Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 3 Chapter 171: Oolong

Lu Yang was taken aback for a while, then he smiled: "I naturally have a way to leave, and you follow me bye bye and die!"

The guard's eyes blushed and his face was full of excitement: "The hall master! The hall master is waiting for me like a mountain. Although we don't usually ask us for anything, it is the hall master's guard below. How can the hall master be in danger? The argument for fleeing!"

Lu Yang listened for a while, looked at his resolute appearance, and was taken aback.

He glanced at Ruyan next to him, hehe smiled and said, "I am not letting you run away, but let you protect Ruyan and Ruwu away."

Ruyan Ruwu has been a maid since she was a child, and always treat herself as a vassal of her master. They never thought that Lu Yang would first think of sending himself away when he was most dangerous.

For the sake of being a maid, can they not move in their hearts?

After hearing Lu Yang's words, they immediately said: "The hall master! We are the hall master's maid, and the hall master is our master. The master is in danger, and the servant has no reason to escape alone!"

Lu Yang was taken aback for a while, how could even this little girl look like this!

He smiled bitterly and shook his head, "What use can you two weak women do?"

Ruyan's expression changed, she stood up immediately, and said in a firm tone: "What's the matter if we can stand a sword for the hall master! Our sisters are the hall masters. There is no reason to escape alone!"

Lu Yang listened for a moment and looked at them blankly.

The two girls also looked at him with firm eyes.

As soon as their voices fell, the guard also resolutely said: "If the hall master does not go, we will not go!"

Lu Yang looked at them and sighed slightly: "Okay! Since you are so loyal, I, Lu Yang, will not abandon you even if I cannot escape today!"

The three of them looked at each other and nodded heavily and said: "I wish to die with the hall master!"

Lu Yang nodded, opened the door alone and walked out.

As soon as I left the door, I saw all the guards of the Kamikaze Hall standing outside the door and saying, "Hallmaster!"

When Lu Yang saw them, he paused and nodded to them.

All the guards immediately bowed their hands and gave him way.

Lu Yang went behind the gate alone, followed by all the people in Qingmutang, in a posture of going to death.

Lu Yang walked to the door, and everyone stood behind him.

After a while, Lu Yang asked a strange fragrance.

But after asking about the fragrance, Lu Yang was not only not worried, but rather surprised.

Because this scent is not like the scent of misty incense, but rather like the scent of rouge on women.

Sure enough, when the fragrance became more and more intense, Lu Yang heard a sound of footsteps.

Although the sound of this footstep was light and heavy, Lu Yang still heard a small sound of rapid footsteps.

Lu Yang was stunned for a moment, who was sent by Xin Dao Xiong Ba, why his footsteps sound so strange! He frowned, before he had time to think about it, he suddenly heard the sound of a fan of patching clothes.

Lu Yang stayed for a while, the impassioned feeling in his heart suddenly disappeared.

The corners of his mouth twitched for a while, and suddenly turned his head to the guard behind him: "Who among you found that Chief Chou Chou brought someone here?"

Although the group of guards were determined to die with Lu Ang, they were still a little scared.

After listening to Lu Yang's words, one person immediately stood up and said: "The hall master, it's me!"

Lu Yang glanced at him, nodded and said, "Then have you taken a closer look, who are these people?"

The guard shook his head immediately. He has followed Lu Yang for a long time. He naturally knows Lu Yang's intentions, but he is loyal to Lu Yang and has no affection for the hegemon, so he will not tell others about Lu Yang's plan.

But this doesn't mean that he doesn't care at all. In many cases, he is still vigilant against other people in the world.

Today, a large number of people were suddenly sent to Qingmutang. The first thing he thought of was that these people were not good for the hall master, but he really didn't look carefully!

After listening to Lu Yang's words, he said: "Hall Master Qi, as soon as I saw them, I immediately came back to report to you. So I didn't look carefully!"

Lu Yang listened, and a black line immediately came down on his forehead.

He sighed slightly and said: "Well, you don't need to look like you are in a serious battle anymore. Director Chou Chou is not here to arrest me!"

The guards listened for a moment, and the two girls immediately showed surprise expressions.

However, two guards didn't fully believe Lu Yang's words, thinking that Lu Yang deliberately deceived them to leave.

A guard said: "Does the hall master know what he is here for?"

Lu Yang shook his head and said: "I don't know!" He saw a strange expression on the faces of several guards, and immediately added: "But it is certain that he will not be against me! Because these people do not look like they walk Have practiced martial arts."

As he said, he glanced at everyone, and said in a tacit tone: "The hero is going to deal with me, and it is impossible for Wen Chou Chou to deal with me. At least one of the three hall masters must act. If necessary, he himself He must also take action. With such a big matter, the chance of him acting rashly is very small if he is not sure!"

The guards were all by his side, and naturally knew what he meant. Although the two girls were confused, since Lu Yang said that there was nothing to do, naturally there was nothing to do.

Several guards looked at each other, still a little worried.

Lu Yang smiled and said, "If you don't rest assured, you can let two people guard here, pretending to be, and the other humane yard staring at you. I wondered, it would be very busy to bring it back!"

Several guards heard it and found it reasonable.

If Chou Chou is really not looking for trouble, their appearance will inevitably make people doubt.

Thinking of this, one of the guards immediately said: "Zhang Chao, Li Feng, you two are with the hall master, and the others follow me in!"

The two guards nodded immediately.

Lu Yang said softly to the two girls: "You guys go in too!"

The two girls hadn't been so softly spoken by him, and nodded immediately after hearing these words.

As soon as they left, Lu Yang's door was much cleaner. ..


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