Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 5 Chapter 112: Ma Zhisi

Lu Yang kept waiting for him to go in before he rode his horse back. Tao Fang, who was following him, heard his horseshoes go backwards, and couldn't help but look back and saw that he was going to the stables instead of the manor. He couldn't help but jumped to the horse's head and followed him.

Lu Yang went all the way to the stables, looking at the stables one by one, like a bachelor looking at someone else's wife, his eyes full of greed. He now has an army of 50,000. If the recruitment goes well, his soldiers should be increased by 80,000 or even 100,000. Of course this depends on the development of Xicheng.

Hanhai’s geographical location decided that he could not use farmland to heal the army. He could only rely on Xicheng’s income and the money given to him by his Mohists everywhere. Although he now deploys his forces all over the world, these people will not be able to get them back when he sends them out. Up. For this he can only send more people to increase his income.

In this way, the number of people he can use is limited. Even with 80,000 soldiers, there can only be 30,000 cavalry at most. In this era, 30,000 cavalry is not a big deal at all. But if he has horses, he can have 100,000 cavalry in three years!

One hundred thousand cavalry!

With one hundred thousand cavalry, as long as he has a suitable site for replenishing food and grass, there are really no princes he is afraid of in the world! With his saddle, he is united in the world.

So looking at these fierce horses, his heart still warmed up.

Tao Fang followed from a distance, and saw that he was nostalgic between the stables. He couldn't help but wonder: "Why is Lord Hou so interested in these horses? Is he also a horse lover?"

Lu Yang was suddenly alert when he heard his voice, and hurriedly withdrew his gaze, hehe and smiled: "I just just take a look, these horses are very beautiful!"

Tao Fang laughed after hearing what he said, "Is this what is good? It is better to say that it is better than Ma Biao from the Great Food Country. If it is said that among the Seven Kingdoms, the endurance of Qin's horse is good, Zhao Guo The horses of Yan are good at charging. The horses of Yan State have the best of both families, but none of them spit out. But they are human. Master Hou likes the good horses that I have taken. I can ask the master to get some for you someday!"

Lu Yang smiled, and said in his heart, I don't want a batch of horses. Then I thought about it, now Darkwater Guard has just developed, and the personnel have been dispersed. There are many people in those schools, but apart from the Mohist school, none of them is truly loyal to him, and he can't fully rely on him. He still has too little power now! Even with war horses, how can there be a large number of soldiers?

Thinking of this, he shook his head, smiled bitterly in his heart, and said to Tao Fang: "Liangju, see if you can. I still like more stable horses!"

Tao Fang was a little disappointed when he heard what he said, but he quickly laughed and said, "Liangju is like a beautiful woman. Just train more. Lord Hou is so good with women, so naturally he has more ways with Liangju! "

Lu Yang was taken aback, and said in surprise: "You see that I have a solution to women!"

Tao Fang smiled, showing a tacit look in his eyes: "Why Lord Hou is so humble? Many people in Handan already admire the way Lord Hou conquers women!" Lv Yang curled his lips when he heard what he said, and finally glanced at the war horse, and said boredly: "Let's go! Let's go back!"

With that, he turned on his horse and galloped towards the manor.

Tao Fang glanced at his back, shook his head somewhat unclearly, turned on his horse, and ran away.

Back at the manor, Lu Yang was led by Tao Fang to his residence. After taking a shower, he went to rest.

At the same time, in the room not far from him, Wu Yingyuan listened to his subordinates and muttered: "You mean, the first thing Lu Yang did when he came here was to go to the stables!"

The opposite person nodded and said, "Yes, as soon as he came to the manor, he rode his horse back to see the stables. Moreover, he reluctantly left when Tao Fang arrived!"

"Reluctant to leave?" Wu Yingyuan frowned and said: "How to reluctant to leave?"

The man woke up and thought: "How should I put it, the way he looked at the horse, it was a bit like his subordinate saw a stunning beauty, and his saliva was about to stay!"

When Wu Yingyuan heard this, he gave him an angry look and said, "You are not promising..." Halfway through, he suddenly frowned, and said in deep thought, "It seems that I'm right, he is really ambitious! "

The man was reprimanded by him, his face turned red, and after hearing what he said, he couldn't help but wonder: "Young Master's words mean..."

Wu Yingyuan snorted coldly: "Warhorses are not widely used in the Central Plains, but they are a force in the grasslands. It was when King Zhao officially began to dominate with his Hufu riding and shooting. He paid so much attention to war horses, so naturally he was not ambitious. He is young, but he is not suitable for raising horses in the vast sea, so he covets horses!"

The man was slightly taken aback when he heard what he said, and he hesitated: "What the young master means is that he also has the ambition to dominate the world? It's just that he has a vast ocean, but it is a barren land?"

"A barren land?" Wu Yingyuan snorted coldly: "It is regarded as barren land, but in the eyes of the old man, there is gold everywhere. I can't think of it, a daddy who doesn't kiss, and his grandmother doesn't love Hanhai. She is Lv Yang rising right there! Many businesses of my Wu family have already begun to desperately squeeze into Xicheng. Even more, he has been mentioned as a business that is pervasive throughout the world. In addition, the Mo family and other big clans, as well as the gradually gathered swordsmen. Ranger, and even his new types of industries. If Xicheng becomes bigger, it will be no less than the combined republic of Handan and Xianyang!"

The man listened to his eyes and said in amazement: "He has such strength! But... no matter how rich he is, he doesn't have any soldiers. Once my army of the State of Zhao is gone, won't he be wiped out?"

Wu Yingyuan shook his head and said: "I may be sure now, but I am afraid that Qin Zhao will not be able to wait for three years! He is doing very low-key now, so I have never noticed it. That is to say, we are the merchants. Warning. The key issue is that he has always been tolerant of Lu Buwei in terms of interests, making him unaware of his growth, which shows that he has a very precise control of the overall situation of the world!"..


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