Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 3 Chapter 159: August 15

After hearing his words, You Ruo suddenly raised her head and looked at him: "My daughter is willing to die just for him, what's wrong?"

Hearing the furious Xiongba, he quickly raised a hand.

But You Ruo greeted him resolutely and looked at him coldly.

Seeing his resolute appearance, Xiongba stayed for a while, but his hands in mid-air couldn't beat him.

After a while, he snorted coldly: "Tomorrow you will go back to Xiaozhu in the heart of the lake! Never leave again!"

After hearing this, You Ruo coldly snorted: "The seven-day period has not passed, I won't go back!"

Xiong Ba coldly snorted: "This can't be for you! Since you have decided not to kill Nie Feng, you can't stay here for your father!"

You Ruo looked at him coldly and said: "What a mighty prestige! Apart from ordering me to do this and that, which one thing is really considered for me. I am your daughter, but it was a normal day. The day? The last request for a smile, you refused!"

Xiongba shook his whole body when he heard it, then suddenly turned around and glared at him: "You want to bet. Now it has failed. Can you blame the old man?"

You Ruo snorted coldly: "The gambling contract is not over yet, why did you let me go back!"

Xiongba listened for a while, looked at her for a while, and sighed helplessly: "Well, if you like it, then stay here for one more day, but remember, the man of fate will not go back, the old man must be true Angry!"

After hearing these words, You Ruo's expression improved.

She wiped the Yan Yan, smiling and domineering at Xiong: "Thank you, father!"

Xiongba nodded helplessly, sighed, and shook his head before leaving!

The next morning, when Lu Yang just got up, his guards found him and said, "Hall Master, the items for tribute to the ground have arrived. Do you want to make a list?"

Lu Yang was taken aback for a moment, and then wondered: "Isn't the tribute directly helping me? How could it be sent to me?"

The guard immediately said: "Today is August 15th, and some moon cakes and festive gifts were tributed from various places. It is a personal gift for the hall master!"

Only then did Lu Yang understand, oh, he said, "Well, then you should go and prepare for the festival. I don't have enough manpower. I want to borrow a little from Shenfeng Tang." When he said that, he suddenly thought that today Nie Feng's manpower may not be necessary. Enough, and immediately changed his words: "Forget it, take me back and talk to the Chou Chou chief executive!"

"As for the tribute, you can bring it back and ask Miss Kong Ci to come over and count it. If she is not free, just let the two girls, Ruyan Ruwu, just click!"

The guard nodded immediately before retreating.

Lu Yang thought for a while before murmured: "Today is August 15th, which is the last day agreed by the male tyrant's Youruo. In this way, this matter is finally settled, I don't know. What is You Ruo doing right now!"

He has been running out for the past two days, and he is indeed a little tired, but he is not at ease thinking of You Ruo.

Who knows if this girl has changed her mind.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly ate breakfast and headed to the Kamikaze Hall.

As soon as I arrived at the entrance of the Shenfengtang, I saw Youruo coming out with a bowl of clear soup.

When Lu Yang saw this, he was taken aback for a moment, and said in amazement, "What's the matter? Why don't you bring soup to Nie Feng to drink, come out and do!"

Seeing him coming, You Ruo smiled slightly and said: "Let's boil it for him later, you can drink this bowl of soup first!"

Lu Yang looked at the bowl of soup and hesitated for a while before he picked it up and drank it. After drinking, he smacked his mouth and it tasted good.

He chuckled and said, "It's delicious, remember to do a little when you visit you in the future!"

Youruo wrinkled her nose when she heard it, and said with a look of unwillingness: "I want to be beautiful, and they are not your cupboard!"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "You just want to be my cupboard, and I can't afford it!" After he finished speaking, he suddenly smiled and said, "By the way, today, August 15th, you have enough manpower here. Not enough, I will ask for a few for you when I go to Chou Chou Manager!"

Youruo smiled and said, "Shenfengtang, you think it is your Qingmutang. There are so many people here. It's not necessary for him to assign someone to you. Okay, since you have something to do, go ahead!"

Lu Yang smiled before leaving.

You Ruo held the empty bowl and looked at it sweetly.

Suddenly, she moved her nose over and sniffed it.

It really is the smell of soup.

You Ruo smiled slightly and murmured: "You know the goods!"

After speaking, he turned around and walked in joyfully.

As soon as she returned to the Shenfengtang, she ran into Nie Feng.

Seeing her holding a bowl, Nie Feng thought that his soup was coming, so he couldn't help but smiled: "Why are you cooking the soup overnight. I said, if I drink it, I can only cook it!"

You Ruobai glanced at him, and said in a bad mood: "You want to be beautiful, who will cook the soup for you. I have to cook it with myself!"

Nie Feng was stunned for a moment, and after a closer look, You Ruo was holding an empty bowl as expected.

Nie Feng glanced at her in surprise, and thought, what are you doing so carefully with an empty bowl.

Seeing Youruo's eyebrows are full of smiles, he moved in his heart, and said with a smile, "Who did you cook the soup for this morning?"

When Youruo heard her face flushed, she immediately said with a cold face: "Auntie, whoever I love to drink for whom, you can control it!"

Nie Feng touched his nose, and grew up bitterly, saying in his heart, you are my maid, you say I can't control it!

Lu Yang kept coming to the Chou Chou Gate, seeing that the gate was still closed.

He stunned for a moment, and said to the guard in front of Chou Chou: "The Chou Chou hasn't returned yet?"

The guard immediately said: "Enjoy Hall Master Lu, Chief Chou Chou has not returned yet!"

Lu Yang curled his lips and said that this ugly is true and serious, this is the last day, and he can bear it!

He shook his head, and just about to leave, suddenly heard a strange sound.

Lu Yang had a pause, then suddenly turned around and said, "Who is in the Chou Chou Manager's room?"

The two guards glanced at each other and said blankly: "No one! What does Hall Master Lu mean by this?"

Lu Yang listened for a moment, thought about it, and immediately shook his head and smiled: "Oh, I heard it wrong!"

The two guards relaxed slightly. ..


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