Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 5 Chapter 133: Why drunk tomorrow

After hearing this, everyone came back to their senses, and they couldn't help revealing the aunt. Lu Yang smiled and said: "Whether it is a housekeeper or the people. The man just asks for a clear conscience. You only need to know that you have a clear conscience. Wu Tian just gives you knowledge a chance to show yourself! Now the opportunity is here, I hope you all can Great..."

Halfway through his words, suddenly the door of the room was opened dreamily, and a figure rushed in in a panic, "The general is not good!"

Lu Yang's face sank when he heard that, this man was a member of his army. Be regarded as his guard. Only this person knows when he came here, and at this moment he was so panicked that something big must have happened! When other people saw him coming, they were all slightly startled.

Lu Yang said with a gloomy expression: "What happened?"

But the soldier said: "Our people... are surrounded by people!"

Lu Yang looked at her in astonishment when he heard the words: "Encircle? Our brothers are in the port. The port is a world of gangbang. Who dares to surround us? How do they defend us?"

The soldier heard the words and said ugly, he hesitated: "Well...we have some brothers in the port for a while. I thought that there were brothers in Qufu city, and wanted to come and pass away. As a result, a few people went to the tavern to relive the past. If there is no meeting, I will be surrounded!"

When the generals heard this, their expressions changed, and they became furious. Sanniang already slapped the table and said angrily: "Legacy! The general strictly ordered you not to enter Qufucheng! You treat the general's words as fart!" At this point, he seemed to think that what he said was a little inappropriate, and immediately changed his words: "You Do you still have military laws in your eyes?"

The soldier's face became more ugly when he heard the words, and he lowered his head and dared not speak! Lu Yang looked at her gloomily for a while, then stood up and said, "How many of them are surrounded...there are people there, take me there!"

Seeing that his face was so gloomy, several people became a little worried. Although these soldiers were disobedient, they were their own brothers, and they were not as severely punished like Lu Yang. Quickly persuaded: "General, a few **** are disobedient. The general should not be angry. If they suffer, they will know that they are wrong!"

Lu Yang's expression became more gloomy when he heard that, and he suddenly turned his head to look at them and said, "Suffer? This is not a loss! I am a general, and what I say is military law! If you don't respect military law, you must deal with it! If this happens, What can you do in combat? They will not stop feeling my words today, and tomorrow they will not respect the orders! The people are there! Take me there!"

He was so angry that other people did not dare to speak. The soldier was here to find someone to help his life, but his face became more gloomy after hearing his words...

In an inn in the north of Qufu, a large group of officers and soldiers blocked the entire inn. At the officer's center, four beaten-up men lay dying. A arrogant general looked at a few bruised people with a sneer: "A hooligan is a hooligan! Be an officer or a hooligan! After eating ambitious bullets, he dare to claim to be an officer and soldier in Qufu? Punishment, next time I see you come to Qufu again, this general will kill you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he narrated a test-based voice and said: "General, these four people are already half dead. It's better to get the result directly, or to teach Wu Tian a lesson!"

The general snorted coldly when he heard the words, and glanced at his mouth and said: "What's the use of killing them? Throwing a few people into the pigsty! Such humiliation is even worse than killing them, hehe!"

The voice of the test heard the words, and said with a sneer: "Hey! Stay here and throw it into the pit!"

After he finished speaking, immediately two soldiers and two men headed to the nearest pit!

Soon after, Lu Yang also appeared outside the pit, looking at the four people in the pit with a gloomy expression!

The next few generals couldn't help but feel angry when they saw the two people doing this. Although they were rascals before, they are now officers and soldiers, and officers and soldiers have the dignity of officers and soldiers. How could the soldiers in Qufu feel comfortable in insulting them? However, they also know their identities. Although they are now Qi's army, after all, they were born as gangsters, and they have always had an inferiority complex in their hearts. But if two people are like this, Lu Yang's anger should be gone!

Thinking of this, Sanniang hesitated for a while, and said to Lu Yang: "General! The two of them are so punished! Don't be angry, general!"

When Lu Yang heard this, not only was his expression not better, but even more gloomy!

Sanniang's heart sank, and at the same time she began to feel a little uncomfortable. Although these two people violated the military law, they were already so humiliated. Wouldn't Lu Yang let them go?

However, Lu Yang said in a cold tone: "Hun Jianglong, I don't respect military law, what should I do!"

Hun Jianglong heard the words and hesitated, saying: "General, they are already like don't want to..."

He didn't finish a word, but saw Lu Yang turn around, staring at him sharply and said: "What? Are you keeping me talking?"

Hun Jianglong heard this, a pain in his eyes, gritted his teeth and said: "I don't respect General's orders, Zhang Ze is thirty!"

Lu Yang nodded lightly when he heard the words: "People will be dragged out. Clean up and heal the wounds, and then receive military law!"

The lieutenant general was taken aback when he heard the words, and then he was relieved. Sanniang felt much more at ease. But Lu Yang said again: "As soldiers of the Qi country. The people of the Qi country are our parents. Although these two people are not members of the army, they will stay and cultivate together!"

The lieutenant general finally felt a lot more at ease. However, Lu Yang said again: "As a military general, restrain the disadvantages of his subordinates. Whose subordinates are these two men? Who the **** get me out!"

Hearing what she said, Hun Jiang Long Lian suddenly pulled down, these two people are his men! After hearing Lu Yang's words, the other generals suddenly showed the intention of canceling.

However, Lu Yang suddenly turned around and said, "Sanniang, you go to Jiangkou. Before it gets dark today, I want all the soldiers to gather at the gate of Qufu City before night. There is one missing person, I am asking for you!" He said in a tone. Resolute, some indisputable tone! ..


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