Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 3 Chapter 99: Mad blood

The Dugu party was relieved after hearing this, and then overjoyed, but seeing that his son was not happy, he was scared to death. Angrily glanced at his son and said, "Lu Yang is dead! Then what are you so afraid of!"

Du Guming looked at him and said tremblingly: "Nie Feng! I'm crazy!"

Dugu party was taken aback, and said overjoyed: "Nie Feng didn't run away, great! Where is he!"

He said that he was about to go out, but was held back by Du Guming.

Dugu said to him out of breath, "Don't go, Nie Feng is crazy!"

The Dugu party was taken aback for a moment, and then wondered: "What can he do if he is crazy? Maybe the two of them are my opponent together. There is only one Nie Feng, where is my opponent!"

Du Guming waved his hand and said, "Father, you don't understand, he is really crazy!"

The Dugu party frowned and glanced at him, then suddenly broke free of his hand and said, "Let go! I know he is crazy, you have said it several times!"

He was about to leave, but was held back by Dugu Ming.

Du Guming smiled bitterly: "Daddy, you don't know, he is crazy but more powerful than before. Daddy may not be his opponent if he goes!"

"What!" Dugu party listened for a moment, and then stopped.

He frowned and wondered: "He... is actually better than when he was awake?"

Duguming nodded quickly, and said without doubt: "Not only is it more powerful, but it's even more brutal!"

When the Dugu party heard this, he immediately showed a pensive look, and he didn't rush to kill Nie Feng.

On the contrary, he even ignored the battle ahead, slowly returned to his seat and pondered.

Dugu Ming looked at him blankly, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a long time, Dugu's expression changed, and it seemed to remember something.

Seeing that his expression had changed, Du Guming immediately said, "What did Daddy think of?"

Dugu Ming pondered for a while before slowly saying: "I just remembered a rumor, but I have never believed it. If what you said is true, this rumor is reliable!"

Du Guming listened for a moment, and immediately nodded and said: "It's true, daddy! I saw it with my own eyes!"

The Dugu party nodded and said: "Yes! It was rumored that Wang Wugong from the Northern Drinking Knife Sword Nie was overwhelmed by the world, but there was a kind of crazy blood on his body. Once he went crazy, not only his skill was greatly increased, but also he became a killer. You can remember when you were a child. Dad told you about the slaughter of Wangjia Village!"

Du Guming listened for a moment, and blurted out: "Daddy said that there were more than 600 people from the Wang family's village up and down, I don't know who killed it overnight!"

The Dugu party heard what he said, as if he had remembered something, and nodded.

He sighed, stood up and said: "That was a decade ago. Because the case was too tragic, and the murderer was too tyrannical. At that time, Dad, I and several other masters in the rivers and lakes had investigated. But there was no one. Clue. The murdered villagers seemed to be attacked by wild beasts! Later, we found a child not far from the village!"

Du Guming was taken aback for a moment, and said in surprise, "Is that kid from Wangjia Village?"

Dugu shook his head and said, "No! He is not from Wangjiacun!"

Du Guming heard some doubts and said: "Then who is he?" Dugu sighed, did not directly answer, but said: "We were in a coma when we found it, but he was holding a treasured knife in his hand!"

Du Guming frowned upon hearing this, but did not speak.

The Dugu side continued: "We saved the child and took the treasure from his arms. But..."

As he said, he exclaimed on his face: "However, everyone was shocked when they saw that sword! Because the name of that sword is Xueyin!"

Du Guming shook his whole body when he heard it, and blurted out: "King Nie's snow drink!"

The Dugu party nodded and said, "Yes, it is King Nie's snow drink!"

As he said, he sat back on the Taoist deeds and continued: "After that incident, many people suspected that the massacre was the work of Beiyin Crazy Saber, but many people present were friends with King Nie, so they didn't believe it!"

He thought for a while, and continued: "The kid woke up later, but as soon as he woke up, he needed to find his father. We tried to persuade him, but in the middle of the night, he actually took Xueyin and left! No one has seen that kid again!"

Du Guming nodded, remembering something suddenly, and blurted out: "That kid is Nie Feng!"

The Dugu party nodded, squinted his eyes and said: "I originally thought that the mad blood of the Nie family is a rumor, so it seems that it is true! Imagine carefully that when King Nie went mad, it happened that the male tyrant robbed his wife. After! And today..."

Du Guming was shocked, and said blankly: "Today we killed Lu Yang!"

Dugu side nodded.

The room fell silent immediately. After a long time, Dugu suddenly said, "By the way, how many people are there to deal with Nie Feng?"

Du Guming listened for a moment, and said randomly: "We are all good players here, let alone a hundred people!"

The Dugu side nodded and said, "Well, a hundred people are more difficult to deal with than hundreds of villagers. Besides, Nie Feng's skill may not be higher than that of King Nie back then!"

Du Guming listened for a while, and what Du Gu Ming meant was that hundreds of people were buried for Nie Feng!

However, he was not too surprised when he arrived. There were only a hundred guards. There were so many people in Wushuang City!

The father and son just waited, waiting for dawn.

When the sky was finally shining, the father and son walked to the ambush.

When they reached the ambush, both of them were shocked!

Where is their palace here, it is clearly Shura hell.

There were broken arms and limbs everywhere, and blood donation made the earth red!

Pain and wailing sounded one after another. Overnight, none of the 100 guards was intact.

The walls of the real yard were bloody, like a **** scroll.

As soon as Duguming came here, he vomited, his face pale and unpretentious.

The Dugu side glanced at him a little disappointingly, and then realized that he was not necessarily better than him back then!

Thinking of that Shura scene, he was full of excitement! ..


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