village of Ximen Chuuxue.

All the furniture in the village is neat and tidy as usual, and the first thing in it is spotless.

But what about Ximen Chuuxue? Where is he?

How about Sun Xiuqing and the child? Where are they?

In the whole house, except for Lu Yang, no one else saw it. ..


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