Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 3 Chapter 121: Bu Jingyun's Strategy

Lu Yang was taken aback for a while, then came to his senses randomly.

He knew that Bu Jingyun liked Kong Ci, but it was surprising that he would rashly shoot.

He doesn't hide his feelings in the slightest, what if the tyrant discovers that he is not dangerous?

Suddenly he thought of Kong Ci's worries, and suddenly became worried. It wasn't that Bu Jingyun did something too serious.

But there was no strange behavior when I saw Xiongba today?

Kong Ci seemed to see what was on his mind, and immediately said: "Young Master Bu Jingyun didn't tell what to do with those disciples at that time. It was just one of the unprepared people, who used to be the subordinate of the gang leader. He seemed very scared and escaped from the World Society. !"

Lu Yang was taken aback for a while, feeling a little strange, according to Bu Jingyun's temper, those people should be punished severely.

Thinking of this, he pondered.

Kong Ci was worried that he would be furious, and felt relieved to see him so calm, but he was still a little bit disappointed.

Lu Yang pondered for a while and said, "The people that Bu Jingyun didn't deal with will be handed over to me. Don't worry, it's just that you don't want to guard against..."

Kong Ci listened to his face and said immediately: "Don't be impulsive, the gang will kill the gang leader rashly!"

Lu Yang listened for a moment, and said in amazement: "Why did I kill them? Of course, the people who came to the main helper will be tossed in the future!"

Kong Ci suddenly pulled his face down when he heard it, but he didn't expect Lu Yang to be more insidious than Bu Jingyun, but Bu Jingyun was just expelling people from the World Society. Lu Yang's good manners caused people to toss.

She couldn't help but whited Lu Yang and said, "You don't think you are angry!"

Lu Yang laughed after hearing this, "I just said casually, although those people were a little broken and didn't have any serious evils, but punishment is necessary, but this is a little bit too cold!"

Kong Ci was taken aback for a while, and said in amazement: "He has already left the World Club, what's the pity!"

Lu Yang heard this and smiled: "Don't you understand? Since he can be an errand in front of the helper, he should have some martial arts. How can he leave the World Club at will, don't you think it is a bit strange!"

Kong Ci heard it, and felt a little strange. She didn’t guard against martial arts. It stands to reason that peeking at the maid’s bath is not a serious crime. Even if the male tyrant knows that he will most likely be expelled from the world, and will not kill him, but she still nodded blankly. : "He should be afraid of Young Master Yun!"

Lu Yang laughed and said: "Bu Jingyun doesn't even deal with those low-ranking disciples, why should he kill him alone!"

Kong Ci was right when he listened to his imagination. Bu Jingyun didn't kill those people, and of course he would not deal with coldness. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel too timid.

Lu Yang seemed to see his thoughts and smiled: "You must think that you are cold and timid! In fact, it is not the case. Think about his status in the world now and he will not leave easily. The only possibility is that someone makes him do this. made!"

Kong Ci listened for a while, and instantly understood, he was a little afraid to say: "Could it be that Young Master Yun asked him to do this!"

Lu Yang smiled and nodded, taking a leisurely sip of tea.

Kong Ci thought for a while, and suddenly he didn't believe it, "I don't believe it, you don't want Young Master Yun, he has no reason to do this!"

What she meant was that Bu Jingyun asked him to leave the World Club unpreparedly, in order to give him a step to frighten him, so that he could leave the World Club with a face.

But this is not Bu Jingyun's temper, she naturally knows it. Besides, Lu Yang can't say that it's miserable to be cold-hearted.

She couldn't understand why, but she was not convinced by Lu Yang's ass. Plus, she didn't want Lu Yang to tell Bu Jingyun any big conspiracy.

Seeing her like this, Lu Yang also understood his thoughts, and hurriedly put away his pride, and smiled: "Actually, this question is not difficult to think about. With his unpredictable skill, someone will take him in when he defected to the World Congress, but he was startled from step by step. Yun hand defected!"

Having said that, he stopped, deliberately giving Kong Ci time to think.

Kong Ci has a delicate mind. Of course he knows that he is letting himself go, so he can't help but give him a blank look, and muttered: "You mean that Young Master Bu Jingyun asked him to defect because he wanted him to be taken in!"

Lu Yang nodded, she was very close to the answer.

But when Kong Ci thought of this, he couldn't understand it. How could it be miserable if he didn't guard against it?

Seeing him frowning and thinking, Lu Yang was really cute and couldn't help being funny.

Kong Ci thought for a long time and didn't understand, so he spread his hands and pouted, "I don't understand it!"

Lu Yang chuckled, it won't work if these are not smelly.

He stood up and laughed: "You always think about the good things, but it's not surprising that you don't understand. If you change to a bad-hearted person, you will understand it. Do you imagine that once someone takes in, Bu Jingyun will not deal with him? In this way, he justifiably kills the indifference, and can still please his tyrants!"

Kong Ci was taken aback for a while, his face turned gloomy randomly, he cast a blank look at Lu Yang, and said angrily: "Don't talk nonsense, Young Master Bu Jingyun is not so bad!"

Lu Yang rolled his eyes and smiled bitterly: "Look, I don't say you are curious, I said you are angry!"

After hearing what he said, Kong Ci was still a little angry, turned his head to ignore him, and said angrily: "Who told you to speak ill of Young Master Bu Jingyun!"

Lu Yang felt a little sour in his heart, and he had a taste of eating: "When you talk about your Young Master Yun, you will get angry, and you will not be so angry when your Young Master Yun said bad things about me!"

Seeing that he was jealous, Kong Ci didn't care about getting angry, so he hugged him by the arm and said in kindness: "They grew up with Young Master Bu Jingyun!"

As he said, he said coquettishly: "Besides, people are already yours, of course they will protect you!"

Lu Yang snorted coldly, still eating.

Kong Ci worked so hard for a while before his face improved, and he smiled slightly and said, "It's not surprising that you don't think so, this can only be thought of by a hard-hearted person!"

After hearing this, Kong Ci immediately hit him angrily and said, "You are not allowed to speak ill of yourself!"

Lu Yang listened for a moment, and laughed randomly!

Kong Ci must be still minding what he was upset just now, so it's time to "maintain" him! ..


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