Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 5 Chapter 154: General Zhao Zhao Mu

Lu Yang finally led the troops out, and Zhao Guoxia learned that the Yan army had brought people to attack Zhao Guo. King Zhao knew that there was no way to hide it, he could only delay the preparations for the battle, and Lu Yang was carrying the second batch of grain and grass transportation team in the country of Zhao. It will attack the enemy together with the front-line army of Lian Po and Zhao Mu.

However, Lu Yang's expedition gave many people in Handan great hope.

Because of Lu Yang...

Look at him riding a tall aunt with a slapstick look on his face. He never forgot to recruit Zhao Guoren while walking on the road. Do you even wink at the little **** the road, because the big **** the road dare not look at him.

Although somewhat inconspicuous, this person is indeed an extraordinary person. Think about what he has done over the years. Han Hai’s affairs may be far away from the people of Zhao Guo. No one has ever known the truth or not, but he said that he led troops into Handan and fought against the people of King Zhao. After that, all of them showed his outstanding leadership ability.

This man is the creator of too many miracles, and he is full of hope for this war when he recalls. Therefore, his appearance gave the gloomy Handan Chengping a bit of hope.

Many people began to think that Lu Yang was a lucky star given to them by heaven...

The army marched along the pipeline all the way, and it was not until the sixth day that it had a round with Zhao Mu's army. Zhao Mu was half a beat slower than Lian. Obviously, he came to meet Lu Yang intentionally.

He also heard a little about this person. He said to Handan for just a few days, all kinds of surprises continued. However, Zhao Mu was already old, and he hadn't had much enthusiasm for Zhao's situation, so his attitude towards Lu Yang was mediocre.

Lian Po and Zhao Mu entered the mountain steadily and the other was sharp as an arrow. Both were once the pillars of the Zhao country. But at this time, Zhao Mu's heart also faded, watching Zhao Wang gradually become decadent, and he didn't have that serious concern about the family and country.

Moreover, his life's contribution is in the north, and resisting the Huns is his strong point. He is also very experienced in Qin, who is close to the Huns. It has to be said that Zhao Mu is a strong man in the main general of Zhao Kingdom.

However, the strongman also has the end of the year, and now Zhao Mu is just that.

However, Lu Yang did take this historically famous general seriously. He is slender and well-proportioned. A face with Chinese characters is slightly elegant, with a hint of grace.

The shoulders are slightly wider, making him look tall. The arms are a little longer, but they are not very obtrusive. You can think about it, this general must be a handsome guy when he is young.

The two hurriedly looked at each other, and Lu Yang said: "The general's style is really outstanding!"

Zhao Muqian smiled amicably, without a trace of closeness. Instead, he said: "I heard that your Excellency has done well in the north. You did a good job!"

Lu Yang smiled slightly and said: "Compared with the generals but the soldiers of the Xiongnu, what we did under the wing is still not enough! Thinking about the generals of the past is really admirable!" Zhao Mu couldn't help but smile upon his face. Obviously, for this period of time, he still remembers very much. Hearing what Lu Yang said, he smiled and said, "You are in Hanhai, and the main enemy is also the Huns. I don't know if there is a cure?"

He just asked casually, looking for words without words. At this time, the army was resting and the soldiers set up their tents. Lu Yang was a military commander. He was one of the chief generals. He naturally had to contact him. Although he didn't have this thought, he always wanted to meet him.

Hearing what he said, Lu Yang smiled and said: "The Hun’s trouble is not in soldiers, but in plunder. Lu Yang's men are all horse thieves, so they are all with them in this matter. It is not difficult to deal with them. !"

Zhao Mu was taken aback when he heard his words, and seemed to have a hint of interest. He hehe smiled and said, "I have resisted the Huns for more than ten years. I don't know how you say it is not difficult?"

Lu Yang smiled lightly: "The general used to take advantage of the Xiongnu's carelessness when he stopped. King Zhao Wuling used the solid foundation of the Central Plains against the Huns. Lu Yang dared to ask the general that Lu Yang now has wisdom, patience, and financial resources. , Why can't you resist the Huns!"

Seeing this young man so confident, Zhao Mu couldn't help but smile. After laughing, his face was indeed a little serious and said, "Hou Master, have you forgotten my Zhao Guo's paper talk?"

Lu Yang smiled when he heard what he said and said in his heart, this person really did not think wrong with me. Looks very elegant, but he is actually a character who hides needles in Mianli.

He chuckled and said, "Even if it is not feasible on paper, Lu Yang does use a certain good place on paper."

At that time, kraft paper was used, so the paper in Zhao Mu's mouth was kraft paper. The people generally don't use paper as a wasteful thing, so there is no such thing as a piece of paper.

After listening to Lu Yang's words, Zhao Mu smiled lightly and said: "Listening to Lord Hou's meaning, is he full of confidence in the suffering of the Huns?"

Lu Yang laughed and said, "It's not that confidence is slow, but that they have never taken them seriously."

Zhao Mu saw him so rampant, but he didn't like it for a while. Once upon a time, he was also such a young man with slow confidence.

When facing the Huns' army, when everyone else was afraid, he didn't pay attention to the number four. Facing the provocation of the Huns, he just laughed it off. This free and easy attitude allowed him to finally win.

He knew that Lu Yang was not an arrogant man. An arrogant man cannot talk about Han Hai's complete transformation.

I liked it in my heart, and the look on his face became focused. Facing Lu Yang’s rampantism, he reminded carefully: "Although the Huns have been looked down upon by my Central Plains people, they are not without their minds. Lu Hou is young and still Don't be fooled by them!"

After hearing his words, Lu Yang laughed and said: "The general is too worried. The reason why Lu Yang is rampant is not because he doesn't know how powerful the Huns are, but because he knows their toughness. However, under the appearance of the powerful Huns, there is indeed a layer. Another reason,"

As he said, he sighed: "The reason why the Huns are strong is because they have to fight against the heaven and the earth, and the reason for plundering is also because they also fight against the earth and heaven."


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