Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 658: Friend's worry

Lu Yang's heart was so uneasy, a gust of wind blew in suddenly, and Lu Yang couldn't help shaking.

Is everything irretrievable?

Has the big mistake already happened?

Lu Yang's mood was so heavy.

He went out and walked in front of the village that looked so bloody.

He stretched out his hand and patted, the flies that had been buzzing were no longer sound, and fell to the ground.

The butterflies among the flowers are still flying, like angels.

But the flowers can no longer smell, because they can only smell blood.

Butterflies don't look so beautiful either, because they saw the dead bodies of flies.

Lu Yang looked at the blood stains and the dead bodies of the flies in a daze.

"Are you missing those horses?" A voice reached Lu Yang's ear, and at the same time a hand was wrapped around his shoulder.

It was the sound of Simon blowing snow.

That hand was also Ximen Chuuxue's hand. The hand was manicured unusually and neatly, and it was all so familiar.

Lu Yang was stunned. The sound of Ximen Buxue and Ximen Buxue's smile made Lu Yang feel so cute and so warm.

Lu Yang laughed and said, "Isn't that your blood?"

Ximen Chuuxue said: "If it's my blood, can I still stand here?"

Lu Yang said: "It is true, it is from horse blood."

Horse blood is completely different from human blood, especially for people like Lu Yang, it can be clearly distinguished.

Ximen Chuuxue said: "Why are you rushing back?"

Lu Yang said, "Because I am afraid."

Ximen Chuuxue said: "Are you afraid that I will be attacked by Gong Jiu?"

Lu Yang nodded, but said nothing.

Ximen Chuuxue clung to Lu Yang's shoulders with both hands and shook it vigorously. Ximen Chuuxue's expression was so excited.

Ximen Chuuxue said: "Brother Lu, I didn't expect that you were so worried about me. In the future, as long as it is your business, I will definitely go through fire and water and die."

Lu Yang smiled bitterly. Is this the price of friendship, for friends!

Lu Yang looked at the blood on the ground, and said, "You do worry me, you are really worried."

Ximen Chuuxue said, "Do you think I'm dead?"

Lu Yang said, "It is true."

Ximen Chuuxue said: "Why?"

Lu Yang said: "Because you are a very particular person who loves cleanliness, how can you let a pool of blood be placed in front of your house?"

Ximen Chuuxue smiled and said, "Of course I can't stand it, but I don't have time to clean it."

Lu Yang said: "You don't have time?"

Ximen Chuuxue said: "Yes, I really did not have time to clean, you came."

Lu Yang said, "What about before I come?"

Ximen Chuuxue said: "I'm vomiting by the river."

Lu Yang said: "Those? Vomit?"

Ximen Chuuxue nodded.

Lu Yang said: "Why do you vomit?" Ximen Chuuxue said: "Because I saw a man, his behavior was so ugly that he made me."

Lu Yang said: "Who is it?"

Ximen Chuuxue said: "Gong Jiu."

Lu Yang said: "Gong Jiu? What's wrong with him?"

Ximen Chuuxue said, "He begged me to beat him."

Lu Yang let out a long breath: "Did you really hit it?"

Ximen Chuuxue said: "No. The abnormal behavior of the master before the move must not be taken lightly. I thought he was deliberately disturbing my attention."

Lu Yang said: "Then what?"

Ximen Chuuxue said: "Then he suddenly raised his hand and slapped himself in the face."

Lu Yang said: "But you still ignore him?"

Ximen Chuuxue said: "You are right. I still look at him intently."

Lu Yang said: "Then what should he do?"

Ximen Chuuxue said: "He got a whip."

Lu Yang said: "Whose whip is you hit?"

Ximen Chuuxue said: "The beef soup. The beef soup kept beating him, and he rolled on the ground, shouting with joy."

Lu Yang said: "What do you do?"

Ximen Chuuxue said: "I rushed to the river, vomiting, or else..."

Lu Yang said: "Otherwise?"

Ximen Chuuxue said: "Otherwise I vomit on the ground, I can't live here anymore."

Lu Yang said: "Then I am afraid I will pay you for a house."

Ximen Chuuxue said, "Do you know how much my house is worth?"

Lu Yang said: "How much is it worth?"

Ximen Chuuxue said, "Do you know Huo Xiu?"

Lu Yang smiled.

How could he not know Huoxiu? How could he not know the rich world, but like to live a hermit life, Huo with a lonely personality?

Because now his wealth is basically Huo Xiu's, how could he forget it?

Lu Yang still clearly remembered that that time, when he was lying in bed drinking in comfort, he suddenly came up with three weird people full of rivers and lakes. "

Liu Yuhen, one is Xiao Qiuyu, the "heartbroken swordsman" who says "Autumn Wind and Autumn Rain" all day long, and the other is "walking alone" Dugu Fang.

These three people are rare to be together, and what is even more strange is that not only did they all get together, but they all became Princess Danfeng's bodyguards.

When Princess Danfeng also entered his room and suddenly knelt down to him, he broke the roof and fled.

The place where he avoided Princess Danfeng was Huo Xiu's residence. It was a wooden house, but it was invaluable.

Because that was originally the summer chanting place of the great poet Lu Fangweng, and there was a poem written by Lu Fangweng himself on the wall.

But the house was demolished by Liu Yuhen, Xiao Qiuyu and Dugufang in an instant.

As soon as Princess Danfeng's cousin made the move, she compensated Huo Xiu with fifty taels of gold.

Fifty taels of gold can build several houses!

But Lu Xiaofeng thought that the wooden house was worth three to four thousand taels.

Now Ximen Chuuxue asks this question suddenly, is it because he also thinks his house is worth so much gold?

Lu Yang smiled: "Do you want to compare your house with Huo's house?"..


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