Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 3 Chapter 158: Sad night

Youruo listened for a moment, raised her head and looked at Lu Yang.

Lu Yang laughed and said: "We are not dying to admit it, how can I never see you?"

You Ruo was dumbfounded for a while, then laughed.

Yes, even if she returns to Xiaozhu in the heart of the lake, he has been meeting in the world, and naturally there will be a chance to meet. Although the time will be short, she is also satisfied.

Thinking of this, she felt a little better and smiled more on her face.

When Lu Yang saw her face gradually cleared, he was relieved.

He smiled slightly and said, "Well, you go back first. Nie Feng will definitely be worried if he can't see you when he goes back!"

You Ruo was stunned for a while, and glanced at him, her tone a little unhappy and said: "What the **** does, I don't want to go back now!"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Then where do you want to go?"

You Ruo thought for a while and sighed slightly: "I didn't rest well last night, I want to take a rest!"

Lu Yang glanced at her, suddenly remembered something, and said in his heart, you don't want to hear the story again!

Sure enough, You Ruo glanced at him and said: "I want to hear the story!"

Lu Yang rolled his eyes and asked in his heart, are you a girl fan of the story?

But that's okay, he really didn't worry about letting this girl go back alone.

But after staying with her for a long time, I was afraid that she would suspect that she had discovered her plan.

When the two walked to the door of Kamikaze Tang, they suddenly changed their course and walked to a small river before they sat down.

You Ruo is very used to lying down on Lu Yang's lap, smiling and saying: "You speak up!"

Lu Yang smiled slightly when she saw that she did not look like a man or a woman, and began to tell the story he had prepared.

Someone spent an afternoon like this, and in the evening, You Ruo actually woke up on her own.

The two got up and went back, without speaking along the way.

Lu Yang was really unable to tell because of his hoarse voice.

You Ruo's thoughts became thicker with her steps, and when she was approaching Shenfeng Tang, she was almost breathless.

When they were separated, the two men stopped.

Lu Yang breathed a sigh of relief, as he was thinking about plans for tomorrow.

You Ruo suddenly turned around and said, "Lu Yang!"

Lu Yang nodded and said weakly, "What's the matter?"

You Ruo lowered her head and thought for a while: "If I go back to Xiaozhu in the heart of the lake, would you visit me?"

Lu Yang's spirits were shocked, and he was ecstatic.

After so many days, this girl finally changed her mind!

It's so pitiful!

Lu Yang replied immediately: "This is of course, but we have to make an appointment, otherwise it will be a bad idea to install your father!"

After hearing his words, You Ruo flashed surprises on his face, but suddenly said with a little suspicion: "You are not lying to me!"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "I am the hall master of the World Club, how can I lie to you!"

You Ruo pouted and looked at him for a while, then suddenly stretched out her fingers and said: "We pull the hook!"

Lu Yang laughed suddenly when he heard it.

Youruo became a little anxious, and said angrily: "What are you laughing at, don't you dare?"

Lu Yang shook his head and stepped forward to grab her seriously.

With a smile on your face, You Ruo glanced at him, then turned and ran towards Shenfeng Tang.

Lu Yang shook his head and smiled when he saw her lively figure, then turned and left.

It wasn't until someone else was in front of the gate of the Shenfengtang that the quiet figure appeared again at the gate of the Shenfengtang.

She was lying in front of the gate, showing only half of her face.

However, it was this half of the face that was already crying.

She quietly looked at the direction of Lu Yang's disappearance, and finally couldn't help crying.

After a long time, she wiped her tears, turned around and wanted to walk inside.

I don't know how long it took before she sat in front of a pavilion, crying silently.

Suddenly, a tall figure slowly approached, reaching the side of You Ruo.

However, You Ruo in the sadness was unaware.

The figure walked up to him and snorted coldly: "You Ruo, as my daughter, you should always be vigilant, I have been here for a long time, why haven't you noticed it! If you are so careless, you can only live back. I can rest assured with a small building in the heart of the lake!"

After listening to that person's words, You Ruo said coldly: "Will you still care about me?"

The man froze for a moment, and smiled: "You are my only child, I naturally care about you!"

You Ruo snorted without speaking.

Xiongba looked at her back for a while, and suddenly asked, "You...have been lost in Nie Fengtang?"

Youruo was shocked when she heard that, she stayed for a while, then suddenly turned around and asked: "Do you like me poisoning, or do you like me not poisoning?"

After hearing this, Xiongba laughed and said, "Of course I hope you were poisoned. You are my Xiongba's daughter. If you want to gain a foothold in the world, you must learn to be cruel!"

Youruo's body shook when she heard it, and the original Xiao Suo figure was even thinner.

She sobbed silently, stood up gently and said, "This is what you said about the tiger father without the dog son!"

Xiongba was stunned for a moment, and immediately nodded and said, "Yes, that's what Dad meant!"

You Ruo gave a wry smile, shook his head and sighed.

Seeing her look so depressed, Xiongba frowned and said: "What's the matter, are you having trouble killing Nie Feng?"

You Ruo gently shook her head and said, "No! It's easy to kill him, but my daughter doesn't want to kill him!"

Xiongba was taken aback for a while, his face was ugly randomly and said, "Why!"

You Ruo looked up at him and said, "Because of a friend!"

After hearing this, Xiongba's face changed, he glanced at him, and said randomly, "What friend, you are my daughter, where can I have any friends, you must remember that the most ruthless knife comes from your friend!"

After hearing this, You Ruo sneered slightly: "She is the daughter behind the barrel, and the daughter is also willing!"

After hearing this, Xiongba finally made it hard to look, and glared at You Ruo: "You look like this, how can my father rest assured that you two are open to the heart of the lake. How can you be willing to be hurt for others! Where is my generation of heroes!" ..


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