Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 666: Looking for clues

However, even if there is no clue, there is still a clue to look for.

That was Yingyan Lao Qi, who was led to Chang'an by a note of his own, and he could be found only in Chang'an.

Lu Yang believed that there must be some connection between Yingyan Laoqi and Gongjiu. As long as you find Yingyan Laoqi, you will be able to find Gongjiu.

And if you find Gong Jiu, you will naturally find the honest monk and Sharman.

Before doing these things, he still had to do one thing, and that was to say goodbye to Ximen Chuuxue.

The flute sounded again.

Still facing Ximen Chuuxue, sitting still in that pavilion.

The cup was still green with excellent bamboo leaves. Lu Yang did not come here this time, but wanted to leave.

There is wine in the glass, and a cup of wine is full of pride.

Now Lu Yang's heart is not parting, but sudden pride.

Ximen Chuuxue felt parting in her heart: "You don't plan to leave after Xiaoyu gets better?"

Lu Yang shook his head and said, "She is the best choice to heal her injury here, and the safest place is here."

Ximen Chuuxue smiled: "Did you throw this hot hot mountain scorpion to me?"

Lu Yang said: "You are wrong, she is not a hot Shan Yu."

Ximen Chuuxue said: "Then what is she?"

Lu Yang said, "It's a beauty, and it's a wounded beauty."

The seaside was still so calm and familiar, and the wet sea breeze came from the air.

The sea breeze blew on Lu Yang, who was standing on the edge of the cliff.

He thought of Sharman's subtle breathing again, which sounded like the rhythm of the sea.

At this time, he suddenly remembered why those couples like to come to the sea.

Because at this seaside, the heart is warm, love is warm, and people are warm and beautiful.

The reason why people who passed away in tribute also like to come to the beach is because they can look for the situation in the past by looking at the vast sea.

The sound of the sea lightly patting the coast will sound like the familiar words in your ears.

Whispering softly towards you.

Lu Yang suddenly decided that after these things were over, he would take them to settle on a strange island.

Facing the sea every day, smelling the wet sea breeze must be so beautiful and warm.

And now, what about Sharman? Where is Sharman?

A solitary lamp was lit, and the lamp was in Lu Yang's hand.

The light was moving, and Lu Yang was also moving, he was looking for clues carefully.

Lu Yang had already searched carefully everywhere in the wooden house, but he hadn't found it with any hint.

Honest monk didn't leave any clues?

Lu Yang felt that it was incredible, and they tried every means to get Lu Yang to submit.

The robbing of Sharman was undoubtedly in order to subdue himself.

This is tantamount to having already challenged the other party, and has done a desperate thing, it depends on your disobedience.

But without seeing the person and purpose of the other party, how can we talk about it?

Lu Yang put down the lamp and sat down at the table in the small wooden house.

He suddenly felt a chill. If all this were to be overturned, there would be many incredible things.

But if you want to think about it the other way around, it doesn't matter if the honest monk robbed Shaman and the little old man Gongjiu?

The honest monk robbed Sharman, is he really trying to be honest with Sharman?

Honest monk is really not honest?

But Lu Yang's various doubts disappeared, because he didn't believe in honest monk honesty, but discovered another thing.

There are two words on the wooden table-Gong Jiu!

Those two characters were very light and vague. They were carved with a finger knife, and they were carved on the wooden table.

And that is so faint and easy to overlook.

Lu Yang only looked around, but ignored these two words.

Ximen Chuuxue would even ignore it, because Xiaoyu's injury was anxious in his heart.

Although Lu Yang had always suspected that this matter had something to do with Gong Jiu, now seeing these two words made Lu Yang's heart relaxed.

Because if Sharman's disappearance had nothing to do with Gong Jiu, that would be the most scary.

Now all the doubts have disappeared, and all the targets are directed to one-Gong Jiu.

Only find Gong Jiu, everything will be solved.

The person that Lu Yang has to deal with most now is Gong Jiu, not the little old man, let alone those weird invisible people.

And now if you want to find Gong Jiu, the best way is to find Yingyan Laoqi. If you find Yingyan Laoqi, you will be able to find Gong Jiu.

Things in this world are very strange.

Before, Gong Jiu chased Lu Yang like a cat and a mouse, but now Lu Yang is going to chase Gong Jiu's shadow.

Things in this world are inherently impermanent. Who can tell the number of changes completely?

Now, if you want to catch Yingyan Laoqi, you can only go to Chang'an.

Lu Yang was so anxious that he rushed to Chang'an in the dark.

Now Yingyan Old Qi is looking at the wine in the bowl, the wine is in the bowl, and the bowl is full.

The bowl is in Eagle Eye's hands. This is already the twenty-fourth bowl of wine he has poured tonight.

Even though it was already the twenty-fourth bowl of wine, Yingyan Laoqi was the same as the previous twenty-three bowls of wine, drank it all in one breath.

When he reached the twenty-sixth bowl, Yingyan Laoqi thought he was drunk.

Because Yingyan Old Qiyi raised his head, but found that a knife was suddenly placed on the table.

And that knife seems to be his own.

But he did not see clearly, when the knife suddenly appeared on his table.

So Yingyan Lao Qi rubbed his eyes vigorously, and he had to understand whether he was drunk or not.

"You don't have to doubt or rub your eyes. You are not drunk, and you are not dazzled." A familiar voice came from behind him.

Yingyan Lao Qi suddenly turned around, but did not see a single figure. ..


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