Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 3 Chapter 142: Tough lady

Lu Yang frowned. He used to fetch water by himself. However, the guards were so painful every day that they cared for him. Every day when he wakes up, the water is ready. In fact, he was not a spoiled character, but he immediately understood that this was an opportunity to find trouble.

He opened his mouth and just about to speak, suddenly he heard a voice saying: "Oh, mine!"

Lu Yang was taken aback for a while, and Nie Feng also stayed for a while.

Kamikaze Tang is not small, but the voice is too loud.

The two looked at each other and then listened to the voice and said: "My old lady has been cooking hard all night, your grandma's broken pig lung soup is actually mushy!"

When Nie Feng heard this, he showed that dazed expression again.

Lu Yang wanted to get angry at Youruo, but after hearing these words, the fire couldn't come out, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Nie Feng stopped for a moment, and immediately pretended not to hear, and continued to fetch water.

But after hearing that business, he said again: "His grandma's, it's three poles a day! He overslept again!"

Lu Yang heard a cold sweat on his forehead, he was a maid.

He shook his head, gave a wry smile, and then heard a sound of footsteps.

A beautiful figure rushed out immediately, and Lu Yang watched Youruo change her face and ran over here.

As soon as she came over, she saw Lu Yang, gave him a cold look, and fell on Nie Feng.

Nie Feng pretended not to see him and continued to fetch water.

But You Ruo's face changed, and she rushed to him and said, "What are you doing, I am a maid, I should do this!"

With that said, it was like someone else had robbed his own business, and had taken Nie Feng's water drift.

Nie Feng smiled and said, "It's not a problem, I'm used to fetching water by myself, so let's go to other places first!"

You Ruo snorted: "If you are used to it, you have to change it!"

Lu Yang touched his nose, and the anger he had just brewed couldn't come out in front of this girl.

He smiled slightly and said, "Keep her busy, let's go in and talk!"

As soon as his voice fell, his face suddenly became cold, and water dripped onto his face.

Lu Yang froze for a moment, and came to understand randomly.

It turned out that Youruo deliberately waved the water on him after listening to his words.

Lu Yang took a step back inadvertently, and the old piece gave himself a triumphant glance.

He smiled bitterly in his heart: "Let's go!"

Nie Feng also noticed that Youruo deliberately embarrassed Lu Yang, but Lu Yang didn't get angry, and he didn't say it clearly.

He smiled slightly and nodded to Lu Yang.

The two of them had just walked out a few steps, and suddenly heard an ah from behind.

Lu Yang shook his heart, could it be that this girl fell into the well?

Just turning around, I saw Youruo rushing all the way.

Seeing her wild behavior, Lu Yang buried his forehead deeply.

How about this is Xiongba's daughter!

I saw Youruo rushing all the way and came to Nie Feng and said: "Yes, I forgot to tell you that my grandmother stayed with pig lung soup all night, but it was burnt. Go back and stare, and I will cook another bowl! "Speaking, he seemed to be afraid of something, and solemnly said to Nie Feng: "Don't go anywhere, have you heard?"

After speaking, he turned his head and glared at Lu Yang. Lu Yang touched his nose, pretending not to see it.

Nie Feng smiled slightly and nodded.

The two continued to walk side by side, both cleverly avoiding the topic about this girl.

Nie Feng was afraid that Lu Yang would get angry, but Lu Yang was completely helpless for this girl.

When the two of them arrived in the room, they talked for a few words, and You Ruo came over with a bowl of soup.

Lu Yang was also curious about how this girl was cooking, but he was curious and curious, and he was unwilling to be the first person to eat crabs.

He lowered his head, if he could keep a low profile, he kept a low profile, not allowing You Ruo to see himself.

However, no matter how low-key he is, it is useless. Youruo will burn the chic side, confidently: "You drink!"

Nie Feng smiled slightly and said, "Okay, I'll try it!"

He took the bowl and turned into a bowl of soup.

Lu Yang sat firmly on the Diaoyutai, motionless.

Youruo glanced at her and said angrily: "Your grandma, I will cook the soup myself, why don't you drink it!"

Lu Yang glanced at her leisurely, with a face: "It looks like I want to drink your soup!"

You Ruo snorted and said angrily: "Who said yesterday that grandma I can't make soup, why did you feel embarrassed to drink it today?"

How scheming is Lu Yang, how can he irritate him.

He chuckled and said leisurely: "I'm full!"

Nie Feng thought he was embarrassed and turned into a bowl of soup. After taking a sip, his expression instantly changed!

When Lu Yang saw that he was telling the truth, he could understand the smell of hot without having to read it.

You Ruo didn't see Nie Feng's face, and said excitedly: "What the sheep?"

Nie Feng swallowed, then smiled immediately and said, "It's delicious!"

You Ruo immediately became proud. He glanced at Lu Yang and frowned his nose.

Lu Yang was amused, turned his head away from him.

Youruo looked at Nie Feng proudly: "Drink everything if you taste it! I'll cook it again!"

Nie Feng stayed for a while, and couldn't help but let out an ah.

Lu Yang knew that he must have practiced with a wry smile in his heart now, so he couldn't help but shook his head and said in his heart that he wanted to save you face.

He chuckled and said, "The Hall Master Feng is probably full, so go ahead and work!"

You Ruo excitedly said: "This is the first time in my life to make soup. I didn't expect you to like it! I'm staying for one night!"

Nie Feng immediately laughed bitterly when he heard this. He immediately shook his head and said, "No need!"

Youruo's face changed, and she said suspiciously: "Why are you so scared? Is the soup bad?"

Nie Feng shook his head quickly and said, "It's delicious!"

Youruo frowned and said unhappily: "Why don't you drink it, I think you are duplicity!"

Nie Feng's face suddenly pulled down, and he really didn't know what to say.

Lu Yang smiled and said, "The Hall Master Feng should want to eat something else. No matter how good the soup is, the teacher will be tired of it!"

Nie Feng immediately looked at him gratefully and nodded to You Ruo: "Yes, yes, it's not good for the teacher!"..


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