Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 3 Chapter 141: Make soup

Lu Yang frowned when he heard the sound.

You Ruo's voice seemed like a maid, she was clearly an uncle.

In contrast, Nie Feng is like a waiter, and treats him in every way.

In fact, Nie Feng is kind and doesn't need a maid. But he is the hall master, and it is not normal not to arrange a few maids.

Moreover, he has been an apprentice of the tyrant since he was a child, and he has always been used to taking advantage of him. Many things are done by the people who serve him. It's just that he can't notice it.

This Youruo is simply feasible for a man, and Nie Feng's temper has been tossed to death by her.

Lu Yang coughed and stepped into the room.

He pretended not to see the soberness in front of him, smiled slightly and said: "Pall Master Feng!"

Inside Youruo was facing Nie Feng, Youruo looked at Nie Feng unconvinced, and Nie Feng's eyes were shocked.

After the two people looked at each other, Lu Yang entered.

When the two saw him coming, Nie Feng immediately felt as if he had found a savior, his face was overjoyed and said, "Hall Master Lu, you are here!"

Youruo frowned and looked at Lu Yang, while Nie Feng inadvertently gave him a questioning look.

Lu Yang pretended not to see it, and smiled at Nie Feng, "Who is this girl?"

Nie Feng glanced at You Ruo, then smiled and said, "This is the maid newly given to me by the master."

Lu Yang gave a cry, glanced at You Ruo, and suddenly smiled: "I just passed by and heard a noisy noise. I don't know what happened!"

After Nie Feng heard his words, a weird expression immediately appeared on his face, saying that he was dumb or surprised, or surprised.

He hadn't spoken yet, but heard You Ruo coldly snorted: "He wants to drink pig lung soup, I asked him how to cook this **** pig lung soup!"

Nie Feng's weird expression grew stronger after hearing this.

When Lu Yang heard this, his face suddenly changed, and two cold rays of light from his eyes suddenly pierced Youruo.

He looked at You Ruo coldly, and said with stern voice and expression: "Presumptuous! Is this your way of talking to the director?"

When You Ruo's expression changed, Zeng De became angry. Just after she opened her mouth, she suddenly thought of her character, she was holding back her life, and she could only stare at Lu Yang.

Nie Feng was also a little surprised when he saw Lu Yang's anger. He smiled slightly and said, "It's not a problem. I'll just eat a little bit later!"

Lu Yang didn't seem to hear him. He looked at You Ruo coldly, regardless of his murderous gaze, and said sternly: "What do you look at, am I wrong? Since I'm a girl, I have to understand my identity and speak foul language." What kind of style! The hall master asks you to cook soup, you just can’t, you must learn first!"

Seeing that he was still so severe despite his own threats, You Ruo stunned for a while.

Where did she have been so wronged, the reason why she came to look down at Nie Feng was because of the old city of others, and she did not expect that Lu Yang would rush in!

She stared at Lu Yang blankly for a while, suddenly couldn't help but the circles of her eyes were red, and she was about to cry.

Lu Yang snorted coldly: "You still dare to cry! Here, Shenfeng Tang, you are crying and crying because Hall Master Nie Feng bullied you, or someone bullied you!"

You Ruo shook all over, and the fright and resentment suddenly concentrated in his mind, and he couldn't control it.

Nie Feng did not expect that Lu Yang would suddenly become angry. He always thought that Lu Yang was very kind!

Seeing him so furious, I couldn't help but persuade him: "Don't be angry, Youruo is innocent and cute. I also like it very much. She is young, and many things will not be normal. The days of Shenfeng Tang will be long. learn it slowly!"

When Lu Yang saw his persuasion, his expression improved.

He chuckled, and said to Nie Feng: "The Hall Master Feng is too kind, but these scary people can't be used to them. The more you get used to it, the more **** you will be. When the time comes, Kamikaze Tang has no dignity, and the host will blame it!"

Nie Feng laughed, as if he didn't mind.

Lu Yang looked at You Ruo coldly after speaking, "What are you doing in a daze, can you let the hall master cook soup for you?"

Youruo shook all over, glanced at Lu Yang angrily, wiped away her tears, and ran out.

As soon as he left, Lu Yang let out a sigh of relief.

Happy, I didn't expect the girl who scolded Xiongba to be so happy.

He didn't worry about being blamed by the tyrant, he was also a hall master, and it was nothing to fight for Nie Feng.

But Youruo was sure to be angry, but he was angry officially what Lu Yang wanted.

Lu Yang didn't know what he was doing next to Nie Feng, the only way was to drive her away.

As soon as she left, Nie Feng quickly changed the subject and said, "By the way, what can you do if you come to me?"

Lu Yang smiled and said: "There is nothing else. A few days ago, Wushuang City sent a message saying that someone in Wushuang City wanted to bury the corpse of the lonely one. But it was rejected by me, and some people requested it these days. I have completely accepted it, and I don't have any scruples, I want to satisfy them!"

Nie Feng immediately understood that when Xiong Ba just took over Wushuang City, he used bloodbath to deter the world. Now that the deterrent effect is gone, some people want to bury the lonely party.

He hurriedly said the place where Dugu party was buried, and Lu Yang smiled and nodded.

The two chatted for a while before Lu Yang left.

Before going back, he looked for You Ruo casually, but finally found her in the kitchen.

The little girl was actually cooking soup, and she seemed serious.

Lu Yang was stunned for a moment, and he didn't think this little girl was so tough.

He thought he was swearing, the little girl would have the thought of leaving.

He looked at busy Youruo, shook his head, and frowned again.

Early the next morning, Lu Yang came to Shenfengtang again.

As soon as I walked in, I saw Nie Feng drawing water.

He was stunned for a moment, and said blankly: "What's wrong? Is there no one in Kamikaze Tang? How can you let you fetch water yourself!"

Seeing him coming, Nie Feng immediately smiled.

After hearing what Lu Yang said, he chuckled and said, "I am used to drawing water by myself, and I don’t need other people’s help!" As he said, he changed to drawing water on his own, seeing that his movements were proficient at the time. The appearance of the Lord Kamikaze. ..


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