Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 3 Chapter 68: Dugu visiting

The man smiled bitterly and said, "You didn't ask either!"

Lu Yang rolled his eyes and became a little depressed.

Can't find the lion, how does he explain where the two corpses have gone?

Buried? What if Xiongba goes to investigate it himself?

He thought for a long time, and a confidant seemed to see his worries, and immediately said: "Actually, there are a lot of beasts in the mountains that eat people, not necessarily lions!"

Lu Yang didn't feel good about it, "I don't know yet, but there are no tigers in this mountain!"

The man laughed and said, "What do you want a tiger for, a monkey is fine too!"

Lu Yang let out a cry and said in surprise, "Monkeys can also eat people?"

The man nodded immediately and said: "This is natural, monkeys eat meat, and naturally they eat people!"

Lu Yang was overjoyed, nodded and said, "Okay, let's go catch the monkey!"

After working hard for a day, I caught a few of them and kept them, and randomly made a blood-stained black coat still in the cage.

However, the two monkeys were very alert when the time came, and they seemed to be somewhat spiritual, and they were regarded as treasures by the two girls.

Lu Yang’s Qingmutang yang flourishes and yin declines, which is different from other places. So they can be said to be in love with each other here, and those who are worried that Han will not be in favor that day.

But the two girls had Lu Ang in their hearts, thinking that if Lu Yang would accept himself that day, so of course they rejected them.

This makes those suitors even more violent.

As soon as Lu Yang came back, his subordinates let go of urgent matters. Mostly it doesn't matter, but it's not that he really doesn't dare to decide.

Lu Yang just handled it casually. He had just been exposed to the sun for a while, and someone came to report immediately, and Xiongba looked for him.

He hurried to Xiongba, Xiongba was playing chess with Chou Chou. Seeing him coming, Xiongba chuckled and said, "What a sheep, Qingmutang is okay recently!"

Lu Yang heard this and immediately said, "Hong Fu, the leader of the drag gang, Qingmutang is now in order, and the subordinates are also very leisurely!"

Xiongba nodded and said, "You are a little lazy. Since you don't like trivial matters, just leave it to the people below. But today the old man has opinions and important matters to you!"

Lu Yang was taken aback for a moment, and half of the important things were done by his three apprentices. Xiongba seemed to trust him completely by doing this.

He immediately said: "Please give me your instructions!"

Xiongba nodded and said: "Today, the lord of Wushuang City sent me a post to worship the mountain. I promised that I will meet in three days. The old man intends to form an alliance with them, but I don't know what they mean. You are clever, but the old man probes their tone. !"

When Lu Yang heard this, he immediately understood that Xiongba was the city lord who asked him to welcome Wushuang City!

He nodded immediately and said: "Subordinates obey!"

Xiongba nodded, his gaze fell on the chessboard again.

Lu Yang was about to leave, when Xiongba suddenly stopped him and said, "Yes, there is one more thing please. Duanlang is where you are now!"

Lu Yang sighed after hearing this, and asked, is he going to attack Duanlang?

Thinking of this, he immediately said cautiously: "Duanlang is now yelling at everyone in the world, and I have arranged to feed the horses in Surabaya! I heard that his life is not very good!"

In fact, he has said that Sishui Cheng is now his own, and Duan Lang will definitely not be bullied over there. Although the world will hate him, but with the presence of Lu Yang, Duanlang's life is okay.

Xiongba nodded and said, "Let him rush back to the World Club in Starry Night and transfer to me!"

Lu Yang froze for a moment, nodded and said: "Yes!"

Xiongba waved his hand to let him leave.

Lu Yang then hurriedly withdrew.

He returned to the Blue Eye Hall and immediately summoned his men to talk about the matter. After everyone discussed for a while, they were ready to meet.

Wushuang City's arena status is not small, comparable to the world. I heard that Wushuangsheng's Wushuangjian is invincible in the world. Everyone in the arena has one sword, and people refer to the hero, the sword is the unparalleled sword!

Lu Yang didn't dare to take it lightly, and borrowed some people from Nie Feng and Qin Chuang, and then he descended the mountain mightily.

At the foot of the mountain is the city, but the greeted team can't be so close. They didn't stop until the gate of the city.

The disciples of the Tianxiahui immediately began to drive out the people who were about to enter and leave the city gate, but Lu Yang stopped them. Only let them disperse the crowd of onlookers.

At that time, many people looked at them curiously, wondering what would happen in the world and why so many people gathered at the city gate.

But they were quickly dispersed, Lu Yang didn't want the city gate to be congested when Wushuang City Lord came.

It is estimated that the time is about to come. Lu Yang asked the disciples of the World Society to stand at each end. Lu Yang then rode on the tall horse and waited quietly.

After a while, the smoke billowed in front of him, and the ground roared, and Lu Yang couldn't help being a little surprised.

Wushuang City is located in the south, listening to the sound, it seems that there are countless horses coming.

It's strange that they don't need cavalry in Wushuangcheng, why so many horses!

After the roar, a large group of people came here as expected.

Lu Yang couldn't help but open his mouth.

In this battle, there are no more than 8,000, but there are 5,000. Is it necessary for them to come to worship the mountain to stay with so many people?

After thinking about it, he understood.

Xiongba asked him to test Dugu's heart. It seemed that he didn't need to test it himself. People already understood his heart.

Where is the person who came to worship the mountain with so many people? It is clear that he is here to give power. If he alone is willing to succumb to the world, does he need such a big mayor?

Lu Yang sneered coldly, with a sneer on his face.

Wushuang City doesn't need the World Meeting, his Qingmutang is done, and the lonely party is also big.

Isn't it just human?

There are many people in any city in his Qingmutang. Who is this to scare!

But thinking so in my heart, there was a friendly smile on his face.

Soon the team arrived, and Lu Yang cleared his throat and greeted him.

Going all the way to the front of the team, looking at the magnificent frames, like the emperor traveling, they are extremely luxurious.

Lu Yang sneered, Wushuang City is a small place, lonely Party B has lost his blood this time! ..


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