Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 3 Chapter 170: Lead the crowd

After hearing Wen Chouchou's words, he remembered that when Lu Yang first arrived, he had conflicts with Bu Jingyun because of the woman.

Bu Jingyun wouldn't fight him to the death if it weren't for this.

Thinking of this, he suddenly thought of Kong Ci.

He hadn't paid attention to this maid, but now thinking about it, this woman is still very important.

He thought for a while and said, "After Lu Yang and Bu Jingyun duel last time, how is his relationship with Kong Ci?"

Wen Chouchou doesn't know why he asked this, but speaking of Kong Ci, there have been many rumors about him recently.

He thought for a while and said, "I don't know this ugly, but I heard rumors in the world meeting that Kong Ci and Lu Yang have been very close recently! I heard that the two have been communicating in private, but if they are too close, But not!"

Xiongba was taken aback for a while, and said in doubt: "How can I get close?"

Wen Chouchou thought for a while and said: "The slaves were also told by others. People say that there are very few servants at Qingmutang, so Lu Yang often asks Kong Ci to help. Kong Ci walks very close to him. But if It is not rumored that the two people are close together!"

Xiongba listened, and immediately fell into contemplation.

In this way, Lu Yang should know Kong Ci's identity, so he respects her very much.

He is not his own disciple, and he wants to get mixed up in the world, and it is normal for him to indulge in his disciples, and Kong Ci is a good medium.

But from Bu Jingyun's appearance, he really liked Kong Ci.

In this way, things will be easier.

He doesn't want to deal with Lu Yang now, but he doesn't mind if he takes advantage of it.

He thought for a while, and suddenly said, "You immediately assign some people to Qingmutang to serve as a maid!"

Wen Chouchou listened for a moment and nodded randomly.

It seemed that Lu Yang had indeed received the favor of the gang leader. He just heard that he was a young maid, so he sent it off.

Xiongba thought for a while and added: "The maid picks some good looks. Since he is a good girl, he will give more beauties. Maid servant, give some shrewd and capable!"

Chou Chou immediately nodded when he heard: "Subordinates do it now!"

After Xiongba finished speaking, he stood up and said casually, "Let Kong Ci come to see me tomorrow morning!"

Wen Chouchou listened for a moment and nodded randomly.

Xiongba stepped out after speaking.

When Wen Chouchou saw him leaving, he sat on the chair and let out a long sigh.

He hammered his thigh for a while, only then did he remember what Xiongba had arranged.

As the saying goes, flattering should be done as soon as possible, since Xiongba has ordered it to come down and do it sooner, it shows that he is capable, and secondly, it is also to please Lu Yang.

Thinking of this, he immediately greeted someone and began to personally select a maid for Lu Yang.

Lu Yang returned to Qingmutang, and the lanterns for the fifteenth century were all ready.

But Qingmutang didn't have a festive atmosphere, and the guards looked at him bitterly.

He left for a day, and whether there was a steward in Qingmutang, they handled everything.

They also know that there may be guests tonight, so they dare not make the arrangement too simple.

If Lu Yang could give him back on this matter, and Lu Yang no longer, it would be their responsibility to handle it well.

So all day, they were busy and half dead.

Although Qingmutang has few people and few things, it is very tiring to dress up during the holidays. After all, there are only a few of them in such a big house.

When Lu Yang came back, he saw the brightly lit Qingmutang smile slightly, and said to the guards: "You can walk around at will tonight, you don't have to stay here! Ruyan, go to the counter to get some silver and distribute it!"

When the guards heard this sentence, smiles appeared on their faces.

Ruyan took the silver and divided it among the guards and then came to Lu Yang.

Lu Yang was already ready to rest. Seeing her coming, he smiled and said, "What's wrong? August 15th tonight, why don't you have fun?"

Ruyan's face blushed when she heard it, and she whispered: "Let's stay with the son!"

Lu Yang chuckled, Qingmutang had nothing to do, sweet and festive. But this group of guards didn't have fun as long as it was a holiday. The maid was different. She was idle every day and couldn't feel the ease of the holiday.

He chuckled and said, "Alright, you can let Ruwu make some dishes, let's drink and play chess!"

Ruyan blushed and nodded before leaving in a hurry.

Seeing his shy look, Lu Yang couldn't help but move his index finger.

But tonight is August 15th, Kong Ci must pay tribute, so the two girls are not in a hurry to eat!

The three of them were very comfortable drinking and playing chess, but it hadn't been too long, when suddenly the door of his room was slammed open.

Lu Yang was taken aback, turned his head and saw that the person who opened the door was his guard.

I saw that the guard's face was a little frightened, and when he saw him, he said: "The hall master is not good, the Chief Chou Chou came to us with a large group of people!"

Lu Yang's expression changed, and he stood up suddenly.

A large team of people!

Is it that Xiongba is going to deal with him?


Xiongba knew his martial arts, unless he came personally, no amount of people would be useful.

Thinking of this, he immediately asked: "Have the three hall masters of Feng Yunshuang come!"

The guard immediately shook his head and said, "No! But the subordinate asked a strange fragrance on the way, it seems to be Mixiang!"

Lu Yang heard a look of shock and anger on his face, and said to his heart, no wonder he didn't come in person, but let the ugliness come, and even the face let me sell it!

If it hadn't been for his lax management of Qingmutang, and his guard was allowed to go out tonight, he wouldn't know how he died.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help getting furious.

Lu Yang snorted coldly, and said to the guard: "You immediately take someone to protect Ruyan and Ruwu and leave. I will hold them for a while! If they come, the target is me alone and won't pursue you!"

The guard changed his face when he heard it!

He is Lu Yang's confidant, and he naturally knows Lu Yang's intentions!

After hearing Lu Yang’s words, the panic on the guard’s face disappeared, but instead he said with a stern expression: "The hall master is waiting for me as a mountain. If it weren’t for the hall master, no matter how hard we tried, we would only be a small soldier of the World Club. !"..


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