Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 3 Chapter 97: Soul

Du Guming said in shock: "Lu Yang, you are despicable!"

Lu Yang snorted coldly: "You just know!" He clasped Du Guming's wrist and said to everyone: "Don't move, your little son is in my hand!"

Dugu Ming's face turned pale, he knew that Lu Yang was so powerful, although he only clasped his wrist, but with five fingers connected to the heart, Lu Yang could shatter his veins at any time.

He looked at Du Gu Ming in fright and anger, and said angrily: "Lu Yang, what are you capable of!"

Lu Yang curled his lips and ignored him, staring at the crowd around him.

People in Wushuang City didn't dare to act rashly after seeing that Du Guming was stopped by him. I can only watch him tightly, for fear that he will act rashly.

Lu Yang snorted coldly, and said to Nie Feng: "Go!"

Nie Feng glanced at him, shook his head and said, "Go together!"

Lu Yang frowned and said, "You go first, I have a way to go!"

Nie Feng shook his head resolutely and said, "No! If you don't go, I won't go!"

Lu Yang rolled his eyes and said in his heart, what are you doing right now?

He helplessly said to Nie Feng: "If I don't go, it's useless to stop him. Don't worry, don't you know my skill?"

Nie Feng glanced at her and nodded and said: "I can rest assured of your skill, but in fact, the situation is special, I don't worry about leaving alone!"

Seeing his worried look, Lu Yang sighed inwardly.

Dugu Ming let out a cold snort, and said coldly, "None of you can leave today!"

Lu Yang rolled his eyes and deliberately angered him. Yes, Yin and Yang said strangely: "With your permit, where do I want to go?"

Nie Feng should know his skill, but he still couldn't let him leave Lu Yang alone.

Since Lu Yang joined the world, he has helped him a lot, not only has saved Duanlang many times, but has also helped himself and Bu Jingyun many times, leaving him alone in a dangerous situation, he is really worried.

Therefore, he must go with Lu Yang to ensure that Lu Yang leaves alive.

Seeing his firm attitude, Lu Yang had no choice but to say: "Also..."

I didn't finish a sentence, but suddenly saw Du Guming's expression change.

With a movement in his heart, his figure flashed out.

It turned out that Du Guming even hinted that his subordinates would detonate the gunpowder.

Where could Lu Yang not be surprised, he immediately set off to push Nie Feng away.

In fact, with his skill, there is no problem trying to escape, not to mention Dugu Ming in his hand.

But Du Guming didn't think he could leave safely, even if he said so.

So he first signaled people to detonate gunpowder, one could kill one.

Only one Lu Yang escaped, this one also taught the World Society a lesson.

What's more, with Nie Feng, the prophecy of the tyrant is missing, maybe the tyrant's fortune will decline.

Their good days without double layers will come.

Thinking of this, Du Guming also had to take the risk.

Lu Yang didn't expect him to be so bold, and he was caught off guard, so he could only slap it from in front of Nie Feng.

Anyone can die, Fengyun cannot die.

Of course, he is not taking risks either.

It was easy to save Nie Feng with his skill, but he would be injured in this way.

But he was not afraid, Nie Feng would definitely save him.

It really didn't work, and he didn't believe that Du Guming would kill him casually.

After all, Duanlang is with them, he may not be able to save himself.

Ten thousand steps back and said, that is, breaking the waves will not save him.

He also has a way to get out.

The big deal stopped Duguming again.

Besides, it must be chaotic after an explosion, and it is not difficult to hide it by yourself.

With this thought in mind, Lu Yang Sky Striker Nie Feng slapped it with a palm.

Nie Feng was frightened for a while, did not understand what he meant, and immediately subconsciously fought back in a hurry.

The two held a pair of hands, and Nie Feng bounced out.

The whole person bounced from the ground like a feather and flew into the air.

Nie Feng was shocked and looked down at Lu Yang.


There was a loud noise, and there was a sudden burst of strong white light in the courtyard that was originally like daylight.

The sound of the blast of the sky made the earth tremble.

Nie Feng was shocked in midair, and his whole body was stunned!

Under him was the center of the explosion, and even he felt the tremendous pressure of Dao, let alone Lu Yang below.

Nie Feng's eye circles turned red all of a sudden, and then he realized.

Lu Yang wanted to sacrifice himself to save him!

Nie Feng had five internal organs in his heart, and his grief was speechless.

"Hall Master Lu!"

A stern voice across the night sky!

Nie Feng in mid-air suddenly exuded an extraordinary aura!

Dugu Ming watched Lu Yang and Nie Feng rescued him, but he was deeply caught in the flames, and couldn't help being a little disappointed.

His goal is Fengyun, and the death of any one of them will be a huge blow to the tyrant.

However, he did not expect that Lu Yang would rescue Nie Feng at the last minute, which really disappointed him!

But looking like this, Lu Yang couldn't survive.

It doesn't matter, the death of Lu Yang is good for him!

Besides, he doesn't like Lu Yang!

I don't like it very much, Lu Yang never gives him face every time, but he can't beat this man himself.

He who is inferior to humans has never thought of practicing hard and surpassing others. On the contrary, his idea is only hate!

He hates Lu Yang and can't wait for him to die!

So even though Du Guming was disappointed at this time, he was even more happy than Nie Feng was dead!

When the explosion sounded, Du Guming was protected by the guards beside him, and he did not see the moment when Lu Yang died.

As soon as the explosion stopped, he pushed away the guard and stood up.

Seeing the place where Lu Yang just settled, the thick grass that had originally turned into a huge pit.

White smoke rose from the blackened soil by the explosion, and there was a strong smell of gunpowder all around!

Du Guming was overjoyed and said that Lu Yang was a person and a **** in time. There was no hope of surviving at this time!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help being ecstatic!

But just as he was about to laugh out loud, there was a horrified voice beside him: "Master! Look!"..


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