Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 665: Feeling framed

These things are impossible to think about. With Gong Jiu's pride, he would never do it.

What is the reason?

Gong Jiu told them to return to the land, and apparently framed him again, letting him go to ruin.

Was it because he wanted to be his scapegoat and was pushed to the top of the wave, and then he carried out his plan with peace of mind?

Then this time, the honest monk robbed Sharman again. What was the reason?

why? why?

Lu Yang looked up at the blue sky and couldn't help being confused.

Above the blue sky, white clouds floated around.

Lu Yang felt it, and suddenly felt something in his heart.

In the incomparable shock, he seemed to have some clues.

The sky won't change, it's just the clouds that change.

If you put the honest monk and Gong Jiu aside, the appearance of the sky is still the same, not much changed.

The sky represents that strange little old man.

Lu Yang suddenly remembered what the little old man said to him: As long as he and Lu Xiaofeng can join them, he can think about it for as long as he wants.

And during this period of thinking, no matter how long it takes for me and Lu Xiaofeng to consider, they will not restrict their actions/

It doesn't matter where they want to go or what they want to do.

It was absolutely impossible to happen, and he didn't want to join it at all, and Lu Xiaofeng was even less interested.

This little old man should be very clear.

So they let themselves go and let themselves go with Sharman, which will make their feelings with Sharman more memorable.

And then design to let oneself carry the scapegoat for them, so that it will be even more troublesome and difficult to walk the rivers and lakes.

And Sharman is undoubtedly a good stumbling block.

And obviously, the purpose of doing these things is to let Lu Yang join them.

If he joins them, the looting dart can be proved immediately, and the innocence will definitely be solved by himself.

In this way, you will have a higher reputation, and no one will doubt that you will do bad things.

That way, I can really be an invisible person like never before, and it will be even more effective for them.

If Lu Yang joins them now, many of his problems will be solved immediately, and Sharman will definitely appear soon.

Then Lu Yang didn't need to worry about those things at all.

But why does the little old man have to join him and Lu Xiaofeng?

Is it really because of the abilities of two people and their status?

But they already have the ability to rob so many gold and silver jewelry, and there are so many manpower.

It has been shown that they have enough strength to stand up, what else do they need to do on their own?

Obviously, their purpose does not seem to be to annex themselves.

In any case, even if you can't see their conspiracy, you don't know what they are going to do, but one thing can be completely certain.

What they have to do is the biggest conspiracy, and it will definitely be a conspiracy that will shock the world.

And because of this big conspiracy, he and Lu Xiaofeng need to be involved.

That's why the little old man will do everything possible to set traps, so that he has to join them because of trouble.

But Lu Yang was a pity for the little old man and Gong Jiu. Because they really don't understand themselves and Lu Xiaofeng.

Will he and Lu Xiaofeng join the ranks of them because they have suffered unjustified injustices, and they are puzzled by the people of the rivers and lakes?

Is it possible for them to do things that go against the morals of the world? Will they give up their principles of life because of love?

Absolutely not, Lu Yang would never do this.

He is not the kind of person who is willing to do everything for love, for women.

Perhaps many people are like this, blindly for love, willing to be dominated by others.

He and Lu Xiaofeng would definitely not be like this. Even though they were joking about the rivers and lakes, the principles of life would never change.

If they would do this, then they would not be the quaint of the world, they would not be Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng.

If it weren't because they always like to be nosy, and always like to fight against injustices, I'm afraid there will only be one black and white rivers and lakes, and that's the underworld.

Although it is said that the evil forces will have the advantage for a certain period of time, there will always be some who are not for temptation, not for emotions, not for life or death to rectify the situation.

Obviously, Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng are such people.

Lu Yang felt very sad, a kind of sadness that was not understood.

Originally, in Lu Yang's heart, that little old man was a great person, able to see through people's psychology.

And Qi Ren should be the one who knew Qi Ren the best, but he didn't understand himself and Lu Xiaofeng.

With the little old man's wit, the robbery he designed, and the talents he collected, none of them can be done by "people".

To deal with such a person, Lu Yang had only one way to deal with it.

That method is very simple, but it will definitely be very effective.

That is to fight to the end, find out the truth, and never stop until the goal is reached.

And every time Lu Yang made such a decision, it was when his opponent was unlucky, so the little old man should be almost done.

When Lu Yang made up his mind, he knew what he should do.

The most important thing in life is that he has to go back to the cabin and see what clues are left.

The honest monk is definitely not as simple as robbing Sharman.

The honest monk will definitely find a way to inform Lu Yang what he did and where Lu Yang should go to find him and Sharman.

Because the honest monk must have some purpose, if such a purpose is not known by Lu Yang, then his behavior is like an idiot.

Therefore, Lu Yang must return to the cabin again, and he also believes that Ximen Chuuxue must ignore many details in order to save Xiaoyu. ..


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