Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 3 Chapter 98: Nie Feng

Du Guming was taken aback, turned his head and looked over, and found that several guards around him were looking at the air with horrified eyes.

He followed the guard's eyes and saw a white figure slowly falling in midair.

Dugu was shocked, didn't Lu Yang die!

In an instant, his face turned pale.

Impossible, the explosion of such power is that he dare not escape safely after the domineering comes! Besides, Lu Yang!

The white figure gradually fell, and Du Guming's heart suddenly grabbed...

"It's Nie Feng!" A guard with good eyesight saw the figure's face and immediately said in surprise!

Du Guming also saw that person's face clearly, and couldn't help being overjoyed!

Nie Feng!

He didn't even run away!

Du Guming was really going to laugh up to the sky this time. He didn't expect that after Lu Yang died today, Nie Feng didn't even run away. He came to die by himself!

Thinking of this, how could he be unhappy!

But instead of laughing, he sneered!

Because Nie Feng is still alive, now is not the time to laugh!

"There is a way to heaven, you don't go, there is no way to hell, you break in!"

Du Gu Ming let out a cold snort and looked at Nie Feng contemptuously.

Surrounded by many, Nie Feng will undoubtedly die!

However, he hadn't been happy for long, and suddenly a whole group of dangerous feelings came to his heart.

He didn't know why he felt this way, he clearly had no enemies around!

He looked around subconsciously, yes, Lu Yang was wiped out. There is only Nie Feng alone!

Here is his chassis, his Wushuang city, his palace, and his guards beside him!

But why is there a feeling of danger?

He looked at Nie Feng with some doubts.

At this time, Nie Feng had already landed.

His head was slightly lowered, and his entire face was covered by loose hair.

Although the surroundings were illuminated by torches, he still couldn't see his face.

He just stood there quietly, without moving at all.

But Du Guming clearly felt that he was exuding a lot of dangerous aura!

He finally understood what this breath was.

When he was very young, his father took him to hunting.

After a lot of hard work, they finally split to a tiger.

The tiger had been subdued by them, and his father's sword was inserted into the tiger's body.

Dad asked him to pull out the sword, so he walked to the dying tiger.

But just when he was about to pull out the sword, suddenly the tiger exuded a frightening aura.

He didn't know why, he thought he was timid.

It was just a dying tiger, no matter how powerful it was, it was already dying!

Thinking of this, he snorted coldly: "Nie Feng! You are dead today!"

After the explosion just now, his voice was the first to appear in the yard.

Although it does not fight, it sounds unusually loud.

Like a wave breaking through a calm lake, it heralds the arrival of a huge wave.


As soon as Dugu Ming's voice fell, a deep roaring voice remembered! Although the voice was faint, it reached everyone's ears.

Everyone, including Du Guming, heard this sound, suddenly feeling a kind of creepy!

It was as if something terrible was hidden in this humble white figure.

It's like a prelude to a huge news!

"Nie... Feng... Don't pretend to be god... Fuck a ghost!"

Du Guming wanted to make his voice sound calmer, but his body betrayed him.

His voice was trembling, and there was a cold feeling all over his body.

It seems that the breeze brings this chill!

At this time, Nie Feng moved.

He slowly raised his head...

Everyone suddenly held their breath subconsciously, and many of them couldn't help shaking. It seems that the subconscious mind tells them that an abnormal battle is coming!

"His eyes!"

A piercing voice remembered that when everyone was paying attention and waiting for Nie Feng to take action, the voice was unusually piercing.

However, the person who was frightened by this voice had not had time to cast the blame on the past.

Their faces were also occupied by panic.

They looked at Nie Feng blankly, their faces as if they had seen Jiuyou ghost hunting!

It was still the white figure, or Nie Feng with the disheveled hair.

They couldn't see Nie Feng's eyes hidden in the emission, but they could see his eyes glowing with blood red!

His eyes are glowing!

Du Guming's face suddenly turned pale, and the whole person was stunned.

He finally knew what that dangerous feeling was all about!

There is no beast, but Nie Feng!

Or, at this time, Nie Feng is a fierce beast!

"Ah!" A deep voice slipped into the night sky!

Nie Feng moved!

A white shadow flashed between everyone, and a painful voice was heard randomly.

I saw a blood flower exploded on the chest of a guard, and the blood-red hand passed through his chest!

In an instant, almost everyone lost their fighting spirit.

If you are a quack master, even if they have the same skills, they may not be afraid.

But facing Nie Feng at this time, they felt that this person was like a devil!

Dugu Ming shouted: "Kill him!"

But no one did it!

They all stared at each other in horror.

Dugu Ming saw it and said corruptly: "Let him run away, none of you will survive!"

The guards listened, and then they passed to Nie Fenggong.

Duguming saw that everyone was heading to Nie Feng, and only then his legs softened, and he almost fell to his knees.

He took a long sigh, saw no one paying attention to him, and ran out.

In the backyard that has been running, where the lonely party is already waiting.

Seeing Dugu Ming, the Dugu party immediately asked nervously: "What's the matter, they were hit?"

But seeing Dugu Ming running over lifelessly, he fell headlong as soon as he reached him.

When Dugu saw this, he felt cold, thinking that Lu Yang and the others were not intermediate, so they killed him instead.

But when Du Guming said in a trembling voice, "Lu Yang is dead!"


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