Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 4 Chapter 349: Broke every inch

As soon as his words were uttered, the two of them woke up.

Yes, the key question now is not how many people die in his hands or how many people live in his hands. Several of the dead are dead, or the talent is the most important!

Thinking of this, Chang Yuchun immediately said: "Monk Peng has taken refuge in Zhang Shicheng, and the other five scattered people also went their separate ways. The left and right messengers Fan Yao and Yang Xiao were in Guangmingding, and they had been emptied by Zhu Yuanzhang. The four kings of the White-browed Eagle and Qing Yibat The king has lived in seclusion and does not care about world affairs. Now Zhu Yuanzhang has only the envoy of the Mingjiao Five Elements Banner and all the generals!"

Lu Yang nodded after hearing what he said, and said with a slight smile: "Fortunately, the seniors retired early and were not attacked by him. Since Brother Chang, you have escaped, now I will settle down. As for where to go in the future. Lu Yang will send you there. As for other people, I can also arrange to catch them, but if you want to avenge other brothers, brothers, you have to consider taking the opportunity to rush Zhu Yuanzhang!"

Chang Yuchun listened for a moment, and then said viciously: "Brother Lu, as long as you can make the old thief lose out, Chang Yunchun will take steps on his brows."

When he got excited, he ignored that Lu Yang was an emperor. However, Lu Yang liked him better, and smiled slightly: "This strategy, it doesn't matter if he loses anything. It is best to let him lose a little bit of hard-earned power! My strategy should be taught by Mingjiao. Brother agrees, I have to trouble Chang Yuchun brother..."

Lu Yang finally took action. It is said that Chang Yuchun fled to Da Zhou. He told Lu Yang about Zhu Yuanzhang's killing of Mingjiao, and Lu was furious.

In the past, he had a connection with Mingjiao, and the latter two and Han Lin'er kept eyeing each other. Han Lin'er died, he didn't do it, and he didn't want to do it this time.

Zhu Yuanzhang was overjoyed and immediately summoned all of them, including Lu Yang's crimes. Most of them are chaotic. In the end, he didn't expect to listen to each of his thoughts sincerely. Is it still true?

As a result, the meeting was held successfully. The meeting unified the confrontation with Lu Yang as the current primary goal, and the conflict between Daming and Da Zhou was the primary conflict in the current military. Recall that Zhu Yuanzhang is the boss. Two basic points are the decision to fight Lv Yang and Da Zhou. Zhu Yuanzhang sent troops in a mighty force.

However, Zhu Yuanzhang, who had just sent troops, encountered a headache. His vanguard led his troops to surrender Lu Yang...

However, Zhu Yuanzhang was not discouraged and continued to send a second subordinate he trusted.

However, this subordinate was killed by his subordinates, and then led his troops to join Lu Yang...

However, Zhu Yuanzhang was not discouraged and asked Xu Da to lead his troops as the vanguard to attack Lu Yang.

However, Xu Da was blocked by Chang Yuchun on the way, and then he unknowingly took refuge in Lu Yang...

However, Zhu Yuanzhang is not discouraged yet...

Don't be discouraged, Zhu Yuanzhang is mad. All his troops have turned to Lu Yang. Only then did Zhu Yuanzhang wake up, why his conference was so successful. Why did this attack go so smoothly? Why did Lu Yang send troops!

Seeing his troops decrease one by one, Zhu Yuanzhang has a feeling of tears in the wind!

He really shed tears in the wind!

After returning from exhaustion, Xu Da looked at him with tears and couldn't help but horrified: "Master, what's the matter with you!" Zhu Yuanzhang said with a tear, "It's nothing, it's in the sand!"

Xu Da was shocked and sad, and saw that his army became Lu Yang's army. He was helpless.

Zhu Yuanzhang returned to the army in disappointment, but just returned to Yingtian, Haozhou surrendered to Lu Yang.

Immediately afterwards, the sergeants near Nanjing also surrendered to Lu Yang!

When he went home and settled, he killed Han Lin'er this time, suppressed the Mingjiao seat, and then killed the Mingjiao children, but his strength did not increase, and he returned to the pre-liberation period.

Not only that, he had just returned home, and Chen Youliang brought troops to attack him.

Zhu Yuanzhang didn't dare to send troops anymore, so he could only stay in Yingtian and hold on tightly!

Chen Youliang came to play a circle, seemingly uninterested, and bypassed Ying Tian to fight Zhang Shicheng.

People don't take Zhu Yuanzhang seriously anymore! Zhu Yuanzhang was hit hard, and for a while he began to doubt his abilities!

Finally, one night, Zhu Yuanzhang was confused and couldn't sleep. He went to the mountains and forests to relax. He accidentally arrived at a ruined temple. It sounded that he was also a monk back then and couldn't help but enter the Buddhist temple and wanted to spend the night.

As a result, the old abbot saw him look lonely and thought it was an unscrupulous martial artist, so he was driven out.

When Zhu Yuanzhang was indignant, he sneaked into the monastery and killed all the young and old in the monastery. Then he left a message in the Buddhist hall: "Come into the monastery, the foolish monk, the arrogant blood and the **** sword. The old monk does not know the hero, but he compares the thieves to the poor monks!

The first two sentences said that Lao Tzu killed a man in the temple, and now there are blood marks on the knife edge. The last sentence is the reason. I killed you because you didn't know that I was a hero. The last sentence is a cover up. He also knows that killing people is not good, so he describes himself as an old monk.

Unexpectedly, although this monk died, his wife survived.

At that time, the monk was allowed to go to his wife, so the old monk had a concubine who was eighteen years old. She and the monk in the monastery secretly invited her that night. She didn't go to the monastery. When she went back, she happened to see Zhu Yuanzhang writing. He hid quietly, waiting for Zhu Yuanzhang to leave before he swept up the gold and silver in the temple and planned to escape.

He didn't want to leave the front foot, and Zhu Yuanzhang came back on the back foot. He felt that he had left the word a little too ostentatious and planned to wipe it off.

I faintly felt wrong when I came back, but saw a **** footprint continuing from the old monk's room to the door. Zhu Yuanzhang immediately knew that someone had seen him kill someone, and immediately chased him.

At this time, the woman and the monk met, and the two agreed to go to the desert to take refuge.

As a result, Zhu Yuanzhang had already killed him before he left. Two people were killed on the spot.

Zhu Yuanzhang swept away the two men's money and pretended to be a robber attack. He stripped the two of them off to make a look like a sneak plea before leaving. ..


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