Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 3 Chapter 175: Decisive Battle

Nie Feng is a gentleman through and through, and Bu Jingyun is a person with a cold heart but fruity behavior.

Nie Feng may not fight for himself, but if his friends and relatives are violated, he will definitely intervene!

Most importantly, Nie Feng will definitely not allow Bu Jingyun to make a mistake of taking other people's wives. This is something he cannot tolerate!

But Bu Jingyun never thought about righteous and evil in his work. He insisted on going his own way and was alone. It was absolutely impossible to care about Dao Nie Feng, especially Kong Ci.

As a result, the contradictions they only saw suddenly intensified.

As expected, Xiongba knew Fengyun better than Fengyun himself. This strategy was easy and accomplished the purpose of differentiation.

And he Lu Yang is the spear of the powerful execution.

It is conceivable that even if he does not like Kong Ci, for the dignity of a man, he is bound to become an enemy with Bu Jingyun.

In this way, Bu Jingyun was eliminated first.

Bu Jingyun died, and the prophecies of the Meeting of the Wind were gone, and Nie Feng could kill him or not.

Thinking of this, Lu Yang let out a long sigh.

The male tyrant is indeed very sinister, this is silent, and it is easy to destroy the situation.

Unfortunately, he met Lu Yang!

After figuring out the tyrant's purpose, Lu Yang showed a cold smile.

Since Xiongba involved Kong Ci, he must take action!

Thinking of this, he quickened his pace and hurried to Qingmutang.

At this moment, Zhang Sheng had just finished his lecture, and the atmosphere in Qingmutang was also very depressed. No matter whether it is beautiful or not, there are no brains, but now they dare not show up one by one, for fear of angering Zhang Sheng and being punished.

When Lu Yang came back, his face was not so good, and they were even more frightened.

Lu Yang hurriedly entered the front yard, Ruyan immediately greeted him and said: "Hall Master, the backyard has been cleaned up, where can you go to rest!"

Lu Yang nodded, took two steps, then turned his head to Ruyan, "Let Zhang Sheng come to see me!"

Ruyan nodded immediately and hurried away.

Lu Yang returned to the room, and without sitting for a while, Zhang Sheng ran over in stride.

As soon as he saw Lu Yang, he respectfully said: "Hall Master!"

Lu Yang nodded to him, and then he pondered for a while and said: "Immediately let people send a letter to the four cities, let them stand in battle, and beware of the people who startled the cloud!"

Hearing this, Zhang Sheng's expression changed, and he blurted out: "The hall master is ready to do it? But, we do it now, the strength is inevitable..."

Lu Yang shook his head and said, "It's not that we want to do it, but Xiongba wants to do it to Bu Jingyun!"

Zhang Sheng was shocked when he heard this, and said in surprise: "Xiong Ba acted against Bu Jingyun! How could it be possible!"

Lu Yang looked at Zhang Sheng in surprise, and sighed, "I just want to understand. In this way, our plan will speed up. You send a letter to Sicheng to make them ready, if there is anything going on in Bu Jingyun , People from where we are immediately prepared. There is also Wushuang City. After this great purge, we are extremely assured that we will completely control Sicheng and Wushuang City."

As he said, he stood up and pondered for a while: "In addition, let people immediately prepare to dive into Bu Jingyun's chassis. Once Bu Jingyun fails, we must ensure that enough eyeliner is there!"

When Zhang Sheng heard this, his expression was serious and vigorous.

He nodded and said: "Subordinates understand!"

Lu Yang nodded, and said with a gratitude: "Okay, go ahead and do it!"

Zhang Sheng got the order and then retreated. After he left, Lu Yang thought for a while, then he sighed and the expression on his face eased.

In the Kamikaze Hall, Bu Jingyun rarely smiled, and said to the people in front of him: "Okay, I get it!"

The man raised his head and glanced at him, then quickly lowered his head and said, "Qin Shuang and Nie Feng, the hall masters, have already known about this. They have all gone to congratulate Miss Kong Ci, the hall master should not go!"

Bu Jingyun heard a cold snort and did not speak.

The man hurried back when he saw that he was silent.

Bu Jingyun was left alone in the empty lobby, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Master accepted Kong Ci as a righteous daughter!

In this way, their relationship has gone a step further!

It is rare for him to have a good impression of Xiongba, this thing, Xiongba did very much to make him happy.

He bowed his head and thought for a while, thinking about how to propose marriage to Xiongba.

Since Kong Ci is the righteous daughter of the domineering domination, he will definitely agree to his proposal.

Last time, because he wanted to adjust Nie Feng, he went to see Xiongba in person.

After hearing his words, Xiongba agreed without saying a word. With this incident, he can say that his confidence has gradually increased this time!

He was already cold, and Kong Ci was the only one who could warm him.

Seeing that this woman is about to become his own wife, how can he be upset.

Thinking of this, Bu Jingyun really felt like he wanted to roar up to the sky.

But he can't!

He still has too many things to bear, he cannot be impulsive for it!

He can't let people peek into his own heart, and he can't let the enemy see his weakness!

This is a world meeting of the weak and the strong, not heaven! He still has too many enemies to lift up, and he can't relax in the slightest.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but think of Lu Yang.

Haha, this Lu Yang actually snatched Kong Ci from himself.

Doesn't he know that in the eyes of Xiongba, except Fengyun, nothing else matters?

He could imagine that when he and Lu Yang proposed marriage at the same time, Xiongba would agree to whose request.

Was it the situation he relied on, or was it Lu Yang who had no background?

Thinking of this, Bu Jingyun smiled triumphantly.

It's my thing, I will always startle the clouds!

At this time Xiongba also smiled. He stared at the chessboard in front of him, showing an inexplicable smile.

Chou Chou also looked at the chessboard, seeing Xiongba showing this smile, couldn't help but feel cold.

He moved a chess piece tremblingly, and immediately looked at the hegemony nervously.

The hero laughed, picked up his horse, and pressed it heavily on the ugly cannon!

Horses are like wind, guns are like clouds.

In a decisive battle, who wins and who loses? ..


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