Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 3 Chapter 176: Lively

In a decisive battle, who wins and who loses?

Lu Yang is also thinking about this issue.

At the banquet, there was a staggering and enchanting dance.

The dancers were selected from various places, and Lu Yang had a rare opportunity to receive tribute from the place, so the place naturally mustered up its strength to send some fine products.

These dancers are carefully selected, and it is not enough to dance well.

The key to singing and dancing is music and dance. It's not just about dancing well, it's about being beautiful.

The key is to cooperate tacitly, and dance must have artistic conception.

Many enchanting dances can make people excited, but they can’t give rise to frivolity.

This is **** and not pornographic.

The heroes in the hall who attended the banquet all looked stunned.

These women, just take out one of them, are all human roles, so I can't ask for it. And here in Lu Yang, they are just a dancing girl!

Not only that, but the maids in Qingmutang are all beautiful women, and Lu Yang is just waiting for people.

Songs and dances alone are not enough, all of these women are solemnly dressed and serve decently. It will not make people feel boring, but it can grasp the scale and prevent guests from invading themselves.

Ordinary people who can be served by such intelligent beauty?

Therefore, in their eyes, Lu Yang is not only a hero, but also a strong!

The hero is just a quick one, the strong is eternal!

However, at this time, this admired strong man was not happy in his heart.

With a gentle move from Xiongba, Fengyun and Kong Ci fell into crisis at the same time.

It is not easy to crack this trick.

Some people say that he can directly find Bu Jingyun to explain that this is the strategy of the tyrant.

But is this useful?

Will Bu Jingyun abandon Kong Ci for revenge?

The most terrifying thing about this move is that you know it's a trick, but you still can't crack it.

He could also go to Nie Feng and say not to make trouble with Bu Jingyun, but what should he do?

Could it be that watching Kong Ci and Bu Jingyun together made her unhappy?

Thinking of this, Lu Yang took a depressed sip of wine.

When the heroes saw him holding up the glass, they all raised it all at once.

The main purpose of their visit this time was to inquire about the purpose of the domineering.

The male tyrant has dominated the martial arts, but he has been reluctant to dominate the world. They have no small doubts in their hearts.

Although he is now the overlord of martial arts, but the world is still the supreme martial arts.

Just like the emperor Zhou and the princes of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, although the lords have dominated the world, they still need to fight hard if they face off against the martial arts supreme.

Although many heroes of the world have surrendered to him, he has the heart to challenge the words of Wu Lin Supreme. The martial arts pattern will have a huge change, and even some masters hidden in the martial arts will come out.

They are convinced that the martial arts supreme rather than the dominant.

However, at this time, the hegemony has already had the strength to fight, and the possibility of victory is very high.

Many people want to maintain this pattern, but more still want to benefit from it.

So the main purpose of their visit this time is to see what Xiongba wants to do.

And the closest to Xiongba was Lu Yang and the others.

But I don't know why there are four branches in the world these days, each of which is tight-lipped.

Needless to say, Bu Jingyun, Feiyuntang never receives people. They dare not go.

I wanted to go to the Shenfeng Hall to inquire about it, but I couldn't find Nie Feng at all. He was arrogant, either in the South Village and helping the old grandma to cross the road in the North Village. He didn't often stay in Feiyun Hall.

Qin Shuang had the most mature mind and was the safest to do things. It was useless to ask him for information.

Besides, Qin Shuang likes to be quiet, so he has a cup of tea when he goes there, there will be no banquet at all.

Only Qingmutang had a banquet, because Lu Yang still needed manpower.

Soon a new round of cleaning is coming, and he needs more people to control the four cities.

After this long purge, the four cities are his. He has the opportunity to challenge the Xiongba.

One was not convinced, he took Wushuang City and Sicheng to defect to the World Society, no matter who he was attached to, it was a lot of energy.

The poor Xiongba always thought that the world was in his hands, and did not pay attention to Lu Yang's movements.

But now that a bigger crisis is coming, Lu Yang has no thoughts to win over others.

But he doesn't need to be too accommodating, and many of them have already wanted to follow him.

The people in Huojiazhuang, many old folks in Wushuang City, including heroes from all over the world, are approaching him, gradually forming a big force!

Lu Yang had Fengyun and Kong Ci's things in his mind now, and he had no intention of paying attention to them.

The heroes watched singing and dancing, and kept looking at Lu Yang in their eyes, thinking about how to speak.

Lu Yang frowned and thought.

Now whether it is the way to save Kong Ci and Fengyun, what he is even more puzzled is the purpose of the domineering.

It stands to reason that if Kong Ci betrothed to Qin Shuang, Xiongba would be a better choice.

Think about it carefully, if Kong Ci betrothed to Qin Shuang, Nie Feng would surely turn his back on Bu Jingyun because of Qin Shuang. At that time, I am a little more sure than myself.

Although Nie Feng has a good relationship with himself, it is far less close than Qin Shuang. If he can turn back because of Qin Shuang and Bu Jingyun, he will be more reliable.

Lu Yang was thinking about this. Seeing him thinking, Ruyan whispered in his ear: "My son, the heroes below are all looking at you!"

After hearing this, Lu Yang came back to his senses, chuckled, and said in a low voice, "Let them watch. I can't explain what they worry about!"

Ruyan smiled slightly, feeling like a prank.

Lu Yang has found out the identities of the two girls, both of whom are orphans. Although they are beautiful, there are no less battles in the world than in the palace. The two girls have been together since they were young, and have cooperated tacitly, but they can only protect themselves.

They were loyal to Lu Yang, and Lu Yang told them about his purpose of domineering.

After they heard it, they thought about ideas, but even if they were a little smarter, they still had no idea about these big things.

Lu Yang's group of guards was even more troublesome. The two girls had good ideas, but they stared at Lu Yang and thought about it.

They were determined. What Lu Yang said they did not need to ask the purpose, and they couldn't understand it. ..


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