Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 3 Chapter 69: contradiction

In fact, he didn't know that although Wushuang City had only one city, it had many radiation places.

Outside the city are Wushuang City's spheres of influence, which together are even more powerful than the four cities under his hand.

If you really want to fight, he may not have more than his family. But on martial arts...

There is no comparability in martial arts, not to mention Xiongba, even his three apprentices can easily destroy Wushuang City, Xiongba is only afraid of Wushuang sword.

Seeing the front, Lu Yang immediately said: "Lv Yang, the host of the Blue Eyes Hall of the World Association, welcome the Lord of Dugu City!"

As soon as his voice fell, there was a hearty laugh in the frame of the car: "Oh? The brothers of the World Association are so polite, and they are greeted outside the city. It is an honor for the lone party!"

As soon as his voice fell, another voice rang.

"Xiong Ba! He didn't come so much, so he let a district hall host welcome us Wushuang City Lord!"

Then, the curtain of the frame opened, revealing a handsome face.

This face should be said to be very handsome, with red lips and white teeth, and a beautiful face. At first glance, he looked like a young man. Especially his brocade clothes, extraordinary demeanor, wherever he put it, he is a character who will fascinate thousands of young girls.

However, there is always an arrogance between his brows, which gives people an uncomfortable feeling.

Lu Yang frowned. Although he was here to greet him on behalf of the World Society, he couldn't lose his temper casually, but he couldn't help but become angry because he was scolding him.

As he was about to speak, the frame curtain opened first, revealing a vigorous old man.

This old man is more than 40 years old, and there is a heroic air between his eyebrows, especially his eyes, which seem to give people infinite power.

But his face was slightly treacherous, especially his smile, which always made people feel as if they were trying to fawn on someone.

Lu Yang didn't have a good impression of the father and son, and his face became cold.

What the old man said at that time made him angry immediately.

Just listened to a cold snort and said to the young man: "Ming'er, don't be rude!"

The young man looked reluctant and glanced at Lu Yang, his eyes full of disdain.

Lu Yang sneered in his heart and didn't bother to care about him.

The old man smiled at Lu Yang and said, "The old man alone is the lord of the city alone. This is the new hall lord of the world, Lv Yang!"

I don't know why, the Dugu party is a kind little one, and Lu Yang always feels a little treacherous, as if there is some conspiracy in his sentence.

Maybe people are used to it!

Lu Yang laughed, and said enthusiastically: "Long Yang, Lu Yang is next to you, please come with me!"

With that, I was about to take them to the process.

Suddenly heard someone behind him say: "You are a dog, but a hall master! Let the hero come out!"

Lu Yang heard this, and his expression became cold after a pause!

Give you a face, right?

He turned around abruptly and said coldly to Dugu Ming: "What did the son just say!" Du Guming was startled by his cold eyes and couldn't help his face change. But still not showing weakness in his mouth: "I said you dog..."

Suddenly, a white light flashed in front of him, and Lu Yang, who was originally on horseback, disappeared, but suddenly appeared in front of him.

Du Guming's face turned pale. Although he could see Lu Yang's movements clearly, he still marveled at his speed.

Lu Yang snorted coldly, slapped him on the face, and suddenly his wrist was held.

Lu Yang had a pause and glanced at Dugu Fang.

Seeing that his son was beaten, the Dugu side still had a friendly smile on his face.

He laughed and said, "Master Lu, don't mind, the dog's hands and feet are fine, it is the old man's fault, and the old man will punish him!"

Lu Yang snorted coldly, and then put down his hands and said, "It doesn't matter when the son insults you, don't talk nonsense when you get to the world meeting. The temper of the helper is not good!"

The Dugu party laughed and said, "Naturally not!"

Lu Yang snorted coldly before returning to horseback.

Dugu Ming watched his son humiliate himself, his father even smiled, and couldn't help glaring at Lu Yang's back with a cold snort.

Dugu side waited for him fiercely, and said sternly: "Go back!"

Du Guming glanced at him and returned to the car house angrily.

Dugu looked at Lu Yang, then sighed and returned to the frame.

When the two reached the frame, Du Guming sat down angrily: "Father, the tyrant humiliates you so much, why are you not angry!"

The Dugu side looked at him helplessly, and sighed: "Ming'er, you are proud of your heart. This is a good thing. But you can't lose your temper. This is the world is not Wushuang City, in Wushuang City you are The future city owner, but in the World Conference, no one really cares about Wushuang City!"

Du Guming listened to a cold snort and said: "Humph! Am I afraid of his dominance? As long as I am unparalleled sword yin and yang..."

He said halfway, when he suddenly saw Dugu's eyes lingering, staring at him fiercely, and he didn't say anything.

Dugu Yifang waited for him fiercely and said: "You can't tell the secret of Wushuang Sword to anyone, especially the Xiongba. He has coveted Wushuang Sword for a long time, do you think he will not steal Wushuang Sword?"

Duguming snorted coldly: "If he comes to **** it, I must kill her!"

The Dugu side glanced at his son and sighed unconsciously.

As soon as the people from Tianxiahui and Wushuangcheng entered the city, the whole street became crowded. Lu Yang didn't expect them to come back so many people, nor did he drive the crowd in time, and it was too late at this time.

As a result, the speed is much slower.

Lu Yang didn't mind, he was a little angry with the father and son, so they walked very slowly.

Sure enough, Du Guming became impatient after a while. Began to complain.

The Dugu party was indeed very happy, seeing that Lu Yang deliberately slowed down, he came out of the frame and called a horse to join Lu Yang.

When Lu Yang saw him coming out, he didn't mean to slow down intentionally.

As soon as the Dugu party came out, he said to Lu Yang: "Master Lu is really a young hero, just looking at his temperament is extraordinary!"

Lu Yang laughed, and said, "The Lord of the Solitary City praised it!"..


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