Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 5 Chapter 189: Feast

Sanniang cried and laughed when she heard the words, raised her head and looked at him, as if to say again: "What do we have in private?"

Lu Yang seemed to feel what she meant, he shook his heart, and turned his head as if avoiding: "Ahem! Change your course tomorrow and send the letter to General Tian first. Don't let him wait in vain!"

Seeing him avoiding, Sanniang immediately took revenge and made him stand in front of him, looked at him in revenge, and said: "Yes!"

Lu Yang avoided his eyes once again, nodded and said, "Go back and rest!"

Sanniang continued to stand opposite him, staring at him and said, "Go back to the rank of general. Sanniang wants to sit for a while!"

Seeing his persistence, Lv Yang said with anger: "What are you looking at me doing. Are there flowers on my face?"

Sanniang suddenly chuckled when she heard this, and said with a smile: "The general rest early, Sanniang will go back now!"

Lu Yang's face turned red when he was smiling, and he glanced at his lips and said, "It's midnight, don't stand here. Go, let's rest together!"

Sanniang's face changed after hearing this, and Zeng's face suddenly became red. She seemed to want to reprimand Lu Yang, but she couldn't get angry. Lu Yang felt strange for a while, staring at her blankly for a while and suddenly understood something. Touched his nose and said: "Don't get me wrong, I mean, cough cough, differently at the same time!"

In fact, he didn't explain, and Sanniang wouldn't think too much.

For Lu Yang's thoughts, she has been buried in her heart. Missing in her heart, she felt that she was just a little woman, and he always had an inferiority complex in front of Lu Yang.

She loved a man in her life, the man who saved her name.

That year, she was twelve years old. Has become a helpless beggar, begging on the street every day, and can only go back to a ruined temple to rest at night. On this page, she just fell asleep when suddenly a figure fell on him.

She recognized that this was one of the beggars in the ruined temple, and this man kept looking at her with a strange look. He has never understood the meaning of this look, but he understood it tonight.

In this ruined temple, no one had any questions about her life or death. She is just a helpless beggar!

The man's breathing is very rough and his movements are very rough. In his eyes, he seemed to be Gao Yang, allowing him to insult him. She fought desperately, desperately calling for help. But no one can help him.

Some beggar was awakened by her voice, but just glanced here and didn't care. Some people showed a smirking smile, and seemed to appreciate the scene very much.

There are also many men who breathe and have a stroke. She has no doubt that other men will come after this man leaves. In their eyes, she became a catharsis tool!

She had never thought of resisting, who was already desperate. But a trace of the desire to survive in my heart is still lingering. Without knowing where the strength came from, he broke away from one of the man's hands, grabbed a crutch on the man's head and hit it.

The man got him a stick, screamed in pain, and got off him. She stood up in horror, ignoring her clothes, being dragged by the man to normal pants and ran outside.

After that day, he didn't even have a place to live, he could only rest in the woods.

Every night, he couldn't sleep, for fear of being eaten by wild animals in his sleep.

She thought it was his fate. Until that day! That day, she was finally hungry and couldn't stand it, and grabbed someone's drumstick. The man caught him and beat him severely. Later it seemed that she was found to be pretty purple. The man became malicious and took her to an alley and began to undress her. She was so hungry that she couldn't care about other things, just his chicken legs.

Finally, another person appeared. He killed the man and took himself to a warm place. Here, she eats some and drinks some. Who can be in the warm bed every night.

It was that day that she felt love for the first time in her life. She fell in love with this man and began to do what the man said desperately, trying to make this man happy with herself.

One day, he heard that this man and a little girl of her grade were often in the same room. She was very jealous.

That night, she washed herself clean and quietly got into the man's bed. The man was fine and found her, but he didn't do anything to him, he just looked at her naked body and laughed.

His laughter was very hearty and charming, but it was not what she wanted to hear.

She got angry, put on her clothes and left the room in a tantrum, and cried all night. He ignored the man the next day, but he treated her the same way. In order to **** off the man, she began to show kindness to other men.

Finally, the man started to care about her. He told her that he was too old. Can't love her anymore. He also told her that in the future he would meet another person and give her happiness.

That day, she finally knew that age would become a barrier. And she can break through the obstacle, but she can't break through the obstacle!

Until she met this man, she didn't know when she had the slightest throbbing.

This man has the breath of that man. How many times have the two figures gradually overlapped in her dreams. She knew she liked this man, but she encountered another barrier.

That's the identity!

She finally understood the helplessness of that person back then. It's not that he doesn't like himself, but facing this insurmountable gap, he dare not show love to her. At this time, the helpless person was replaced by her.

She could only look at the man quietly, and the two people were together in the dream. At this time, Lu Yang said nothing at all. But in her heart, it was another chance for a spring dream! She knew that tonight, maybe it was another sleepless night...

Thinking of this, she faintly looked forward to it. Just such a night is a luxury in her eyes! And this bit of extravagant hope is also a kind of pain. He knew that this was what she could only obtain. Thinking of this, she felt another uncontrollable sadness in her heart! ..


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