Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 3 Chapter 120: so bad

Hearing this, Mingyue felt a little better in her heart.

Lu Yang was right. Although Wushuang City was destroyed, those who rode on the heads of the people were still there. If they return to the world, they will be equally domineering, which is not good for the people of Wushuangcheng.

On the contrary, if I punish these people, I can make the people of Wushuang City live a little bit better.

Thinking of this, he nodded helplessly, looked at Lu Yang reluctantly and said, "Well, they promise you!"

Lu Yang was overjoyed, a stone in his heart fell to the ground.

He smiled and said: "I will arrange someone to help you as soon as possible. I will find a city director in Wushuang City, but secretly you are the city lord. Wushuang City will hand you over in the future. You have to take care of you!"

After hearing this, Mingyue's expression changed, and she was a little excited: "What! You let the family be the lord of the city!"

Lu Yang smiled and said: "This is natural. Wushuang City was originally built by your Ming family and Dugu family together, but it was occupied by the Dugu family. Your Ming family has always been willing to give, but watching the people suffer, I am now Wushuang. If the city is handed over to the Ming family, it is worthy of your Ming family ancestors!"

Mingyue heard it, her small face flushed with excitement. Although he didn't care about the name Female City Lord, it was a bit exciting at first.

Hearing what Lu Yang said, he immediately said shyly: "Where is the city owner's material, but it is still possible to help you take care of them, Wushuang City is still your Lu family!"

Lu Yang laughed at this, nodded, and said without shame: "Of course!"

He smiled and hugged Mingyue, and suddenly sighed, "It's just that it hurts you!"

Mingyue lay in his arms, knowing that she was about to be separated from her lover, but she was still happy in her heart to be able to do things for him.

She smiled and shook her head and said: "Mingyue is not bitter, I just hope that Lang Jun will solve the male tyrant as soon as possible, and Mingyue can be by his best man!"

After hearing this, Lu Yang nodded heavily and said, "That day is not far away!"

It didn't take long for the bright moon to come, so I was leaving.

Of course, Lu Yang would not let her go like this, and of course it was indispensable to be happy these days.

He didn't think of Kong Ci until the farewell.

This ghost girl is very interesting, and has resisted looking for herself these days.

As soon as the reluctant Mingyue was sent away, he immediately found Kong Ci.

Seeing that he had finally found himself, Kong Ci threw himself into his arms and complained in surprise: "If you have no conscience, if you have a new love, you will forget about them. I hope that your heart is broken in the past few days!"

Lu Yang sighed slightly. He didn't need to explain Kong Ci at all. She could tolerate everything and let go of everything.

He sighed slightly: "I don't want to come to you, it's really..."

Hearing his tone a little embarrassing, Kong Ci raised his head and glanced at him, then suddenly smiled and said, "Okay! People don't embarrass you anymore! It's just that something has happened these days, and they are worried!"

Lu Yang laughed. He and Kong Ci had been apart for too long. They just met today, it was indeed not the time to talk about Mingyue. Seeing that Kong Ci knows nothing about it, so he no longer finds himself boring. After listening to Kong Ci’s words, he immediately said: "Well, tell me, what is it!"

Kong Ci heard this and said with some worry on his face: "I said, don't be angry!"

Lu Yang smiled, nodded and said, "Don't worry, I won't get angry easily!"

Who knew that Kong Ci was even more worried after hearing what he said. He went to face Lu Yang, his face solemnly said: "You must promise me not to be angry!"

When Lu Yang saw him like this, he didn't care about it, but was a little surprised.

He watched Kong Ci for a while, suddenly thought of something, his face changed suddenly!

Seeing his face change, Kong Ci sighed slightly, but he was still angry.

Just listen to Lu Yang's face full of anger and said: "Someone bullied you, right?"

Seeing him like this, Kong Ci immediately said: "Look at you, I'm not angry if you say it!"

Lu Yang didn't get angry after hearing this: "How can I not be angry, just say, who is bullying you!"

Seeing his angry look, Kong Ci felt sweet in his heart for no reason, but he was still worried and said, "You put the fire out first, but I was actually not being bullied. This incident is not a big deal, it's just that Young Master Bu Jingyun... "

Lu Yang listened for a moment and blurted out: "Is he bullying you?"

Kong Ci gave him an angry look and complained: "What are you talking about, is Young Master Yun such a person?"

Seeing her angry, Lu Yang touched her nose, hehe smiled and said, "It's me who was wrong, you said it!"

Kong Ci snorted and thought about it for a while before he said: "You also know that the world will be a mixture of dragons and snakes, and it is inevitable that there will be some bad-minded people. This is a trivial matter. You also know that I am a maid. My own room, but when I usually take a shower, I am with everyone..."

Kong Ci slowly talked about the whole thing, of course, many places deliberately said a little list, not wanting to make Lu Yang angry.

It turns out that the maids of the World Society are carefully selected from all over the world, and of course the beauty is not comparable to the maids in half of the places.

Although many of them are not stunning, they are also beautiful women in other places, and in the world, they can only be low-status maids.

It stands to reason that a maid is rarely coveted, but they are indeed born with the beauty of the world, it is hard not to be coveted.

So one day when the maids took a bath together, someone peeked.

Just take a peek, they seem to think that they didn't see clearly enough, they even put a poisonous snake in the pool, wanting to scare the maids, and come to a glamorous scene of a group of beautiful naked girls.

Who expected Kong Ci to leave in order to take care of the other maids, was bitten by a poisonous snake!

Lu Yang couldn't help being furious when he heard it. It's too bad for you. If there is such a thing, why don't you call me!

If it weren't for Kong Ci to hold it down, he wouldn't be able to sit still. Kong Ci thought he was angry and was peeked at him, but who would have expected that he was angry because others didn't call him at all!

Kong Ci was afraid that he would be impulsive, and immediately said: "Young Master Yun has already punished those people!"..


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